viernes, diciembre 27, 2013

Cuba: Remembering dissident rapper Angel Yunier Remon

During the holidays, let's continue to highlight some of the current political prisoners that the Castro brothers would like the world to forget.

Today, we remember 30-year old dissident rapper, Angel Yunier Remon, who just spent his first Christmas in a political prison.

Yunier Remon, whose stage name is "el Critico del Arte" ('The Art Critic'), was attacked with tear gas and arrested on March 21st, 2013, for his criticism of the Castro regime.

In prison -- where he is being held without charges or trial -- Yunier has been continuously beaten, contracted various diseases, denied family visits and been held naked in a punishment cell.

He has undertaken several hunger strikes to protest his cruel and arbitrary imprisonment.

Demand his freedom.

Cuba, de la sacarocracia a la chulocracia

Ruinas del ingenio "La Caridad de Tartabul", Cienfuegos/ Panoramio - Photo by ceosgol
Los datos aportados por el gran historiador cubano Manuel Moreno Fraginals en su breve y enjundiosa historia de Cuba que redactara en La Florida absolutamente de memoria, ya en el exilio y sin un solo documento o bibliografía a la mano una vez caído en desgracia ante el régimen castrista a pesar de su declarado guevarismo, bajo el título de Cuba-España/España-Cuba, son sencillamente abrumadores. Se reducen a una asombrosa constatación: tan rica y tan poderosa fue la burguesía cubana, enriquecida como ninguna otra de las Américas gracias a la explotación industrial y moderna del azúcar, primer producto de exportación de los siglos XVIII y XIX y por ello la industria más exitosa y productiva de ninguna otra bajo el imperio de la corona española, que resulta inadecuado calificar a Cuba de colonia.
Esa burguesía, bautizada por Moreno Fraginals de sacarocracia, era tanto o más poderosa y rica que la aristocracia española, poseía las mayores influencias políticas y sociales sobre la corona y se pavoneaba no sólo de su asombrosa riqueza sino de la cantidad de títulos nobiliarios con los que se había hecho a punta de dinero: “En La Habana, en 1790, existían 23 títulos nobiliarios y 17 en tramitación, todos ellos criollos. (Manuel Moreno Fraginals, El País, 26 de julio de 1985). De allí el hecho excepcional que tuviera gran repercusión en el comportamiento de Cuba y su alineamiento puro y duro junto a las autoridades hispanas frente al proceso independentista vivido por el continente bajo el sacrificio y la entrega de cientos de miles de vidas venezolanas: “Era una oligarquía enriquecida, de primer orden, con mucha fuerza político-social, y suponía un eje estructural dentro del antiguo régimen, lo que es un caso excepcional en América Latina”.(Ibídem).
En otras palabras: la burguesía cubana pertenecía propiamente a la clase dirigente peninsular y tenía tanto interés en la preservación de la dominación colonial de España, como España misma. La sacarocracia ejerció, como grupo de presión, una influencia directa sobre las autoridades metropolitanas. En 1804 las estadísticas manejadas por Moreno Fraginals indican que el 51,3% de las plantaciones de caña de azúcar estaban en manos de los cubanos.
Las 30 primeras en volumen de producción también eran suyas. Se calcula que en esta época había unos 80 cafetales, ninguno español. Sus dueños no constituían “una oligarquía plantadora absentista que explotara las plantaciones desde la metrópoli, sino que estaba en el mismo lugar de la plantación, donde recibía los beneficios y, obviamente, buscaba un sistema político afín a sus intereses”. Esa sistema político no fue ni podía ser el republicano perseguido a sangre y fuego por Bolívar, Sucre, San Martín u O’Higgins. Razón que llevó a la clase dirigente cubana a jugar todas sus bazas contra el esfuerzo liberador de tierra firme. El independentismo cubano fue marginal, de poca monta y sin ningún efecto político militar. La ruptura del cordón umbilical de la sacarocracia con la corona fue producto del inmenso poder obtenido por los Estados Unidos y la acción de sus cañoneras. Lo demás es epopeya marxista.
En el convulso período pre y post independentista, abierto definitivamente el 19 de abril de 1810 en Caracas, según escribiese Moreno Fraginals en sus obras fundamentales – El Ingenio y Cuba España/España-Cuba -, aquella oligarquía hizo gobierno, arrancando a la metrópoli todas las leyes y reglamentos que necesitaba para estructurar su propio sistema de plantación y de explotación económica, política y social.
¿Qué interés podría haber tenido en separarse de España, si de la corona obtenía cuanto necesitaba para la preservación de su riqueza y su Poder político y social? “Por ejemplo, puede decirse que a partir de 1792, y con motivo del punto fundamental que perseguían para el desarrollo del sistema de plantación -el libre comercio de esclavos-, la oligarquía obtuvo el libre comercio para todo. El libre comercio en la isla de Cuba es un hecho real, factual, independiente de la legislación, desde 1792″ . Aquella gente obtuvo además leyes complementarias sobre la propiedad de la tierra y, hecho curioso, liquidó la producción tabacalera para impedir toda competencia. “En la década última del siglo XVIII los cubanos tuvieron que importar tabaco del norte para poder fumar”. El caso insólito de la ruina tabacalera fue una acción consciente contra el sistema de factoría y contra “el único cultivo fundamental que estaba en manos de los españoles”. De allí que los logros alcanzados por la sacarocracia de libertad absoluta de la trata de esclavos, libre comercio, liquidación de la factoría tabacalera y nuevas leyes sobre la tierra, definen, según Moreno, las coordenadas de un poder efectivo en Cuba.
Las consecuencias fueron definitorias: mientras todas las colonias hispanoamericanas estaban sujetas al férreo yugo colonial, Cuba estuvo liberada de todo lazo colonialista, en el sentido clásico del término; fue una excepción. “Cuba no era una colonia en el sentido exacto de la palabra”. No respondía al modelo inglés.
En Cuba eran los naturales de la isla los que imponían el sistema de plantación. Asimismo, la producción no se enviaba a la metrópoli para ser reprocesada y vendida, y España, siendo poseedora de la que iba a ser primera productora mundial de azúcar (de 1829 a 1950), no disponía siquiera de refinería azucarera. Cuba, como colonia, “no tenía un mercado en su metrópoli y menos aun un mercado preferencial”. Y, finalmente, no se daba otra característica colonial: “La metrópoli impone generalmente a la colonia su sistema monetario, y España en el siglo pasado tenía el más atrasado y degradado sistema monetario de Europa. En Cuba lo normal era la circulación del dólar norteamericano, el peso mexicano y los llamados pesos colombianos”. La interconexión con la economía norteamericana durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX llegó al extremo de plantearse la venta pura y simple de la isla a una sociedad mercantil norteamericana.
Cuba, “primera productora mundial de azúcar desde 1829 a 1950”, lo que le permitió ser una de las sociedades más prósperas de la región, reafirmó su naturaleza idiosincrática una década después, cuando al fragor del castrismo se convertiría en la primera y única sociedad socialista del hemisferio. Con una consecuencia inevitable, propia de regímenes comunistas: de la mayor prosperidad pasó a la mayor miseria y de la mayor independencia a la mayor dependencia económica: de ser dominada por su sacarocracia en connivencia con España o los Estados Unidos, pasó a serlo por el gobierno soviético, que se convirtió en su sostén material. Hasta la caída del Muro de Berlín y la desaparición de la Unión Soviética. Luego de lo cual, y tras una travesía por el océano de la más espantosa ruindad y miseria vino a aferrarse al gobierno del teniente coronel Hugo Chávez y a mamar y sobrevivir de su última teta: el petróleo venezolano. Para reafirmar así el paso de la sacarocracia que la llevara a las alturas del Poder y la riqueza a la espantosa miseria de la chulocracia castrista.
Como hubiera dicho Chivo Negro: así son las cosas.

Why we find things beautiful

The Economist

Rodolfo Hernandez, Awarded Medal of Honor, Dies at 82


Rodolfo Hernandez, who received the Medal of Honor for rushing into heavy fire while wounded and armed with only an inoperable rifle and bayonet and then killing six enemy soldiers during the Korean War, died on Saturday in Fayetteville, N.C. He was 82.

The Congressional Medal of Honor Society announced his death on itswebsite. Mr. Hernandez was an Army corporal trying to hold a hill in May 1951 when his platoon was overwhelmed by attackers accompanied by heavy mortar, artillery and machine gun fire.
Corporal Hernandez had already been struck by grenade fragments and was bleeding heavily from a head wound when his commanding officer ordered his platoon to fall back. He continued firing until his rifle malfunctioned, then threw six grenades and charged at the opposing foxholes.
Read the rest of the story at the New York Times >>

Obama Channeling Pope Francis to Sell Wealth Redistribution

President Obama is using Pope Francis to foster wealth redistribution ideas in his speeches on the importance of reducing the gap between rich and poor.

Now that the President’s message of “Hope and Change” has drastically soured over his last few years in office, Obama is hoping the popular pontiff’s vitality will rub off on him. Michael Peppard, a professor of politics and the papacy at Fordham University, posits, "I think Obama probably wants to tap into some of the energy, and tap into some of it for his own message."
Obama quoted Francis in a recent speech on fiscal policy this month: "How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses 2 points?" Although the President has tangled with the Catholic Church on a variety of issues, most notably the contraceptive provisions in the Affordable Care Act, Obama now sees the Pope as an ally. 
Larry Snyder, President of Catholic Charities, is distrustful of Obama embedding Francis’s words into his political speeches. "The danger I see in it is that the pope is not a politician," he cautioned. "When the pope speaks, there's a consistent teaching. And the danger would be other people pick and choose, 'I like this, but I don't like that.'”
Obama has employed a “pick and choose approach” when it comes to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Expressing values antithetical to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the President has announced his approval for gay marriage and is an advocate of abortion. However, Obama views Pope Francis as like-minded when it comes to social issues of immigration or increasing funding for welfare programs. In December, Obama told MSNBC that Francis was an "extraordinarily thoughtful and soulful messenger of peace and justice."
Arguing that their religious freedom is being violated, U.S. Bishops have criticized the President and Obamacare for mandating that Catholic institutions include a contraceptive provision in the healthcare plans that they offer to their employees. This point of contention is a serious problem in improving the White House’s relationship with the Church.

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations of 2013

By Ilya Shapiro
One of Barack Obama’s chief accomplishments has been to return the Constitution to a central place in our public discourse. Unfortunately, the president fomented this upswing in civic interest not by talking up the constitutional aspects of his policy agenda, but by blatantly violating the strictures of our founding document. Read at cato >>

Cuba: Detalles de la detención y golpiza de activistas de Derechos Humanos en Guantánamo

El 24 de diciembre de 2013, los activistas Yordis García Fournier (Mov. Jóvenes por la Democracia) Y Yobel Sevila Martínez (Alianza Democrática Oriental, ADO) fueron detenidos y golpeados en Guantánamo por agentes policiales, en presencia de altos cargos de la llamada Seguridad del Estado (Policía Política).

EstadodeSats: Prensa y nuevos medios en el I Encuentro Internacional sobre derechos humanos y Pactos ONU

Panel Prensa y nuevos medios en el I Encuentro Internacional sobre derechos humanos y Pactos ONU realizado bajo fuerte represion y cerco policial el 10 de diciembre 2013 en la sede del proyecto independiente Estado de Sats en Miramar, La Habana, Cuba.

Chinese automaker Geely planning assembly in Cuba

Geely stand at the International Havana Fair (FIHAV)
CUBA STANDARD — As the Cuban government is gradually freeing new-car sales for individuals, Chinese automaker Geely, already the No. 1 auto seller on the island, is positioning itself for growth in Cuba and the wider region.
The company is planning to establish a semi-knock down (SKD) assembly plant in Cuba, Shanghai Geely International Corporation, Geely’s international arm, announced in a press release republished by Global Times. The company didn’t provide any specifics.
In an ambitious global expansion plan, Geely set a target of opening 15 assembly plants overseas by 2015, according to an article by Automotive Logistics magazine.
In semi-knock down assembly, a manufacturer typically exports a kit with complete car body, usually coated or already painted, to then add engine and transmission, tires, wheels, seats, headlights, glass, batteries, interior plastics, or other components in final assembly, some of them locally sourced.
“At the request of several ministries in Cuba, including the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Investment, the Ministry of Communications, and the Ministry of Metallurgy Industry, Geely International is now preparing to launch the SKD project in a local place,” the company said in the press release.
The announcement comes as the Cuban government is seeking manufacturers to open shop at its new Mariel Special Development Zone, an export-oriented zone around a deepwater port 30 miles west of Havana.
Cuba is the company’s largest market in the Caribbean, Central America and northern part of South America. Geely sold at least 3,200 vehicles to Cuba in 2013, in two batches; the Geely CK has held the spot of most-sold new car model in Cuba since 2009. The company is also selling vehicles in Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela.
In 2012, the company opened a contract assembly plant in Uruguay in a joint venture with a local partner, making it Geely’s first in the Western hemisphere. The plant, with a capacity of 20,000 cars per year, is supplying primarily Mercosur markets Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, as well as Chile. Forty percent of the components in Uruguay are locally sourced, with a goal of reaching 60 percent by the third year.
All Geely vehicles sold to Cuba in 2013 were made at the Uruguayan plant.
“Geely International actively takes measures in relevant areas and has achieved essential progress,” the company said in a  recent statement about the Cuban market.
On Dec. 19, official media announced that for the first time since 1959, individuals will be allowed to purchase new cars without a permit. The state will retain its monopoly over new-car sales.
“Geely is continuously improving the storage structure of its bonded warehouse and is adopting multi-channel supply methods” for spare parts, the company said. Geely’s warehouse in Cuba now is at 80 percent of capacity, up from 34 percent last year.  The company has also signed agreements with SASA, a local auto service provider operated by the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, to jointly open standard service stations and spare-part sales stores.
Nearly 10,000 Geely-brand cars and trucks are already circulating on Cuban roads, the company said. Government agencies, such as the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of Tourism, have been the only buyers of new cars until now. Geely’s CK models are used as senior government officials’ cars; most police cars in Havana are Geely CK models as well.  At present, 80 percent of rental cars in Cuba are Geely CK, EC7 and EC8 models; all rental agencies are state-owned.

jueves, diciembre 26, 2013

Santa Obama Gives Pay Raise to Federal Workers

Just in time for Christmas, President Obama signed an executive order on Monday giving a 1 percent pay raise for federal employees. The raise follows a four year hiatus from salary increases for federal workers, although most federal employees have apparently seen their pay increase via promotion or performance. The first increased paycheck will kick in on January 1.
Read more on Breitbart >>

Feds stole my $33M bitcoins booty: Silk Road ‘pirate’

The Internet “pirate” accused of running the notorious illegal-drug-peddling Web site Silk Road claims that the feds are the real buccaneers — robbing him to the tune of $33.6 million worth of the encrypted, virtual currency bitcoin.
Ross Ulbricht — who was arrested in October for allegedly masterminding the mysterious “deep Web” site — recently filed legal papers in Manhattan federal court admitting he “has an interest as owner” of the more than 173,000 bitcoins the government seized through forfeiture from Silk Road.
Valued at $33.6 million, these bitcoins are assets the government claims were used to facilitate money laundering in support of a host of crimes, including six failed murder-for-hire plots and the sale of cocaine, heroin and other illicit drugs over the Internet.
Ulbricht — who allegedly used the workplace alias “Dread Pirate Roberts,” a reference to a character in the 1987 cult film “The Princess Bride” — said in a notarized Dec. 11 statement that he believes the virtual currency should be returned to him because bitcoins are “not subject to seizure” by federal law.
Ulbricht, 29, now admits the bitcoin fortune is his — even though he’s previously denied any wrongdoing regarding Silk Road and claimed through his lawyer that the feds arrested the wrong guy.
Ulbricht’s attempt at forcing the government to return the bitcoins marks the first time the courts have been asked to determine whether the controversial virtual currency is an asset that falls under forfeiture laws, legal experts told The Post.
Daniel Wenner, a white-collar lawyer and former Brooklyn assistant US attorney, called Ulbricht’s argument “very creative and cutting edge,” but said he’d be “stunned” if a judge sided with the alleged Silk Road operator.
“I think one would be hard-pressed to convince a court that something you can use to purchase goods, like bitcoins, isn’t property,” he said.
Attorney Jeffrey Alberts, who used to specialize in asset-forfeiture actions as a federal prosecutor for Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara, agreed. He said Ulbricht should have “a difficult time” proving his argument because typically “anything of value” can be seized in money-laundering cases.
“Artwork, horses and even intellectual property, such as domain names, have qualified, so there’s no reason to think bitcoins wouldn’t,” he said.
Both Bharara, whose office is handling the Silk Road case, and Ulbricht’s lawyer, Joshua Dratel, declined comment.
Bharara’s asset seizure from Silk Road was the largest-ever by the feds that involved bitcoins.

Lo peor esta por venir

Por Andrés Pascual

El filibusterismo oficial y comprobable que ha resultado en la ejecución socio-político-económica del país por la tenaza diseñada por los “interesados” para Obama, es el precedente que está sentando lo peor: Estados Unidos frente el bombardeo futuro de gente como este tipo, a partir de su falsa y engañosa política mesiánica, camouflage del “anticristo del siglo XXI", no más incapaces, no más mentirosos, no más antiamericanos, que sería imposible, sino iguales y se dice todo.

Resulta que no llega por ningún lado el refuerzo de la decencia, la moral y los principios conservadores y la impresion de que este tipo de ciudadano desapareció o lo tienen en túneles bajo tierra a ver qué hacen con él ES UNA REALIDAD DEMOLEDORA.

Los datos sobre la “comunidá” que arribó este año reflejan que la continuación de la la vista gorda define la importancia del castrismo para Obama: por cada elemento que agarran "mojado", permiten que lleguen 200 "con los pies secos". Sin embargo, la noticia será 8 que capturaron en el mar y deportarán para “partir corazones”.

Este detalle no fuera preocupante si la mayoría no se constituyera en parte de la 5ta columna castro-obamista, a partir del apoyo al resquebrajamiento moral del partido demócrata, siempre consecuente con cualquier actitud que golpee a la Unión.

Para la “la comunidá” solo hay una posición política: la que apoye su condición de “emigrantes económicos” sin exigencias de compromiso patriótico, que no les interesa, válido a través del decreto que los autorice a viajar (único objetivo visible), a disfrutar el intercambio, a enviar lo que tengan sin importarles que el salidero económico sin regulaciones empobrece a la ciudad y al país...

Como cualquier ilegal, no tienen en cuenta la realidad económica americana para correr el riesgo de "lanzarse"; ni les interesa si hay o no trabajo, tampoco traen en la agenda aprender ingles, a fin de cuentas “esto es Carraguao” o el Fanguito o Tepito y a “joder la pava y a los pavitos, que vivir del welfare, del fraude y otros "demases" no exige mucho esfuerzo.

Definitivamete, las frases más antiamericanas de la historia son “este es un país de emigrantes” y “el sueño americano”; la primera, sin ninguna razón lógica ni realista para convertirla en significación ética hoy, fue un estandarte de americanos patriotas que, en su momento, no se percataron de que le servirían el arma soberbia al enemigo público 1 de este país: la emigración ilegal, que ha logrado espacios tan significativos por el asalto al poder de comunistas encubiertos como mantener en jaque la política americana con la oficialización de exigencias de reforma migratoria.

La situación no se le escapó de las manos a “los americanos”, sino la dejaron escapar antipatriotas, la “azoraron” los peores engendros de nadie sabe quiénes jamás nacidos aquí...

Sencillamente, la estimulan con objetivo político electoral como primer paso “compañeros” en la lucha contra el capitalismo representado por Estados Unidos.

La conspiración nace en el partido demócrata americano con apoyo de los seculares del Diablo en ultramar.

La situación se ha tornado hiperpeligrosa una vez que lograron imponerle el sello contribuyente para “lo que se avecina” al Vaticano, que eligió, para contentar y reforzar un poder no tan secreto, a un PAPA de la categoría comunista envuelto en papel liberal o reformador.

En ese orden de cosas, hasta la palabra “ilegales” han prohibido en los medios por gestiones de otra “luchadora por esos delincuentes”, jueza en la Corte Suprema, sustituyéndola “indocumentados”; a fin de imponer, como si fuera un derecho, a quienes entraron sin autorización, les falta una firma y a imponer el relajo “como Pedro por su casa”, que es en lo que buscan convertir el “paso de la frontera”.

Con el 90 % del andamiaje mediático en control de los comunistas encubiertos que favorecen todas las medidas contribuyentes a destruir el poder de Estados Unidos, con el Partido Republicano contra la pared, rehén de la circunstancia “ilegales, homosexuales, negros...”, nadie sabe cuánto de malo le espera por las concesiones oportunistas de pusilánimes y traidores.

Razones suficientes para fruncir el ceño cada vez que alguien le desee “felices fiestas...”, porque hasta “christmas” es un delito decir, y un ¿próspero? AÑO NUEVO.

miércoles, diciembre 25, 2013

Iranian Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Allow Production Of Weapons Uranium

Excerpted from The Jerusalem Post: Iran’s hardline lawmakers are seeking to increase uranium enrichment under the country’s nuclear program to a level that can produce bomb-grade material, a state-run website said on Wednesday.
The bill could bring Tehran into direct conflict with the major powers that reached an interim agreement with Iran in Geneva last month, requiring Tehran to suspend its enrichment of higher grade uranium.
However, Iran’s most powerful authority Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has so far backed the accord.
The hardliners, irked by the foreign policy shift since moderate President Hasan Rouhani was elected in June, oppose the Geneva deal.
The bill introduced on Wednesday, “if approved, will oblige the government to … enrich uranium to 60 percent level in order to provide fuel for submarine engines if the sanctions are tightened and Iran’s nuclear rights are ignored (by major powers),” said hardline lawmaker Mehdi Mousavinejad, according to the English language Press TV website.
It was not immediately clear whether or when the parliament might discuss the bill but the official IRNA news agency said it was introduced by some 100 lawmakers and had been tagged with a “double urgency” status, meaning it could be discussed in parliament within a week.
“The bill is aimed at giving an upper hand to our government and the negotiating team … It will allow the government to continue our nuclear program if the Geneva deal fails,” IRNA quoted Hossein Taghavi Hosseini, spokesman for parliament’s National Security and Foreign Affairs committee, as saying.
The November 24 accord is meant to give the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, Germany and Iran a period of six months to negotiate a final settlement of the decade-old standoff, easing worries over a new war in the Middle East.
“Iran’s parliament lacks power and particularly after Rouhani’s election win, the hardline lawmakers do not have the upper hand,” a senior western diplomat in Tehran said.
“Iran’s Supreme Leader backs the deal and ultimately, lawmakers have to follow his path.”
The Iranian government would have no choice but to obey such a bill if passed by parliament. But diplomats and analysts believe Iran could be using parliament as a bargaining tool in the talks.
“This draft bill has been prepared in reaction to America’s hostile measures,” Mousavinejad told the official IRNA news agency on Tuesday.
Despite opposition by President Barack Obama’s administration, 26 US senators introduced legislation on Thursday to impose new sanctions on Iran if the country breaks the Geneva interim deal.
The proposed legislation would require reductions in Iran’s petroleum production and apply new penalties to Iran’s engineering, mining and construction industries if Iran violated the interim agreement or if negotiators failed to reach a final comprehensive deal.
Washington earlier this month also blacklisted 19 more Iranian companies and individuals under sanctions aimed at Iran’s nuclear program.
Keep reading >>

Justin BIEBER: 'I'm Officially Retiring'

Jutsin Bieber dropped a bombshell on Christmas Eve.
The 19-year-old singer announced to his nearly 50 million Twitter followers that he is retiring -- with little explanation.
The singer pulled a similar stunt last week, joking in a radio interview that he would call it quits after the release of his "Complete My Journals " album on Monday.
Bieber’s new documentary movie "Believe" opens Christmas Day.
Despite tonight's announcement, we have a feeling Bieber will come out of retirement and get back into the studio very soon.

Las mulas y la economía oculta en Cuba

Ivan Garcia
En un cuaderno, Romelio anota detalladamente los encargos que varios clientes le han hecho para su próximo viaje. Desde teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, laptops, televisores de pantalla plana y videojuegos hasta ropa exclusiva.
Ya de antemano ha acordado el precio y la marca. A la semana, Romelio regresa con el encargo. En el domicilio de un usuario del municipio Diez de Octubre, acaba de entregar un televisor de 42 pulgadas, comprada por 267 dólares en un mercado cercano al Canal de Panamá. A su cliente habanero se lo vende en 550 pesos convertibles (CUC), poco más de 600 dólares.
“En cada viaje traigo tres televisores, igual número de videojuegos y hasta diez móviles inteligentes. Trabajo en una firma y suelo viajar dos veces al mes. Existen disposiciones aduanales sobre la importación de televisores, cocinas y lavadoras. Pero por debajo del tapete, cuando usted le pasa un billete de cien dólares al aduanero, el hombre mira hacia otro lado”, cuenta el negociante.
Según su relato, en un contenedor dispone de un metro cuadrado para traer cosas. Por ese espacio paga 250 pesos, 10 cuc, una vez al año.
“Importo de acuerdo a las necesidades de mis clientes: electrodomésticos, luces LED, pisos de cerámica. Hacer de ‘mula’ me reporta en cada viaje, descontando los pagos aduanales y sobornos, dos mil cuc limpios de polvo y paja”, cuenta Romelio.
No solo decenas de cubanoamericanos residentes en la Florida se dedican a trasegar con pacotilla textil o industrial. Empresarios, compradores, intelectuales, médicos, pilotos y azafatas, entre otros ciudadanos cubanos, se dedican de manera ilegal a la importación de artículos por encargos.
A pesar de pagar elevados gravámenes aduanales, el negocio deja beneficios suculentos. Yanelis, aeromoza, además de servir tragos y emparedados a los pasajeros de Cubana de Aviación, desde hace seis años se dedica a importar electrodomésticos, ropa y cosméticos de calidad.
“Con el dinero que he ganado monté una paladar, me compré un piso en el Vedado y pude arreglarle la casa a mi madre y mis hermanos”, expresa la aeromoza.
A ninguna de estas dos ‘mulas’, les preocupa las nuevas prohibiciones a los trabajadores particulares que venden prendas de vestir y artículos de ferretería, y que obligarán a cerrar cientos de pequeños negocios el próximo 31 de diciembre. Mientras el Estado mantenga precios exagerados en sus mercancías siempre habrá terreno fértil para el negocio.
Pablo, economista, opina que debido a la habitual escasez y sobre todo los altísimos impuestos de circulación -entre 240 y 400%- con los cuales el gobierno grava las mercancías ofertadas en moneda dura, siempre habrá importación de contrabando.
“Calculo que las ‘mulas’ de la isla, los cubanos que viven en Estados Unidos, Europa o América Latina, y los cooperantes que laboran en el extranjero, mueven de tres a cuatro mil millones de dólares anuales en mercancías. Las ‘mulas’ son una especie de ratones, constantes y laboriosos, que van desarticulando el embargo y los abusos comerciales que practican las autoridades cubanas”, argumenta el economista.
Osniel, dueño de un negocio de dulces, le compró a Romelio un televisor de pantalla plana para regalarle a su esposa. Según Osniel, “muchos dueños de cafeterías, bares y paladares adquirimos luces LED, televisores y bebidas mediante las ‘mulas’, ya sean de Miami o cubanos que trabajan en empresas. El precio entre unas ‘mulas’ y otras no varía demasiado. Y por supuesto, siempre es más barato que el Estado”.
Luego de dejar el televisor en casa de Osniel, Romelio revisa su cuaderno. Mira el reloj: “Aún debo hacer siete entregas más. Dos televisores, un videojuego y cuatro Samsung Galaxy. Para salir de la rutina, iré una semana a Varadero con mi familia”.
En Cuba, al igual que las monedas, desde hace 55 años cohabitan dos economías: la estatal, improductiva y mal remunerada, y la sumergida, donde usted por catálogo puede adquirir artículos Made in USA.

Liván Hernández pone en subasta sus trofeos
El ex estelar pelotero cubano de Grandes ligas, Liván Hernández, ha puesto en subasta varios de sus premios, trofeos, anillos y pelotas, obtenidos como jugador en la Gran Carpa, por un monto cercano a los 40 mil dólares, según publica el sitio digital

Hernández expone su anillo de campeón de 1997 con los Marlins de Florida por 7,320.50 dólares, así como la primera bola lanzada por los Nacionales de Washington en su nueva época a 5 mil. Otros trofeos más están a subasta, y aunque su límite es el 10 de enero, ya presenta contendientes que están ofreciendo cifras muy superiores a las que se han impuesto como salida.

Liván había informado un tiempo atrás que intentaba colocarse como empleado de grandes ligas como funcionario de esa organización. Hernández escapó de la isla en un viaje de entrenamiento a México, en 1996, y un año más tarde hacía ganar a los Marlins la corona en la Serie Mundial y se agenció el título de Jugador más valioso.

El trofeo como Jugador más Valioso (MVP) de la serie de 1997 está en venta por un valor de 5, 500 dólares.

Cuba: Remembering Lady in White Sonia Garro

During the holidays, let's highlight some of the current political prisoners that the Castro brothers would like the world to forget.

Today, we remember Sonia Garro, who is currently spending her second Christmas in a political prison.

Sonia Garro, a member of The Ladies in White pro-democracy movement, has been imprisoned by the Castro regime -- without trial or charges -- since March 18th, 2012.

In the wave of repression leading up to Pope Benedict XVI's trip to Cuba, Castro's secret police raider her home, shot her with rubber bullets and imprisoned her.

She has been repeatedly abused and beaten in the infamous Manto Negro women's prison.

Garro's husband, Ramón Muñoz González, was also imprisoned on that day.

He is being held -- without trial or charges -- in the Combinado del Este Prison.

Demand their freedom now.

The Top 5 Imploded Leftist Myths of 2013

2013 was a year of myths falling apart. The myth of President Obama – a myth in which Obama was a messianic figure descending to bequeath health care, equality, and brotherhood on mankind – imploded. The myth of an America embracing the leftist social agenda collapsed. And the greatest myth of all – the myth that America is ready to become Europe – crumbled to ash.

Here, then, are the top five imploded myths of the last year:
The 2012 election gave President Obama a mandate to cram through his signature program. In the aftermath of President Obama’s re-election, members of both the administration and the media trumpeted that Obama had received his long-sought mandate. Obamacare, Americans were told, was the law of the land. It could not be changed; it could not be stopped. Obamacare would be implemented, the country would rejoice, and Republicans would mourn the day they ever opposed the anointed one.
Then the Obamacare rollout proceeded to run off the rails in catastrophic fashion. With Obama’s re-election won, the media no longer felt the obligation to cover up Obamacare’s disastrous crippling of the health care system. Suddenly, Obama’s statements about keeping your health insurance plan became the “lie of the year” rather than a mere “half-truth.” Suddenly, Obama’s brilliant team of implementers, headed by the Chief Implementer himself, became a group of half-wits stumbling around attempting to put back together millions of lines of broken code.
That didn’t mean that the media started covering Obamacare in fair fashion. The media turned Senator Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) plan to fund the entire government except for Obamacare into obstructionism, while Obama’s bullheaded insistence on pushing forward a failing rollout was hailed as strength. World War II veterans barred from their memorials by President Obama out of pure vindictiveness were portrayed by Jon Stewart as buffoons.
Nonetheless, the overall impression of the Obama mandate is that it no longer exists, if it ever did.
Americans hate social conservatism. The 2012 election, we were told, was a referendum on the Republican “war on women.” If Republicans had avoided the stumbling blocks of same-sex marriage and abortion, they would have put Mitt Romney in the White House.
2013 proved how wrong that notion was.
The left attempted to turn late-term abortion advocate Wendy Davis into a national hero; instead, her quixotic quest to become governor of Texas is stumbling badly. When the left attempted to turn Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson into a homophobic bully, Americans finally fought back and let the left know that citing the Bible isn’t homophobia or bullying. Conservatives can learn from 2012, and they have: abortion should be discussed in terms of the extremism of the left, and same-sex marriage must be discussed in the context of religious freedom.
Racial divisions have been palliated thanks to President Obama. President Obama’s media supporters suggested that his lack of support in 2012 was due in large part to a rising tide of racism. In the aftermath of his re-election, Americans were once again treated to the idea that America’s changing demographics and its black president meant that the emerging American minorities-majority would usher in an era of racial tolerance.
With the controversy over the “knockout game,” the media’s disgusting perversion of the Trayvon Martin case, and the consistent drumbeat from the left that all opposition to the leftist agenda was race-based, it’s now clear that racial friction in the political sphere is increasing, not decreasing. That’s how the left wants it.
New models will save the leftist media. When the Huffington Post was sold to AOL for $315 million, the media announced a new age of ventures that would bring the old media into a gleamingly profitable world. When Jeff Bezos of Amazon bought the Washington Post, we were told the same thing. When John Henry of the Boston Red Sox bought the Boston Globe, we were told the same thing.
These ventures have all changed hands, but none have stumbled on a true formula for success in the non-print world.
Meanwhile, in television, MSNBC grew to surpass CNN, but is now struggling to find a new audience; CNN is withering; Fox News continues to dominate.
The reality for the left media is that they have two problems to solve: first, a problem of content; second, a problem of profit model. They can’t solve the second without the first. Unfortunately, they continue to look at business strategies rather than coverage strategies. And that’s a formula for continued failure.
Americans are ready to become Europe. President Obama’s biggest advocates believe that Americans are ready to embrace his vision for the United States: a less muscular America on the world stage, an America with a more controlling executive branch and less conflict in the legislative branch, an America in which the government takes care of us, be we Pajama Boys or Julias.
In 2013, that vision for America was put to bed. President Obama’s Iran deal, the greatest sign of his vision for a scaled-down America, is wildly unpopular. His incessant attempts to rewrite his own healthcare law have contributed to his plummeting popularity. And as for the notion that Americans want government to take care of us, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we would prefer the government to leave us the hell alone.
That doesn’t mean that Republicans are in the ascendance or that conservatism’s glory days are just around the corner. It does mean, however, that the cherished leftist visions of January 2009 are fading fast. And that’s good news for Americans who still believe in American freedoms and values.

*Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013). He is also Editor-in-Chief of Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.

Can Afghan Republic Survive After U.S. Withdrawal?

As the Obama administration gets closer to pulling all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, questions still exist about what kind of country we will leave behind and whether the Afghan republic will be able to survive once we are gone. 

Conservative talk show host David Webb and former Navy SEAL Team Six assault team leader Chuck Pfarrer traveled to Afghanistan last week to get a firsthand look at what we are doing there now, as well as indications of what it might be like once we leave. 
Speaking with Webb on Fox News, Pfarrer said there is not much to teach the Afghans about light infantry because "they are masters of the world at that." However, he stressed that they must have an air force that can support the infantry in missions "that are going to be necessary... to continue to prosecute a counterinsurgency war." 
Webb agreed and speculated that in "our history we've seen military aviation become the development of commercial aviation" and help to spread more and more "commercialism, capitalism, and dare I say it, the growth of a nation."
His point was clear. If we leave Afghanistan too soon or if we leave them without the right skills and equipment in place, then we may be contributing to the collapse of a nation instead of the advance of one. 
Pfarrer said this is exactly what needs to be stressed and that it forms the work General John E. Michel is doing in Afghanistan right now, explaining, "[Michel] is not only manufacturing Afghan aviators, he is helping to put forth a new breed of Afghan citizens... [Persons] connected to the world, [persons] not burdened down by religious prejudices; these are the kind of young leaders -- men and women aviators -- that General Michel is working with [and] that are really going to be the future of Afghanistan."

Bolivian President Endorses Child Labor to Build 'Social Conscience'

President Evo Morales of Bolivia has taken a firm stand against a bill proposing to ban child labor under the age of 14. Citing his own life experience as a child laborer, he argued that such work builds "social conscience" and has a place in his country.

"We should not ban child labor, but we should not exploit children, either," he announced this week after meeting with pro-labor youth groups lobbying the President to prevent the bill from passing. The groups, according to Argentina's Infobae, defend the rights of children who have lost their parents or otherwise fallen into severe economic distress, arguing that without an avenue to work, the children would not have the ability to eat. Morales did not propose any government safety net or program that would prevent children from having to make the choice between starvation and labor, a choice which often eliminates education as an option.
"I agree with the children [who visited] this morning," Morales told the press after the meeting. "When one works from a young age, one has a greater social conscience." He reminded the audience that as a child he worked at a bakery and as a brick maker. Also, at a very young age, he helped his father in the sugar fields. As an adult, he sent his own children into the workforce to shepherd llamas in the Bolivian countryside.
Official Bolivian state statistics suggest that the nation is home to about 850,000 child laborers, which violates the policies promoted by the International Labor Organization. The current bill facing Bolivia would put the country in line with that group's provisions, which ban labor for those 14 years old and younger. Interior statistics also show that, of those 850,000, about 87% are working in risky or dangerous jobs.
Morales has faced some heavy international backlash for his remarks. The President of the Socialist Party of Chile (and former Labor Secretary under former President and current President-Elect Michelle Bachelet), Osvaldo Andrade, called his comments "stupidity" and argued that "no one who calls himself socialist can support child labor." 
Morales considers himself a far-left socialist and strong ally of fellow socialist Bolivarian Republics Venezuela, Argentina, and Ecuador. This has been a troublesome year for relations between the Morales administration and both the United States and the greater international community, as he ejected USAID from his country over remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry. He also threatened to expel the United States Ambassador to La Paz after the United States forced the Bolivian president to land under suspicions that he was housing NSA whistleblower/international fugitive Edward Snowden in his airplane. Morales also lost an American prisoner this month at the hands of an unexpected Sean Penn rescue and announced a crackdown this week on the activities of foreign NGOs he believes are "conspiring against the government."

Kim Jong-Un Reportedly Drunk When Ordering Execution of Aides

The ruthless dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, was reportedly “very drunk” when he gave the execution order to kill two close aides of his uncle, Jang Song-Thaek. Kim was “upset” that the two aides questioned his decision to turn over a business to the military and said that they should check with “Director Jang” first. 

Shortly after the aides' execution, Kim’s Uncle Jang was removed from his high ranking leadership position and executed for “anti-state” crimes. He played a crucial role in transferring power from the father, Kim Jong-Il, to Kim Jong-Un following the former dictator's death.
Jang was accused at a military tribunal of having his own political interests and that he had engaged in drug activity, womanizing, and gambling. Subsequently, a South Korean online media outlet reported that many of Jang’s family and friends had been arrested as a result of “guilt by association.”
Jang’s aides, Ri Ryong-Ha and Jang Su-Gil, were among the first well known North Korean figures to be killed in a high profile house cleaning detail by Kim. The Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun reported, "Those who were close [to the two aides] were surprised by their execution, and made phone calls to their friends living abroad, and the South Korean government [spy agency] wiretapped their phone conversations.”
One researcher in Seoul, South Korea told the Washington Post on Wednesday that Jang Song-Thaek being put to death “means Kim Jong-un punishes his political rivals more severely than Kim Jong-il.” The fact that Kim Jong-Un executes those who were previously close to him should come as no surprise to anyone. In August, the North Korean supreme leader reportedly ordered the execution of his ex-girlfriend by firing squad.
Meanwhile, South Korean President Park Geun-Hye characterized the recent events that have taken place in North Korea as a "grave and unpredictable situation."

Poll: More Than Two Thirds of Voters Say 'Drill Here, Drill Now'

A Harris Interactive poll conducted for the American Petroleum Institute shows that 67 percent of registered voters support more offshore drilling for oil and 77 percent support more domestic production, period. 

Moreover, out of 1,002 respondents, 89 percent said that expanded on and offshore oil and gas natural gas production "could help strengthen America's energy security" while 87 percent believe increased production "could lower energy costs for consumers."
For these reasons, nearly 90 percent of Americans said more oil and natural gas production would help our economy. And 84 percent said more oil production production could "benefit federal and state budgets" through "lease payments" and "royalty fees." 
But while the American people support expanded oil and natural gas production by such large majorities, President Obama maintains a posture opposed to it. According to the American Thinker, by May 2013 production on federal lands had declined 40 percent under Obama.
Moreover, the Canadian Free Press (CFP) says Obama's production-crushing policies in the Gulf of Mexico, following the 2010 BP oil spill, so hindered oil and gas exploration that 2010 levels of production will not be seen again until "at least" the end of 2014.
All the while 92 percent of voters believe increased oil and natural gas production could do one thing Americans have not seen Obama do--create more jobs in the U.S.

Retirement: It's Not Forever


Adorable Compilation of Kids Reacting to Opening Christmas Presents


Noti-Katungo. Negra que besa a Fidel, con su trasero paga

Mikhail Kalashnikov, inventor of the AK-47, died at age of 94

Kalashnikov once aspired to design farm equipment. | AP Photo
"I sleep well. It's the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence," he said in 2007.
Kalashnikov died in a hospital in Izhevsk, the capital of the Udmurtia republic where he lived, said Viktor Chulkov, a spokesman for the republic's president. He did not give a cause of death. Kalashnikov had been hospitalized for the past month with unspecified health problems.
The AK-47 — "Avtomat Kalashnikov" and the year it went into production — is the world's most popular firearm, favored by guerrillas, terrorists and the soldiers of many armies. An estimated 100 million guns are spread worldwide.
Though it isn't especially accurate, its ruggedness and simplicity are exemplary: it performs in sandy or wet conditions that jam more sophisticated weapons such as the U.S. M-16.
"During the Vietnam war, American soldiers would throw away their M-16s to grab AK-47s and bullets for it from dead Vietnamese soldiers," Kalashnikov said in July 2007 at a ceremony marking the rifle's 60th anniversary.
The weapon's suitability for jungle and desert fighting made it nearly ideal for the Third World insurgents backed by the Soviet Union, and Moscow not only distributed the AK-47 widely but also licensed its production in some 30 other countries.
The gun's status among revolutionaries and national-liberation struggles is enshrined on the flag of Mozambique.
Kalashnikov, born into a peasant family in Siberia, began his working life as a railroad clerk. After he joined the Red Army in 1938, he began to show mechanical flair by inventing several modifications for Soviet tanks.
The moment that firmly set his course was in the 1941 battle of Bryansk against Nazi forces, when a shell hit his tank. Recovering from wounds in the hospital, Kalashnikov brooded about the superior automatic rifles he'd seen the Nazis deploy; his rough ideas and revisions bore fruit five years later.
"Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer," said Kalashnikov. "I always wanted to construct agricultural machinery."
In 2007, President Vladimir Putin praised him, saying "The Kalashnikov rifle is a symbol of the creative genius of our people."
Over his career, he was decorated with numerous honors, including the Hero of Socialist Labor and Order of Lenin and Stalin Prize. But because his invention was never patented, he didn't get rich off royalties.
"At that time in our country patenting inventions wasn't an issue. We worked for Socialist society, for the good of the people, which I never regret," he once said.
Kalashnikov continued working into his late 80s as chief designer of the Izmash company that first built the AK-47. He also traveled the world helping Russia negotiate new arms deals, and he wrote books on his life, about arms and about youth education.
"After the collapse of the great and mighty Soviet Union so much crap has been imposed on us, especially on the younger generation," he said. "I wrote six books to help them find their way in life."
He said he was proud of his bronze bust installed in his native village of Kurya in the Siberian region of Altai. He said newlyweds bring flowers to the bust. "They whisper 'Uncle Misha, wish us happiness and healthy kids,'" he said. "What other gun designer can boast of that?"
10 things about Mikhail Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov, inventor of the AK-47, died at age 94 Monday after a decorated career in the Russian military. His signature invention has been reproduced more than 100 million times since 2009, and is the world’s most popular firearm. Here are 10 things you should know about Mikhail Kalashnikov:
1. He aspired to be a poet. As a boy, Kalashnikov loved machinery but also had an affinity for poetry. He wrote poetry all his life, along with six books.
2. He once hitchhiked home to Russia. Kalashnikov was born in Kurya, Russia, but his family was deported to Siberia under the Stalin regime when he was a child. He left them to return to Kurya after the seventh grade, hitch-hiking nearly 1,000 kilometers, or more than 600 miles.
3. His son is also an arms dealer. Kalashnikov had four children with his engineer wife, Ekaterina Viktorovna Moiseyeva. Their youngest son, Victor, is a prominent small arms dealer who invented the PP-19 Bizon submachine gun.
4. He was injured in the military. Kalashnikov joined the military at 19 and served in the Russian tank division, where he invented improvements to the tanks. When he was injured by the Nazis in the Battle of Bryansk, he began working on weapons creation throughout his recovery.
5. The AK-47 is named after him. Kalashnikov’s signature invention, the AK-47 stands for “Avtomat Kalashnikov.” Avtomat is Russian for “automatic,” and 1947 was the year he invented it at age 28.
6. He has a line of vodka. Produced in St. Petersburg, Kalashnikov Vodka uses water from Lake Ladoga and is classified as a luxury export. It’s one degree stronger than regular vodka and sometimes called “military strength.”
7. He wasn’t motivated by money. Kalashnikov often said money wasn’t important to him but that he was motivated by service to his country. He was driven to design his first rifle by early Russian defeats in WWII to better-armed Germans. “I don’t like luxury,” he said. “I am after a simple decent life.”
8. He was a hunter. Kalashnikov took up hunting with his father to feed his family. He remained an avid hunter for the rest of his life, including a yearly moose hunting trip up into his 90s.
9. He had a big family. Kalashnikov was the 17th of 19 children born to his peasant parents. Only eight children survived to adulthood, and at age 6, Kalashnikov nearly died of illness himself.
10. He regretted terrorists getting hold of his inventions. At 82, Kalashnikov said he was proud of his invention, but that if he had it to do over again, he would invent something less destructive. “I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work — for example, a lawnmower,” he said. However, asked how he felt about sleeping knowing that many had died from his work, he answered: “‘I sleep very well, thank you.”

Cuba: Cuentapropistas incrementan aporte al presupuesto en un 18%

La Habana, 25 dic.- Las contribuciones del sector privado en Cuba al presupuesto del Estado aumentaron un 18 por ciento en los últimos tres años, después de que el Gobierno impulsara la apertura del trabajo autónomo en 2010, informó hoy la agencia estatal Prensa Latina.
El director de Ingresos del Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios, Vladimir Regueiro, dijo a la agencia que ese sector "crece y sus contribuciones aumentan" ya que desde octubre de 2010 hasta igual mes de 2013 "su aporte al presupuesto del Estado creció 18 por ciento".
Regueiro indicó que el impacto económico de los llamados "cuentapropistas" en la isla "está en correspondencia con las previsiones que se hicieron sobre la expansión y crecimiento del sector", si bien sus aportes sólo representan por ahora el 2 por ciento del presupuesto estatal.
Según precisó, las empresas estatales se mantienen como las mayores contribuyentes al Estado.
La previsión oficial, no obstante, es que los "cuentapropistas" y otras formas no estatales de trabajo, como las nuevas cooperativas de servicios aprobadas este año, continuarán su crecimiento.
Como resultado de esa expansión, el ministerio de Finanzas y Precios proyecta para 2014 ingresos superiores en un 12 por ciento a los recibidos por concepto tributario este año.
Cifras oficiales divulgadas por esa cartera a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular (parlamento unicameral) la semana pasada señalan que los tributos del sector privado aportarán en 2014 un 4 por ciento del presupuesto del Estado.
La apertura y desarrollo del llamado "trabajo por cuenta propia" forma parte del plan de reformas del Gobierno del presidente Raúl Castro para la "actualización" económica de la isla.
En la actualidad 444.109 cubanos ejercen el trabajo privado, en un país donde la fuerza laboral asciende a 4,8 millones de trabajadores y la tasa de desempleados es del 3,5 por ciento.
En enero de este año el Gobierno implementó una nueva Ley Tributaria con el objetivo de acompañar su "actualización" socialista.
En un país sin cultura fiscal después de que la revolución de 1959 eliminara prácticamente la política de impuestos, la nueva ley tributaria busca revertir esa situación para respaldar los gastos sociales.
(Agencia EFE)
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Retratos de fusilados por el Castrismo - Juan Abreu


"EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES" - Heberto Padilla

A aquel hombre le pidieron su tiempo

para que lo juntara al tiempo de la Historia.

Le pidieron las manos,

porque para una época difícil

nada hay mejor que un par de buenas manos.

Le pidieron los ojos

que alguna vez tuvieron lágrimas

para que contemplara el lado claro

(especialmente el lado claro de la vida)

porque para el horror basta un ojo de asombro.

Le pidieron sus labios

resecos y cuarteados para afirmar,

para erigir, con cada afirmación, un sueño


le pidieron las piernas

duras y nudosas

(sus viejas piernas andariegas),

porque en tiempos difíciles

¿algo hay mejor que un par de piernas

para la construcción o la trinchera?

Le pidieron el bosque que lo nutrió de niño,

con su árbol obediente.

Le pidieron el pecho, el corazón, los hombros.

Le dijeron

que eso era estrictamente necesario.

Le explicaron después

que toda esta donación resultaria inútil.

sin entregar la lengua,

porque en tiempos difíciles

nada es tan útil para atajar el odio o la mentira.

Y finalmente le rogaron

que, por favor, echase a andar,

porque en tiempos difíciles

esta es, sin duda, la prueba decisiva.


"Reflexiones" de Fidel (17) 1984 (1) 2010 (8) 2011 (8) 2012 (11) 2013 (23) 2014 (5) 2015 (4) 3-D (22) 4-D (1) 911 (44) aberraciones (1) aborigenes (3) Aborto (12) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (1) Abuso (6) Abuso infantil (6) Abuso Sexual (7) academia (47) academia cubana (182) Accidentes (159) activismo politico (9) activismo social (2) activista digital (3) actor Cuba (7) actrices (12) actrices cubanas (10) Actualidad (3) Acueductos y alcantarillados (13) Acuerdos militares (1) Adan Chavez (3) Adeiny Hechavarria (1) adn (6) Aduana (7) aeropuertos (3) Afectaciones (3) Afganistan (130) Afganistan-EEUU (13) Africa (27) Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (14) Agencias de noticias (2) agenda 21 (2) Agenda de Raul (31) Agentes (27) Agentes cubanos en el exterior (97) agentes de influencia (36) agentes en el exterior (11) Agitadores (1) Agricultura (135) agua (2) Agua potable (24) Ahmadinejad (9) Ahmadineyad (4) Ai Weiwei (4) Ai Weiwie (2) ajedrez (13) Al Gore (1) al jazeera (16) Al Qaeda (148) Al Yazira (1) alan gross (152) Alarcon (13) Alaska (4) ALBA (72) albania (4) Albert Camus (1) ALCA (1) Alcholismo (6) Alcibiades Hidalgo (3) alcoholismo (21) Alejandro Armengol (4) Alejandro Castro Espin (19) Alemania (68) alex jones (78) alexei ramirez (1) alexis cuba (1) alexis vila (9) alfa 66 (1) alfredo guevara (5) Alfredo Pong (70) algeria (5) Aliados (4) Alimentacion (93) Alimentos (246) alina fernandez (10) Alinsky (2) Allende (9) Alvarez Guedes (2) alvaro vargas llosa (1) alz (1) Alzados (2) alzheimer (6) amaury gutierrez (1) amazonas (3) ameh (1) Amenazas (1) America (13) America Latina (19) american dream (1) Amistad (1) Amnistia (1) Amnistia Internacional (11) amor (4) Ana Belen Montes (13) Ana Frank (1) Analisis economico (123) Analisis politico (235) analisis social (23) anarquismo (7) ancianos (41) andre malraux (1) andrei sajarov (3) Andrew Breitbart (4) Andy Garcia (3) Angel Castro (4) Angel Santiesteban (19) Angela Merkel (9) Angelina Jolie (8) Angola (14) Animales (217) anita ekberg (1) anna chapman (8) Anonymous (7) ANPP (7) Antartica (7) Antenas (2) anticapitalismo (2) Anticastrismo (63) antichavistas (1) antigravity (1) Antiguedades (7) Antimotines (1) antisemitismo (2) Antonio Castro (6) Antonio Rodiles (36) antrax (2) Antropologia (27) Antunez (93) Apertura (1) apple (4) Arabe (6) Arabia Saudita (38) Archivo Cuba (2) argelia (8) Argentina (33) Arianna Huffington (1) Ariel Sigler Amaya (5) Armamentismo (16) Armando Lago (1) Armas (251) armas biologicas (1) armas de destruccion masivas (5) armas laser (6) armas nucleares (191) armas quimicas (8) Armenia (2) Aroldis Chapman (14) arqueologia (11) Arquitectura (13) Arquitectura cubana (31) arroz (3) arte (76) arte cubano (45) Arte. Cuba (13) Artico (13) artistas cubanos (29) Artistas y Escritores cubanos (32) Arturo Lopez-Levi (8) Asamblea Nacional (48) Asesinatos (63) Asignacion (1) asilo (3) asistencia social (1) Asteroides (8) astrobiologia (12) Astrofisica (30) Astronautica (135) Astronomia (108) Ataque cibernetico (29) atares (1) ateistas (1) Atentado (4) Aung San Suu Kyi (11) Australia (28) austria (2) Autismo (9) Automatizacion (1) Autos (129) Aviacion (245) Aviones cubanos (8) Awareness (1) Ayuda a las victimas (37) ayuda externa (3) Azerbaijan (4) Azucar (19) bacardi. Cuba (3) bahamas (12) bahrein (20) ballet (1) Ballet Cubano (25) Balseros (163) bancarrota (6) Banco Mundial (11) Bancos (110) bandas juveniles (9) bangladesh (4) Barack Obama (1386) Barbarroja (4) barcos (68) barhein (3) barquin (1) Barthelemy (2) Bashar al Assad (8) Bashar Assad (2) Batista (5) BBC (5) belarus (5) belgica (10) belice (1) bellator (41) bellator. hector lompard (1) Benemelis (8) Benjamin Netanyahu (6) Benoit Mandelbrot (2) berlusconi (3) Berta Soler (48) bielorusia (5) bienestar (1) Bieolorusia (4) bilderberg (8) Bill Clinton (15) Bill Gates (5) Bill O'Reilly (97) bimillonarios (6) Biocombustibles (3) Bioetica (1) biologia (2) bionica (3) Biotecnologia (16) Bioterrorismo (7) birmania (10) Bitcoin (14) black (6) Black Power (23) blogguer (15) Blogoestroika (8) Blogs (59) Blogs cubanos (318) Blogs ranking (4) Blogs-premios (5) bloguer (5) Bloqueo (8) Bloqueo interno (2) bob dylan (3) bob marley (2) Bob Menendez (9) bobby fisher (3) Bodega cubana (1) body language (1) boing boing (2) Bolivia (41) bolsa (30) bonzo (1) bosnia (3) Boxeadores cubanos (219) Boxeo (190) Boxeo cubano (170) Bradley Manning (10) Brasil (76) Brian Latell (6) brigada 2506 (11) Bruno Rodriquez (2) Budismo (2) bulgaria (7) Burma (1) Buro Politico (1) burocracia (3) CaCastrismo (1) Cachao Lopez (1) Cadecas (5) Calle 13 (1) Cambio climatico (66) Cambio de sexo (12) Cambios (60) cambodia (4) Camerun (1) Camilo Cienfuegos (6) Campesinos (36) Canada (561) Canada-China (5) Canal de Nicaragua (1) Canal de Panama (3) canal de suez (2) Canarias (9) cancer (58) candada (1) Candidatos a la Presidencia (6) canibalismo (1) cannes (1) cantantes (9) cantantes cubanos (12) Caos (15) capital (1) Capitalismo (15) Carceles (77) Carceles cubanas (196) Cardenal Bertone (2) Carl Sagan (2) Carlos Alberto Montaner (60) Carlos Marx (10) Carlos Otero (4) Carlos Saladrigas (15) carlos salim (1) carlos varela (4) Carmelo Mesa-Lago (10) Carnavales (1) Carne (1) carter (22) Casa Blanca (40) Casa de Fidel (16) casinos (3) caso uci (6) Castillo del Morro (1) Castrismo (473) casualidades (5) Catastrofismo (14) Cato Institute (2) Causa 1 (6) Causas de su enfermedad (4) Cayo Coco (1) CEA (6) Ceasescu (6) Celac (53) Celebridades (227) celia cruz (1) Celia Hart (2) celulares (14) Celulas madres (9) Censura (42) Censura en internet (160) central nuclear (9) Centro de estudios de la inteligencia cubana (3) cerebro (54) certificado de nacimiento (13) chantaje (9) Chavez (523) chavismo (37) Che Guevara (74) Chechenia (10) Chelsea Clinton (1) Chernobil (20) Chicago's boys (1) Chile (76) China (492) China ejercito (5) China-Rusia (2) China-Tibet (19) Chinos (2) Chipre (5) Chismes (2) Chivatos (8) chocolate (1) Choteo (7) Chris Simmons (79) Christmas (1) Chuck Hagel (15) CIA (159) ciber espionaje (35) Ciberactivismo (14) Ciberataques (46) cibersecurity (49) Ciencia (50) ciencia-ficcion (1) Ciencias (345) Ciencias y Politica (20) cine (168) Cine Cubano (152) circulacion monetaria (5) Cirque du Soleil (1) ciudadanos (4) ciudades (15) Clase Media (2) Clases sociales (4) Claudia Cadelo (7) Clima (25) cnn (20) coalicion (5) Cobalto (1) coca (2) cocacola (3) Cocaina (7) cocina (2) colaboracionistas (42) Colaboradores y agentes en el exterior (349) Colaborares y agentes en el exterior (31) Colin Powel (4) Colombia (83) Combustibles (5) comercio (4) Comercio Cuba-Estados Unidos (7) Comercio Exterior (27) comercio internacional (27) comercio sexual (7) Comida cubana (3) competitividad (6) complejidad (2) Computacion (33) computadoras (21) comunicacion (6) Comunismo (91) comunistas (54) conceptos (1) condicion humana (4) Condoleezza Rice (1) conducta humana (40) Conflicto (1) Conflicto Colombia-Venezuela (5) conflicto colombia-venezuela-ecuador (21) conflicto cuba-estados unidos (19) Congo (2) consecuencias (1) Consejo de Estado (3) Conservadores (12) Conspiracion (475) conspiranoia (36) constitucion (27) Construccion (55) consules cubano (1) Consumo (3) Contaminacion ambiental (70) Contrabando (6) Contrainteligencia (105) contrarrevolucion (1) contraterrorismo (4) Control de Armas (64) Control Social (37) cookies (1) cooperacion economica (2) cooperativas (11) Coraje (2) Corea (6) Corea del Norte (226) Corea del Norte - Corea del Sur (2) Corea del Norte-Cuba (42) Corea del Norte-EEUU (35) Corea del Sur (38) Corporacion Cubana (1) corporaciones (8) Correa (21) Corrupcion (369) costa de marfil (5) costa de oro (1) Costa Rica (11) Costo de Vida (2) creatividad (5) Creditos (30) crimen organizado (1) Crimenes (107) Criminales (38) Criminales en Cuba (35) Crisis (19) Crisis de Octubre (36) Crisis economica (156) Crisis financiera (279) Crisis mundial (38) crisis politica (8) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2) critica social (2) Criticas (1) croacia (2) Crowdfundig (1) Cruceros (5) Cub (2) Cuba (8633) Cuba - Remesas de dinero (37) Cuba Ante Todo (1) Cuba crisis (65) cuba economia (18) Cuba ideologia (5) Cuba Independiente (1) Cuba politica (9) Cuba turismo (143) Cuba-Agricultura (69) Cuba-Argentina (10) cuba-biotecnologia (7) cuba-brasil (91) Cuba-Canada (184) cuba-china (53) Cuba-Colombia (24) Cuba-Corea del Sur (2) Cuba-demografia (15) Cuba-Deportes (22) cuba-ecologia (31) Cuba-Economia (9) Cuba-Educacion (20) Cuba-empleo y desempleo (61) cuba-es (1) Cuba-España (208) Cuba-Estados Unidos (1927) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Canada (16) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Rusia (20) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Union Europea (6) cuba-estados unidos-union sovietica (11) Cuba-eta (8) Cuba-Etiopia (3) Cuba-Exportaciones (26) Cuba-Farc (14) Cuba-Google (9) cuba-holanda (7) Cuba-Ideologia (4) Cuba-India (6) cuba-inglaterra (8) Cuba-internet (115) Cuba-Iran (18) Cuba-Iso (1) Cuba-Medicina (78) Cuba-Medio Oriente (5) Cuba-Mexico (55) Cuba-narcotrafico (22) Cuba-Obama (126) cuba-onu (66) Cuba-Opinion publica (1) Cuba-Prensa-Ideologia (16) Cuba-Qatar (2) Cuba-reformas (42) Cuba-Reino Unido (5) Cuba-Rusia (84) Cuba-Rusia-Estados Unidos (10) Cuba-Rusia-Venezuela (4) Cuba-Sida (15) Cuba-sospechas y miedos (4) Cuba-Sudafrica (2) Cuba-terrorismo (37) Cuba-turismo (2) Cuba-Tv (5) Cuba-Union Europea (83) Cuba-Union Sovietica (8) Cuba-Union Sovietica-EEUU (6) Cuba-Uruguay (11) Cuba-Vaticano (109) Cuba-Venezuela (296) Cuba-venezuela-rusia (5) Cuba-violencia (16) Cuba-Yahoo (1) Cuba: Identidad nacional (4) cubadebate (4) Cubaencuentro (1) Cubalse (1) Cuban study group (4) cubana de aviacion (20) cubanalisis (86) Cubanicidios (1) cubano-americanos (37) Cubanologia (11) Cubanologos (47) Cubanos (19) cubanos en el mundo (81) Cubanos en MMA (4) Cubaq (1) CubaResponde (2) Cubq (1) CUC (24) cuentapropistas (181) Cuentas Nacionales (2) Culto a la personalidad (5) Cultura (38) Curiosidades (506) Cuva (1) Daguestan (1) dalai lama (15) dalia soto (4) damas de blanco (269) daniel ortega (9) Danza (8) Darsi Ferrer (5) Davos (2) Dayron Robles (11) debate de raul (2) Debate Politico (5) Deborah Castro Espin (1) Declaracion de Estados Unidos (3) Delfin (2) Delincuencia juvenil (5) demanda (3) Demandas populares (1) Democracia (168) Demografia (18) denuncia (1) Departamento de Estado (22) Deportacion (51) Deporte (185) deporte cubano (112) deporte profesional (19) deportistas cubanos (39) Derechos Humanos (455) Derribo de Avionetas (6) desalojos (8) desaparecidos (8) Desarrollo cientifico-tecnico (47) Desarrollo-Subdesarrollo (24) desastre ecologico (32) desastre nuclear (123) Desastres (33) Desastres naturales (130) Desde aqui (1) desempleo (27) deserciones (14) Deserciones de deportistas (152) desnudos (6) Desperanza (1) destierro (4) Destruccion (5) deuda (55) Deuda Exterior de Cuba (36) Deuda externa (13) DGI (224) Dialogo con Raul (1) Dialogo Nacional (1) Dialogo Politico (8) Dialogueros (9) diamantes (1) diana krall (1) Diana Nyad (3) Diaz-Balart (4) Dick Cheney (1) Dictadores (97) dictadura (16) Dictaduras (56) dilma rouseff (24) dinamarca (2) dinastias (1) dinero (24) Diosdado Cabello (25) diplomacia (24) diplomaticos cubanos (38) discapacitados (35) Discrepancias (1) Discriminacion (3) Disidencia (166) Disidentes (1045) Distribucion (1) Divisas (10) Djibouti (1) Djokovic (2) doble moral (2) doctrina militar (2) Documental (102) Documental cubano (80) Dolar (11) Donaciones (24) donald trump (12) doping (5) Dr. Antonio de la Cova (1) Dr. Antonio Morales-Pita (2) Dr. Biscet (14) Dr. Darsi Ferrer (19) Dr. Francia (2) Dra. Molina (6) drogas (102) dronenet (1) drones (63) Dualidad monetaria (6) dubai (1) dulce maria loynaz (4) Duque Hernandez (7) Dyron Robles (2) e (1) E-commerce (1) Ebay (5) Ebola (3) ebooks (2) Ecologia (59) Economia (163) Economia Canadiense (13) Economia China (45) Economia Cubana (350) Economia mundial (75) Economist (1) Economistas cubanos (13) Ecuado-Estados Unidos (2) Ecuador (76) Ecuador-Estados Unidos (2) Educacion (36) Edward Snowden (63) EEUU (2) EEUU Congreso (169) EEUU desintegracion (2) EEUU Economia (73) EEUU Gobierno (61) EEUU senado (126) EEUU-China (51) EEUU-Japon (3) EEUU-Mexico (19) efecto domino (2) efectos (1) Egipto (174) Einstein (8) ejecutivos (2) Ejercito (84) ejercito britanico (1) ejercito canadiense (6) ejercito cubano (52) Ejercito norteamericano (217) Ejercito norteamericano Iraq (9) Ejercito norteamericanoIslamismo (2) Ejercito Rebelde (8) ejercito ruso (20) ejercito venezolano (14) El caso Marquitos (1) El Chacal (3) El Coran (5) El Critico (2) El Grupo de Raul (25) El Guaton (22) El Pais (3) El Papa (113) El Salvador (9) El Sexto (11) Elecciones (140) Elecciones en Cuba (76) elecciones en estdos unidos (3) Elecciones en EU (216) electronica (1) Elena Burke (1) Elian (13) Eliecer Avila (29) Elite (5) email (10) embajadas cubanas (6) Embargo (591) Emigracioin (20) Emigracion (78) Emigracion cubana (1345) emigracion ilegal (53) Emigrantes ilegales (49) emilio ichikawa (135) EMP ha (1) Empleo (18) Emprendedores (13) empresarios (6) empresas (26) Empresas extranjeras en Cuba (40) Encuesta de opinion (32) Energia (36) energia electrica (29) Energia nuclear (89) energia termonuclear (1) Energias renovables (31) enfermedades (88) enfermos (8) Enjuiciamiento (1) Enrique Dans (1) Enrisco (14) Entrenamiento militar (1) entretenimiento (7) envejecimiento (3) envios a Cuba (10) epidemias (59) equality (1) Eric Holder (12) erick sanchez (3) erislandi lara (2) erislandy lara (16) Ernesto Diaz de Villegas (1) Ernesto Hernandez Busto (2) erotismo (18) escambray (3) escandalo (36) esclavitud (2) escocia (1) Escritores cubanos (98) escuadron patriota (8) escuelas (6) Eslovaquia (1) Espacio Laical (1) Espana (10) España (148) Especulacion (3) Espias (47) espias cubanos (98) Espias cubanos presos (158) Espinaxiones (23) Espionaje (94) espionaje industrial (11) estacion internacional (1) estadisticas (26) Estado (7) Estado de Sats (26) Estado de sitio (1) estados (1) Estados Unidos (1343) estados unidos crisis (112) Estados Unidos economia (86) estados unidos gobierno (40) Estados Unidos-Canada (35) Estados Unidos-China (4) Estados Unidos-Rusia (63) estanflacion (1) Esteban Lazo (1) Esteban Morales Dominguez (4) esteroides (1) estonia (1) estrategia (3) estrategia militar (3) estudiantes extranjeros (8) Estudios Cubanos (2) estulin (1) Estupideces (295) Eta (8) Etanol (4) Etica Politica (3) Etica y moral (10) Etnologia (2) EU (2) eu senado (3) Eugenio Yáñez (66) euro (4) Europa (67) Europa del Este (1) Eusebio Leal (12) eutanasia (5) Eva Braun (2) evacuacion (1) evasion fiscal (1) Evo Morales (38) evolucion (19) ex paises socialistas (1) excarcelados (1) Exili (1) Exilio (8) Exilio cubano (105) Exodo cubano (5) explosion nuclear (4) Explotacion del trabajo infantil (2) Exportaciones (11) expropiaciones (6) extranjeros (6) extrema derecha (6) extremistas (59) F1 (4) facebook (67) fallas de internet (9) Familia (43) familia cubana (9) Famosos (2) Far (26) Farc (81) fascismo (4) FBI (122) federico garcia lorca (1) Felicidad (4) Felix Bonne Csarcasses (1) Feria del Libro (1) ferry (1) Fertilizantes (1) Fidel (873) Fidel Castro (8) Fidel familia (61) Fidel reflexiones (4) Fidel-Estados Unidos (2) Fidelistas (1) Fidelito (9) fiji (1) filipinas (11) Filosofia (21) Finanzas (81) Finlandia (3) first nation (4) fisica (29) Fisin (1) FIU (9) flamur (5) Flash usb (1) flora (1) Florida (54) FMI (9) Fnca (9) Fondos de inversion (21) forbes (9) Foreign Policy blog (3) Formula 1 (1) Foros cubanos (1) Fortuna de Fidel y Raul (5) Fotografia (119) fran (1) Francia (60) Francis I (24) franco (2) François Hollande (1) Frank Delgado (1) Frases celebres (3) Fraude (123) fraude electoral (41) fraude fiscal (2) freddi roche (1) Frente de Resistencia Civica OZT (6) Friedrich Hayek (5) frontera (9) Fuerza de trabajo (24) fukushima (9) Fusilamientos (13) futbol (3) Futbol cubano (8) Futuro (27) G.W. Bush (8) G2 (7) G20 (3) G7 (2) g8 (4) Gabo (5) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (7) gaddafi (136) Gaesa (5) Galicia (3) Gallegos (1) Gamboa (24) Ganaderia (9) Ganado (5) Gangs (2) garry kasparov (5) Gas (10) Gasolina (8) gatos (1) Gays (56) gaza (1) gazapos (1) Geert Wilders (2) Gen. Petraeus (12) Gen. Rafael del Pino (17) gene (1) gene sharp (3) Generacion Y (26) Generales (39) Generales cubanos (43) Genetica (33) genios (5) genocidio (2) Geoges Soros (17) Geometria Fractal (4) geopolitica (48) Geopolitica cubana (20) Geopolitica latinoamericana (37) george orwel (2) George Zimmerman (9) Georgia (8) Gerencia empresarial (5) Ghana (4) Giron (1) gitanos (2) glacier (1) glasnost (1) glasnot (2) Glenn Beck (4) globalistas (3) Globalizacion (14) Gloria Stefan (1) gmail (1) gobernabilidad (6) gobernantes (1) Gobierno cubano (15) Gobierno Mundial (10) Gobierno paralelo (2) gobiernos (21) golf (3) golfo de mexico (2) Golpe de estado (10) google (61) Google glass (2) Gorbachov (24) Gorki (27) grammy (1) Granada (6) grandes ligas (71) Granma (66) grecia (30) greenpace (1) greenpeace (1) Grenada (1) Groenlandia (6) Ground Zero (6) guama (20) Guanabo (3) Guantanamo (18) Guatemala (5) guerra (92) guerra asimetrica (5) guerra cibernetica (53) guerra civil (70) guerra comercial (2) Guerra de Angola (20) Guerra de E-mails (1) guerra espacial (2) Guerra Fria (37) Guerra hispano-americana (6) Guerra Irregular (2) guerra sicologica (3) Guerras (98) Guerras africanas (13) Guerrillas (31) Guillermo Cabrera Infante (10) Guillermo Farinas (86) guinness (6) gulag (2) Guyana (1) haarp (4) Habana (1) Hackers (60) Hackers cubanos (4) Hairon Socarras (1) Haiti (24) Hamas (29) Hambre (14) hambruna (3) Hamid Karzai (14) Haroldo (3) Hassan Rouhani (4) hawai (4) Hazanas (88) Heberto Padilla (8) Hector Lombard (11) hemingway (5) Henrique Capriles (20) henry kissinger (4) Herencia (2) Hermanos al Rescate (18) heroismo (6) Herta Müller (2) herzegovina (1) hesbollah (1) Hezbollah (16) Hialeah (4) Hidrologia (1) Hijos (4) hijos de puta (2) Hilda Molina (7) Hillary Clinton (83) hipotecas (7) hippies (2) hispanos (4) Historia (57) Historia de Cuba (48) Hitler (21) hizbollah (2) hobby (1) Holanda (6) hollywood (85) holografia (1) hombre (39) homeless (8) Homofobia (50) Homosexuales (25) Homosexualismo (23) Honduras (42) Hong Kong (3) hopkins (2) hot line (1) huber matos (19) Hubert Matos (20) Huckabee (1) huelga de hambre (160) huelgas (3) humanismo (2) humanos (25) Humberto Fontova (15) Humidores (1) Humor (583) hungria (3) Huracanes (80) I GM (3) I-D (4) Iberoamerica (3) icaic (3) Ichikawa (2) Ideologia (12) Idiomas (4) Idiotas (18) Ig Nobel Prize (4) Iglesia (48) Iglesia cubana (230) II GM (18) III GM (1) iInestabilidad social (1) Ileana de la Guardia (1) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (24) Ilegales (1) imperios (2) Importaciones (22) Impuestos (99) India (35) Indice de Desarrollo Humano (5) indigenas (7) Indigencia (2) indolencia (4) indonesia (5) industria (4) Industria azucarera (45) industria cubana (1) industriales (2) Ineficiencia economica (1) inequality (6) Inestabilidad social (17) Infamia (6) inflacion (8) Informacion (14) informatica (22) Infraestructura (1) ingenieria social (2) Inglaterra (25) Ingrid Betacourt (7) Inmobiliarias (20) inmolacion (1) Inmovilismo raulista (3) innovaciones (20) Intelectuales (24) intelectuales y artistas cubanos (31) Inteligencia (52) inteligencia artificial (9) Inteligencia cubana (71) Internet (242) intervencion militar (44) Intolerancia (4) invasion (5) Inversion extranjera (412) Inversiones (48) inversiones norteamericanas en cuba (14) investigaciones secretas (2) Ion Mihai Pacepa (1) ipad (5) iphone (2) Iran (201) iran-estados unidos (65) Iraq (58) irlanda (12) isaac asimov (2) ISIS (21) Islam (99) Islamismo (168) islandia (6) islas caiman (6) Islas del Pacifico (2) Israel (148) Israel-EEUU (23) israel-iran (8) israel-palestina (12) Italia (41) Ivan de la Nuez (4) Ivan Pedroso (1) Izquierdas (26) J.E. Hoover (2) J.K. Rowling (1) jaime bayly (6) Jaime Ortega (53) Jaime Suchlicki (1) jamaica (3) Japon (178) japon terremotos (8) Jared Lee Loughner (1) jeb bush (6) jesse ventura (16) JFK (43) Jicotea cubana (1) jihad (18) jineterismo (51) Joaquin Sabinas (1) joe biden (18) Joel Casamayor (9) John A. Boehner (48) John Boehner (2) John Brennan (2) John Kerry (37) john lennon (6) Jon Jones (2) Jon Stewart (4) jordania (5) Jorge Arreaza (1) jorge pomar (4) Jose Ariel Contreras (4) Jose Daniel Ferrer (7) Jose Dariel Abreu (12) Jose Fernandez (1) jose lezama lima (2) jose marti (2) Jose Mujica (6) Jose Ramon Machado Ventura (11) Juan Abreu (38) Juan F. Benemelis (9) Juan Juan (31) Juan Manuel Marquez (2) Juan Triana (7) jubilados (1) judios (21) Juegos (15) Juegos Olimpicos (23) Julian Assange (31) Julio Casas Regueiro (2) justicia (4) Justin Bieber (5) Justin Trudeau (6) Justin Truedeau (1) Juventud (31) Juventud Cubana (104) Juventud Rebelde (5) kamikazes (1) Kaos (8) kAOS en la red (28) karadzic (1) karzai (2) kazajastan (3) Kcho (2) kendry morales (5) Kennedy (53) Kenya (5) Keynesianismo (3) KGB (11) Khamenei (4) Kid Chocolate (2) Kim Jong Il (20) kim jong-un (51) kirchner (2) kirguizia (2) Kirguizistan (2) Kitchner (5) klitchko (1) Klitschko (1) klitshko (10) Kosovo (3) kuwait (3) La Habana (23) lady gaga (7) Laetitia Casta (1) Lage (21) Lance Armstrong (13) laser (1) Latinoamerica (115) latinos (2) Laura Labrada Pollan (1) laura pollan (34) lavado de dinero (26) Laz (2) Lazaro Barredo (2) Lazaro Gonzalez (1) leche (4) Lee Harvey Oswald (5) lefties (24) Leftist (4) leftists (112) leinier (2) Lenguaje (10) lenin (7) leo brouwer (1) Leonard Cohen (2) leonardo da vinci (2) Leonardo Padura (13) Leopoldo Lopez (10) lesbian (6) Ley de Ajuste Cubana (20) Leyes (82) Leyes cubanas (68) Lezama Lima (2) lgbt (17) libano (6) Liberacion (1) Liberales (9) Liberalismo (11) Libertad (30) Libertad de expresion (50) libertad de informacion (18) libertad de prensa (8) Libia (356) Libre Expresion (1) Libreta de Abastecimientos (11) Libros (23) lideres (1) Lina Ruz (1) Literatura (35) Literatura Cubana (61) Lituania (3) Liu Xiaobo (9) livan hernandez (11) Lluvia (1) Logica Difusa (2) logistica (2) Long tail (1) Los Aldeanos (28) Los Duros (2) Los Miquis (4) loteria (25) Lucha no violenta activa (36) Ludwing von Mises (3) luis alberto garcia (1) Luis Alberto Lopez Rodriquez-Callejas (3) Luis Alberto Rodriquez (6) Lula (44) lulzsec (1) Luna (13) Machado Ventura (19) Machu Picchu (1) Macroeconomia (10) madres (9) Mafia (24) Mafia cubana (4) Magnus Carlsen (1) Mahmoud Abbas (3) mahoma (1) malasia (5) Malcolm Gladwell (1) malcom x (1) Maleconazo (11) mali (1) Malta (2) Malvinas (2) Mambises (3) Mandela (4) Manipulacion (556) manny pacquiao (18) Manuel Cuesta Morua (1) Manuel Diaz Martinez (2) Manuel Vazquez Portal (4) Mao Tse Tung (8) Mapas (5) Maquiavelo (1) mar (42) Maradona (5) marcas (4) marco rubio (102) marcos rubio (3) maremotos (10) margaret thatcher (6) Marginalidad (19) Maria Corina Machado (8) María Corina Machado (3) maria elvira (3) Maria Gabriela Chavez (1) Mariel (18) Mariela Castro (91) Marifelli Perez-Stable (9) marihuana (22) marijuana (2) marilyn monroe (8) Marino Murillo (6) Mario Chanes de Armas (2) Mario Vargas Llosa (6) Mark Zuckerberg (8) Marketing (10) Marquitos (1) marta fonseca (1) marte (13) Martha Beatriz Roque (49) Martha Colmenares (16) Marti (5) martin luther king (4) Marulanda (7) Marx (1) Marxismo (18) Masacre del remolcador 13 de marzo (5) masas (1) mashable (1) masoneria (3) mass killers (26) matematicas (7) material nuclear (15) Materias primas (6) Mauritania (1) max lesnik (3) Max Marambio (31) mayweather (11) Mazorra (1) McCain (17) media (68) Mediacion (2) Medicare (18) Medicina (139) medicinas (31) Medicos cubanos (107) Medio ambiente (24) Medio Oriente (80) medio oriente crisis (4) Medios de comunicion (125) Medvedev (19) Mercado (18) Mercado informal (7) Mercado Inmobiliario (36) Mercado InmobiliarioR (1) mercado mayorista (8) mercado minorista (3) Mercados Agropecuarios (26) mercados emergentes (2) Mercosur (1) meryl streep (1) Mesa Redonda (5) meteoritos (23) Mexico (52) mi5 (1) Miami (362) michael jackson (5) Michael Moore (9) Michel Foucault (3) Michelle Bachelet (3) michelle obama (19) Microcreditos (12) microeconomia (1) Microsiervos (4) Microsoft (9) miedos (4) Migracion (6) Miguel Barnet (1) Miguel Diaz-Canel (31) Mike Perez (2) mike porcel (1) Mike Tyson (9) Militares (37) militares cubanos (49) militares venezolanos (12) Militarismo (17) Millennials (1) milton friedman (1) minas (5) minerales (25) Minint (28) minorias (2) Miriam Celaya (1) miseria (90) Misterios (25) Mitt Romney (36) MLC (3) MMA (138) moda (11) Modelo chino (9) modelos economicos (3) Mohammed Morsi (13) momias (1) Monarquias (8) moneda (12) moneda virtual (4) mongolia (2) Montaner (7) montreal (1) Movilizacion contra Castro (1) Movimiento 26 de Julio (1) Movimiento Cristiano Liberacion (4) Mozambique (1) Mubarak (9) muerte (48) muerte asistida (1) Muertes del Castrismo (180) Muertos de la Revolucion (12) Mugabe (8) Muhammad Ali (5) Mujeres (149) Mujeres cubanas (105) mulsumanes (7) multiculturalismo (10) Mundo (1102) Muro de Berlin (17) Musica (173) Musica Cubana (258) Musica-tecnologia (2) musicos (13) Musicos cubanos (261) Musicos ubanos (1) muslim brotherhood (3) muslims brotherhood (57) mussolini (1) Musulmanes (244) myanmar (6) nacion (1) Nacionalismo (1) Nadal (3) namibia (5) nanomedicina (2) nanotecnologias (15) Napoleon (2) narcoguerrilla (23) Narcotrafico (53) Nasa (64) National Security Agency (20) naturaleza (22) navy seal (3) nazismo (18) Negociacion politica (172) negocios (41) negros (5) Nelson Mandela (16) Neocastrismo (540) neocons (8) neonazis (3) nepal (11) Nepotismo (6) nerd (1) Neruda (2) Network (1) neutralidad (1) New York (31) New York Times (17) Newsweek (1) Niagara Falls (5) nicaragua (25) Nick Wallenda (1) Nicolas Maduro (116) nigeria (2) Nik Wallenda (1) Nikita Jrushchov (3) ninos (214) Niquel (17) Niurka Marcos (1) nivel de vida (10) Noam Chomsky (1) nomeklatura (6) nomekltarua (3) nomen (1) Nomenklatura (456) Norberto Fuentes (11) Norteamerica (3) norteamericanos (5) noruega (14) Nostradamus (1) Noticias (8) NSA (13) nudismo (2) nueva zelandia (13) Nuevo Herald (7) Obama (20) Obama-Raul (18) Obama's Group (12) Obamacare (38) Obamunismo (1) Occidente (45) occupy movement (17) Ochoa (14) Odalanier Solis (7) Odio (3) odlanier solis (13) OEA (36) Ofelia Acevedo (1) Ofensiva revolucionaria (1) Oferta y demanda (8) oil sands (2) Olimpiadas (2) Oliver Stone (2) ollanta humala (3) Olof Palme (1) OLPL (15) ontario (20) Ontologia (3) ONU (54) Operacion Caguairan (2) Opiniones (4) Opositores (882) opostiores (16) Orestes Lorenzo (1) Organizaciones politicas del exilio (85) organs trade (1) Orlando Zapata Tamayo (81) orlov (9) Ortega (1) osama bin laden (82) oscar de la hoya (1) Oscar Elias Biscet (25) Oscar Espinosa Chepe (20) Oscar Haza (5) Otan (55) OTZ (1) ovnis (12) OWS (33) OZT (57) Pablo Escobar Gavirias (7) Pablo Iglesias (1) Pablo Milanes (24) Padre Conrado (1) Paises emisores de turismo (31) Pakistan (46) paladares (8) Palestina (68) Panama (28) pancho cespedes (4) Panfilo (5) papua (1) paquetes a Cuba (2) paquistan (1) paquito D'rivera (6) paradigmas (8) paraguay (5) paraguay. Cuba (2) Paramilitares (4) paranormal (3) Parche (1) Paris Hilton (1) parlamento (7) Partido Comunisa de Cuba (43) partido comunista (35) Partido Comunista de Cuba (7) Partido Democrata (92) Partido politicos (49) Partido Republicano (102) Partido Socialista Unido Venezolano (1) partidos politicos (12) pastor terry jones (1) Patricio de la Guardia (2) patriotismo (1) paul krugman (16) Paul Ryan (2) Pavonato (1) Paya (111) paypal (3) paywall (1) Paz (6) PCC (10) PDVAL (1) PDVSA (14) peacemakers (1) Pederastia (1) Pedofilia (3) pedolfilia (1) pedro campos (3) Pedro Diaz Lanz (5) Pedro Luis Boitel (5) Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz (1) Pedro Luis Ferrer (5) pedro pablo oliva (5) Pelota (66) Pelota cubana (294) peloteros cubanos (12) Peloteros cubanos en grandes ligas (243) Pena de muerte (5) Pensadores cubanos (5) Pensamiento politico (2) pensiones (3) Pentagono (82) Penultimos Dias (3) pequenos negocios (3) percepcion (4) Perdon (2) Perez Roque (10) Perfil de Raul (2) Periodismo (9) periodistas (17) Periodistas cubanos (21) periodistas independientes (39) Peronismo (1) Persona del ano (1) personalidades (23) Peru (16) perugorria (2) Peso cubano (17) PETA (1) Petrocasas (3) Petroleo (195) Petroleo cubano (202) PIB [GDP] (1) picasso (1) Piedad Cordova (1) pinochet (1) pinttura (4) Pintura Cubana (44) piratas (7) Plan de Raul (2) planificacion (4) Playa Giron (23) playas (9) Plaza Tiannamen (7) po0 (1) poblacion (100) Poblacion y dinero (137) Pobreza (234) pobreza estructural (84) poder (6) Poder Politico (131) Poder politico en Cuba (41) Poder Popular (12) Poesia (19) Poker (1) Polemica (5) Policia (91) Politica (63) politica exterior (8) politica fiscal (1) Politica internacional (5) Politica Monetaria (2) Politica norteamericana hacia Cuba (1) Political correctness (10) politicamente correcto (3) politicos (87) politicos norteamericanos (1) Polo Norte (1) polonia (8) Polucion (1) ponzi scheme (3) popularidad (2) Populismo (10) Porno (5) Porno para Ricardo (20) pornografia (6) Portugal (12) posada carriles (4) posicion comun (4) post Fidel (4) Post-castrismo (7) Post-fidelismo (5) Postcastrismo (38) Postcastro (1) Postcomunismo (1) PostFidel (2) Postfidelismo (13) Precios (27) Precios en el mercado informal (3) predicciones (8) premio (9) Premio 11 de Abril (2) Premio al Buen Corazon (1) Premio Blog Acido (1) Premio Blog Desmentido (1) Premio Blog Dorado (2) Premio Eta Kanpora (1) Premio Huella 2008 (5) Premio Nobel (26) Premio Nobel de Economia (4) premio nobel de la paz (6) Premio Nobel de Literatura (6) Premio Ortega y Gasset (3) Premio Sajarov (2) Premio San Miguel Arcangel (1) Premios (11) Premios 11 de Abril (1) Prensa (43) prensa cubana (52) Prensa Extranjera (89) Presidente de Cuba (1) Presidio Politico (39) Presos (58) Presos de conciencia (88) presos politicos (55) Presupuesto (106) Presupuesto Militar (2) pride (2) Primavera Negra (77) prisioneros (10) Prisioneros de conciencia (61) Prisioneros de concienciencia (1) privacidad (67) productividad (3) Producto Interno de Cuba (1) profecias (6) Programa politico (11) Progreso (2) Prohibiciones (2) pronosticos (13) Propaganda (248) Propiedad (2) Propiedad intelectual (1) Propiedad privada (6) proselitismo (2) Prosperidad (1) Prostitucion (90) Protesta (45) Protestas (559) provocacion (21) Proyecto Varela (8) PSUV (1) publicidad (1) Pueblo (5) Puerto Rico (6) Punto 0-0 (1) puppets (1) Putin (137) Pymes (63) Qatar (5) quantum computer (2) Quebec (3) Quejas de la poblacion (51) Queubec (1) Quinquenio Gris (1) Racionamiento (4) Racismo (50) radio frequency wapons (1) Radio Marti (16) radioactividad (31) Rafael Alejandro Hernandez Real (1) Rafael Correa (24) rafael rojas (3) rahm emanuel (5) ramadan (2) Ramiro (22) Rances Barthelemy (2) randy alonso (3) raperos cubanos (1) Raul (646) Raul Castro (12) raul familia (17) Raul Reyes (16) Raul Rivero (7) Raul y Fidel Castro (4) Raulismo (16) Razas en Cuba (1) RDA (17) Real politik (2) rebeldes (56) rebelion (1) reciclaje (1) Reclamacion de propiedades expropiadas (1) Reclutamiento de agentes (1) reconciliacion nacional (1) Reconstruccion (1) Recrutamiento de agentes (9) Red Avispa (58) Redes sociales (37) redistribucion (1) Reflexiones (4) reforma en cuba (239) reforma migratoria (105) Reforma Monetaria (49) Reforma politica (4) Reformas (86) Reformas economicas (517) Reformas economicas. (1) Reformas raulistas (146) Refugiados (6) Regionalismo (1) Reina Tamayo (30) reinaldo arenas (5) Reinaldo Escobar (23) reino unido (116) Relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos (5) Relaciones Internacionales (2) Relevo generacional (5) Religion (184) religiones afrocubanas (34) Remolcador (6) Renuncia (2) Renuncia de Fidel (1) rep checa (1) repatriacion (5) Reporteros sin Fronteras (7) Represioin (33) Represion (1389) Represion a los intelectuales (116) Repsol (16) Republica Checa (5) Republica Dominicana (15) resistencia popular (3) reunificacion (1) reunificacion familiar (8) revolucion (7) revolucion arabe (5) revolucion cubana (48) Revolucionarios (2) reynier aguero (1) richard branson (6) Richard Nixon (5) ricos (22) riesgo (2) rigondeaux (28) Riqueza (24) Rob Ford (1) robert kennedy (1) robertico robaina (2) Robots (37) rockets (35) Roger Federer (2) ron cubano (10) ronald reagan (13) Rosa Diez (1) Rosa María Payá (40) Rosita Fornes (2) Ruinas (3) Rumania (16) rumanos (1) Rumores (5) rupert murdoch (1) Rusia (383) Saddam Hussein (1) sahara occidental (1) Salarios (32) Salman Rushdie (1) Salud (356) salud cubana (172) Salud de Fidel (70) Salud de Raul (2) Salud publica (369) same sex marriage (1) Sandinistas (1) Sandino (1) santiago de cuba (9) Sara Marta Fonseca (1) Sarah Palin (15) sarajevo (1) satelite (11) Sats. Cuba (40) Scarabeo 9 (6) secret service (4) Secretario de Defensa (2) Secretario de Estado (1) Secreto (17) secretos militares (12) Secuestrados (21) Secuestros (39) securidad del estado (1) Seguridad (32) seguridad cubana (25) Seguridad del Estado (77) Seguridad nacional (72) seguridad personal (12) seguridad social (4) Seguros (11) Selman (2) Semiotica (2) senadores (40) serbia (3) Sergio Ramirez (1) sexo (69) Sharia (16) Sherrit (19) siberia (2) Sicilia (1) Sicologia (38) Sicologia politica (12) Sida (10) Silvio Benitez (20) Silvio Rodriquez (30) silvito el libre (4) Simon Bolivar (3) sina (25) Sindicatos (27) Sindrome de la Indefension Adquirida (15) Sindrome del Neocastrismo (69) Singapur (7) siquiatria (12) Siria (93) smartphone (8) smog (1) sms (1) Soberania (1) Social (1) social media (4) social network (1) Socialdemocracia (4) Socialismo (56) socialismo de mercado (3) Socialismo del Siglo XXI (19) socialistas (44) Sociedad (84) Sociedad Civil (30) Sociedades Secretas (1) Sociologia (29) sofia loren (1) software (2) sol (11) soldados (27) Solidaridad (7) Solzhenitsyn (3) Somalia (16) Sonia Garro (14) Soros (1) sri lanka (1) st.piere (1) st.pierre (2) Stalin (23) Stephen Hawking (10) steve jobs (12) stock market (6) stratfor (3) Subastas (18) submarinos (1) Subversion (3) Sucesion (154) Sucesores (107) Sucre (3) Sudafrica (29) Sudal del Sur (1) Sudan (4) suecia (18) Suelos (1) suerte (13) suicidio (25) suiza (7) sundance (2) Susan Boyle (1) Susan Rice (3) Swat team (4) Tabaco Cubano (33) tabacos cubanos (3) tabaquismo (4) Tabu (1) tailandia (3) taiwan (10) Taladrid (1) talento (2) Taliban (65) Tania Bruguera (10) Tarata (1) tarjetas de credito (3) task force (1) tattoo (4) taxpayers (2) Tea Party (15) Teatro cubano (11) tecnologia (213) ted cruz (22) ted kennedy (1) Telecomunicaciones (77) Television (14) tendencias (1) Tenis (8) Teoria Economica (76) Teoria Politica (43) Terremotos (29) terromotos (7) Terrorismo (469) terroristas (409) terry fox (1) Terry Jones (2) Texas (3) thailandia (3) the beatles (6) thi (1) Think Tank (269) Tibet (20) tiburones (5) Tierra (52) Times (7) timor oriental (1) Tina Turner (1) Tiro fijo (2) tolerancia (1) tomas piard (2) tony blair (2) tony castro (23) Tony Cortes (4) Tony de la Guardia (9) Toronto (79) Torturas (17) Totalitarismo (21) trabajadores por cuenta propia (29) trabajadores publicos (1) trabajos (10) Tracey Eaton (29) trafico de armas (53) Trafico de drogas (98) trafico de organos (2) trafico de personas (22) tragedias (3) transgender (2) Transicion (175) Transporte (29) Trasvestismo (4) Tratado de Libre Comercio (1) travesti (1) tren (20) tribunal internacional (1) Trilateral (2) trinida y tobago (1) Trotsky (1) trudeau (1) Tsunami (10) tunez (16) Tupamaro (1) Turismo (24) Turismo Cuba (136) turistas norteamericanos (2) Turquia (23) TV cubana (11) Tv Marti (12) twiter (5) Twitter (40) tycoon (5) UCI (14) Ucrania (43) UFC (65) ufo (10) uigur (1) UJC (13) Umap (7) Underground (1) Uneac (30) Uneac. Censura (10) UNESCO (1) Unidad politica (2) union (1) Union Europea (93) Union Sovietica (110) Universidad (86) Universo (68) Univision (1) UNPACU (75) Upec (3) uranio (3) Uribe (3) Uruguay (12) US Grants (2) US Presidentes (53) uzbekistan (2) Vacilon (1) vaclav havel (4) Valores y normas de conductas (14) Van Van (3) Vaticano (66) Vejez (3) Venezuela (467) Venezuela crisis (42) venezuela economia (3) Venezuela elecciones (50) venezuela-china (7) Venezuela-Cuba-Rusia-China-Iran (1) Venezuela-Estados Unidos (26) Venezuela-Rusia (5) Ventas (1) Verizon Scandal (1) VI Congreso del PCC (46) Via China (3) Viajes a Cuba (232) viajes al exterior (10) vicente botin (1) victimas del 911 (7) victor mesa (1) Vida (32) vida extraterrestre (19) Vida Guerra (1) Video (30) video juegos (9) viejos (6) Viet Nam (26) Violencia (20) Virgen del Cobre (4) virtual (1) Virus (12) Vitali Klitschko (1) Vivienda (199) Vladimiro Roca (13) Voces del Barrio (8) volcanes (9) Walesa (11) wall street (31) walmart (6) Welfare (7) Wendy Guerra (4) whistleblower (3) whistleblowers (1) wi-fi (8) WikiLeaks (143) wikipedia (4) william levy (1) Willy Chirno (6) Wilman Villar Mendoza (26) Wilmar Villar Mendoza (1) windows (1) winston churchill (4) World Trade Center (18) World Trade Organization (1) wynoma ryder (1) Xi Jinping (11) xiomara laugart (6) XXX (1) yahoo (3) Yaoutube (1) Yasiel Puig (14) Yasmani Tomas (1) yasser arafat (10) Yeltsin (4) yemen (38) Yo acuso al gobierno cubano (1) Yoan Moncada (1) Yoani (276) Yoany (19) Yoenis Cespedes (10) yoga (5) Yohandry (6) yoko ono (1) Youtube (15) yuan (6) Yugoeslavia (1) Yunier Dorticos (1) yuri gagarin (3) Zawahri (1) zelaya (1) Zimbawe (8) Zoe Valdes (22) Zona Franca Mariel (38) Zumbado (1)

La columna de Cubanalisis

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]
¨Saturno jugando con sus hijos¨/ Pedro Pablo Oliva


Carta desde la carcel de Fidel Castro Ruz

“…después de todo, para mí la cárcel es un buen descanso, que sólo tiene de malo el que es obligatorio. Leo mucho y estudio mucho. Parece increíble, las horas pasan como si fuesen minutos y yo, que soy de temperamento intranquilo, me paso el día leyendo, apenas sin moverme para nada. La correspondencia llega normalmente…”

“…Como soy cocinero, de vez en cuando me entretengo preparando algún pisto. Hace poco me mandó mi hermana desde Oriente un pequeño jamón y preparé un bisté con jalea de guayaba. También preparo spaghettis de vez en cuando, de distintas formas, inventadas todas por mí; o bien tortilla de queso. ¡Ah! ¡Qué bien me quedan! por supuesto, que el repertorio no se queda ahí. Cuelo también café que me queda muy sabroso”.
“…En cuanto a fumar, en estos días pasados he estado rico: una caja de tabacos H. Upman del doctor Miró Cardona, dos cajas muy buenas de mi hermano Ramón….”.
“Me voy a cenar: spaghettis con calamares, bombones italianos de postre, café acabadito de colar y después un H. Upman #4. ¿No me envidias?”.
“…Me cuidan, me cuidan un poquito entre todos. No le hacen caso a uno, siempre estoy peleando para que no me manden nada. Cuando cojo el sol por la mañana en shorts y siento el aire de mar, me parece que estoy en una playa… ¡Me van a hacer creer que estoy de vacaciones! ¿Qué diría Carlos Marx de semejantes revolucionarios?”.


¨La patria es dicha de todos, y dolor de todos, y cielo para todos, y no feudo ni capellaní­a de nadie¨ - Marti

"No temas ni a la prision, ni a la pobreza, ni a la muerte. Teme al miedo"
Giacomo Leopardi

¨Por eso es muy importante, Vicky, hijo mío, que recuerdes siempre para qué sirve la cabeza: para atravesar paredes¨Halvar de Flake [El vikingo]

"Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir" - Lorca

"Al final, no os preguntarán qué habéis sabido, sino qué habéis hecho" - Jean de Gerson

"Si queremos que todo siga como está, es necesario que todo cambie" - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

"Todo hombre paga su grandeza con muchas pequeñeces, su victoria con muchas derrotas, su riqueza con múltiples quiebras" - Giovanni Papini

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon

"Habla bajo, lleva siempre un gran palo y llegarás lejos" - Proverbio Africano

"No hay medicina para el miedo" - Proverbio escoces

"El supremo arte de la guerra es doblegar al enemigo sin luchar"
- Sun Tzu

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

"It is inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office" - H. L. Menken

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" - Elie Wiesel

"Stay hungry, stay foolish" -
Steve Jobs

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years ther'ed be a shortage of sand" - Milton Friedman

"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less" - Vaclav Havel

"No se puede controlar el resultado, pero si lo que uno haga para alcanzarlo" -
Vitor Belfort [MMA Fighter]


A la puerta de la gloria está San Pedro sentado y ve llegar a su lado a un hombre de cierta historia. No consigue hacer memoria y le pregunta con celo: ¿Quién eras allá en el suelo? Era Liborio mi nombre. Has sufrido mucho, hombre, entra, te has ganado el cielo.

Para Raul Castro

Cuba ocupa el penultimo lugar en el mundo en libertad economica solo superada por Corea del Norte.

Cuba ocupa el lugar 147 entre 153 paises evaluados en "Democracia, Mercado y Transparencia 2007"

Cuando vinieron

Cuando vinieron a buscar a los comunistas, Callé: yo no soy comunista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas, Callé: yo no soy sindicalista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los judíos, Callé: yo no soy judío. Cuando vinieron a buscar a los católicos, Callé: yo no soy “tan católico”.
Cuando vinieron a buscarme a mí, Callé: no había quien me escuchara.

Reverendo Martin Niemöller

Martha Colmenares

Martha Colmenares
Un sitio donde los hechos y sus huellas nos conmueven o cautivan
Bloggers Unite


Donde esta el Mundo, donde los Democratas, donde los Liberales? El pueblo de Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan los Green, los Socialdemocratas, los Ricos y los Pobres, los Con Voz y Sin Voz? Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan el Jet Set, los Reyes y Principes, Patricios y Plebeyos? Cuba desesperada clama por solidaridad.
Donde Bob Dylan, donde Martin Luther King, donde Hollywood y sus estrellas? Donde la Middle Class democrata y conservadora, o acaso tambien liberal a ratos? Y Gandhi? Y el Dios de Todos?
Donde los Santos y Virgenes; los Dioses de Cristianos, Protestantes, Musulmanes, Budistas, Testigos de Jehova y Adventistas del Septimo Dia. Donde estan Ochun y todas las deidades del Panteon Yoruba que no acuden a nuestro llanto? Donde Juan Pablo II que no exige mas que Cuba se abra al Mundo y que el Mundo se abra a Cuba?
Que hacen ahora mismo Alberto de Monaco y el Principe Felipe que no los escuchamos? Donde Madonna, donde Angelina Jolie y sus adoptados around de world; o nos hara falta un Brando erguido en un Oscar por Cuba? Donde Sean Penn?
Donde esta la Aristocracia Obrera y los Obreros menos Aristocraticos, donde los Working Class que no estan junto a un pueblo que lanquidece, sufre y llora por la ignominia?
Que hacen ahora mismo Zapatero y Rajoy que no los escuchamos, y Harper y Dion, e Hillary y Obama; donde McCain que no los escuchamos? Y los muertos? Y los que estan muriendo? Y los que van a morir? Y los que se lanzan desesperados al mar?
Donde estan el minero cantabrico o el pescador de percebes gijonese? Los Canarios donde estan? A los africanos no los oimos, y a los australianos con su acento de hombres duros tampoco. Y aquellos chinos milenarios de Canton que fundaron raices eternas en la Isla? Y que de la Queen Elizabeth y los Lords y Gentlemen? Que hace ahora mismo el combativo Principe Harry que no lo escuchamos?
Donde los Rockefellers? Donde los Duponts? Donde Kate Moss? Donde el Presidente de la ONU? Y Solana donde esta? Y los Generales y Doctores? Y los Lam y los Fabelo, y los Sivio y los Fito Paez?
Y que de Canseco y Miñoso? Y de los veteranos de Bahia de Cochinos y de los balseros y de los recien llegados? Y Carlos Otero y Susana Perez? Y el Bola, y Pancho Cespedes? Y YO y TU?
Y todos nosotros que estamos aqui y alla rumiando frustaciones y resquemores, envidias y sinsabores; autoelogios y nostalgias, en tanto Louis Michel comulga con Perez Roque mientras Biscet y una NACION lanquidecen?
Donde Maceo, donde Marti; donde aquel Villena con su carga para matar bribones?
Cuba llora y clama y el Mundo NO ESCUCHA!!!

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