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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta leftists. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, agosto 24, 2013

SHORT QUIZ on Communism

Six trivia questions to see how much history you know. Be honest, it's kinda fun and revealing. If you don't know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers.
Who said it?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility ,,,,,for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We) ......can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above
Scroll down for answers

(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

Wanna know something scary? She may be the next socialist president if you don't forward this to everyone that you know.

lunes, agosto 19, 2013

Communists in US Congress? Just count ‘em

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”
In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.
In his 2011 book, Loudon presented documented evidence that Barack Obama’s rise in politics was not an accident, but a conscious, decade-long effort by the radical left to promote a candidate with African roots. Obama, he said, was packaged as an engaging and seemingly harmless Trojan Horse radical, sent to Chicago to refine his skills running for office as a Democratic Party politician.
It is impossible to read “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within” without being convinced that Obama’s education in communist ideology stretches from the extracurricular education he received from Communist Party mentor Frank Marshall Davis in Honolulu to his recruitment as a New Party candidate in Chicago, with strong ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.
Loudon continues naming names in his current volume, “The Enemies Within,” which documents how extensively communists, socialists and progressives have penetrated the U.S. Congress, running on the Democratic Party ticket.
The goal of these radicals in Congress, Loudon demonstrates, is the same goal Obama announced when running for president in 2008, to transform the United States from the constitutional republic established by its Founding Fathers into a radical socialist state. The aim is to be achieved through passing extensive social welfare legislation designed to bankrupt a government adhering to concepts of private property and private enterprise.
In an insightful essay on the Democratic Socialists of America, Loudon emphasizes the impact on U.S. radicals of the late Italian Communist Party theoretician Antonio Gramsci, whose writings from prison declared that the “working class revolution” is a dead end, arguing instead that communism can best be achieved “by infiltrating civil society – political parties, churches, labor unions, universities, the media, community groups, etc., to turn them into revolutionary vehicles.”
Similarly, Loudon documents how the Communist Party of the USA itself has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. The plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.
His essay on the Institute for Policy Studies provides extensive evidence that the IPS, operating today with the distinction of being oldest – founded in 1963 – and most influential of the far left “think tanks” in Washington, D.C., “works closely with several U.S. Marxist groups, but is particularly close to the Democratic Socialists of America.”
The congressional profiles of current members of Congress provides extensive evidence of radical leftist ties in the backgrounds of top Democratic Party legislators, including Democratic Party Sens. Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, Tom Harkin, Barbara Mikulski, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey, Debbie Stabenow, Al Franken, Sherrod Brown, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Tammy Baldwin.
In the House of Representatives, Loudon profiles the radical left background of Democratic Party Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Louis Gutierrez, John Conyers, Charles Rangel, Marcy Kaptur, Peter DeFazio, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McDermott and dozens more.
Loudon’s profiles of the radical lawmakers is extensively footnoted, complete with photos, news clips, website screen captures and quotations from published sources that leave no doubt as to the authenticity and accuracy of his allegations.
In documenting the success with which the radical left has captured the politically correct core of Democratic Party politics since the 1970s and the end of the Vietnam War, Loudon joins bestselling author Paul Kengor, who published in 2010 “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Conservatives for a Century,” followed in 2012 by “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.”
What authors Loudon and Kengor show is that communism in America did not die with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is alive and well, with ties that run deep today with Barack Obama in the White House and the radical leftist Democrats serving in the halls of Congress.
Loudon will be in Washington, D.C., at the National Press Club Aug. 20 to participate in the all day conference “The Crisis in American Journalism and the Conservative Response,” hosted by the public policy group America’s Survival Inc.
Joining Loudon, who is listed on the program to speak about his book “The Enemies Within,” will be Kengor, presenting his new book, “All the Dupes Fit to Print: Journalists Who Have Served as Tools of Communist Propaganda.”

sábado, julio 20, 2013

Congressional Black Caucus Supports Boycott of Florida (But Not Cuba)

U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and others members of the Congressional Black Caucus are calling for an economic boycott of the State of Florida over the jury verdict in the case of Trayvon Martin.

We respect their opinion.

Yet, ironically, these are also the leading Congressional voices against the economic boycott of Cuba's brutal dictatorship, which disproportionately represses its Afro-Cuban population.

Which raises the question:

Why didn't they support an economic boycott of Cuba when the Castro regime denied water to Afro-Cuban political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo, who consequently died in a hunger strike protesting the beating and abuses he suffered? 

Or more simply:

Why do they continue to defend the Castro regime?

From The Hill:

Congressional Black Caucus members would support Florida boycott

A number of House Democrats are lining up behind the Rev. Jesse Jackson's threat for an economic boycott of Florida following the not-guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin.

Exerting pressure on Florida's economy as Jackson is suggesting, they said, could help overturn the state's controversial stand-your-ground laws that many contend contributed to the tragedy.

"That's probably the best strategy, because people understand dollars and cents," Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) said Friday. "And they understand, if there's a significant drop-off in revenues – at conventions, at Disney World and Universal Studios – that that will get the attention of the powerful."

Rep. Bennie Thompson echoed that message. The Mississippi Democrat called the verdict "a travesty" that "does not speak well for this country," and said he would "absolutely" support an economic boycott of the state.

"[It] could have significant economic significance if properly organized," Thompson said Friday. "What I gather from a lot of people who have feelings about it, he [Jackson] would get … support."

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said she's also on board.

"I would support whatever it takes to get these stand-your-ground laws off the books," she said.

martes, julio 16, 2013

NBC's Sharpton Plans Protests In 100 Cities

During MSNBC's 11 am hour, above a chyron that read, "More Marches, Protests Planned in Coming Days, Weeks," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said that he and his National Action Network are "mobilizing" protests in 100 cities. Sharpton made clear that the protests were meant to pressure the Justice Department into taking legal action against George Zimmerman:

Well, I certainly think it is going to be on those that now feel that this verdict makes a lot of people vulnerable. The reason that people in the civil rights community, including [Sharpton's] National Action Network, is talking about these hundred cities that we're mobilizing this weekend, is not just questioning a verdict but, saying a precedent is now set where the Justice Department must come in[.]
NBC's Sharpton was one of the first people to turn the shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin into a national news story back in March of last year. In the run up to the trial this year, Sharpton has used his primetime MSNBC program, "Politics Nation," to demand Zimmerman be convicted.
Sharpton achieved national fame in 1987 as the face of the fraudulent Tawana Brawley case and during the Crown Heights Riots, where his role as an agitator is believed by many to have resulted in the mob violence behind the stabbing death of a Jewish scholar visiting from Australia. 

domingo, julio 14, 2013

Greenwald: Snowden Has Enough Information to Cause US Govt ‘Worst Damage in History’

Greenwald at Socialism 2011
Greenwald at Socialism 2011
Anti-American leftist and NSA leaks journalist Glenn Greenwald claims leaker Edward Snowden could do do the US big damage if he is brought to justice.
From Kremlin  propaganda channel Russia Today
Former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden possesses dangerous information which could potentially lead to America’s “worst nightmare” if it is revealed, according to the journalist who first published Snowden’s leaked documents.
“Snowden has enough information to cause more damage to the US government in a minute alone than anyone else has ever had in the history of the United States,” Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist responsible for publishing some of Snowden’s first leaks, told Argentina-based newspaper La Nación.
“But that’s not his goal. His objective is to expose software that people around the world use without knowing what they are exposing themselves to, without consciously agreeing to surrender their rights to privacy. He has a huge number of documents that would be very harmful to the US government if they were made public,” Greenwald said.
He added that Washington should be exercising care in dealing with the Snowden because he has the potential to do further damage to the US.
“The US government should be on its knees every day begging that nothing happen to Snowden, because if something does happen to him, all the information will be revealed and it could be its worst nightmare,” he said.
When asked whether he believed that someone would attempt to harm or kill the whistleblower, he said that Snowden has “already distributed thousands of documents and made sure that several people around the world have their entire file,” stating that it would not be beneficial for anyone to attempt assassination. ..
He added that the US should be praying that no one would attempt to take Snowden’s life.  
“If something happens, all the information will be revealed, and that would be [America’s] worst nightmare,” he said.
With “patriots” like Greenwald and Snowden, does America need enemies?

sábado, julio 13, 2013

La conspiracion en el caso Zimmerman

en un hecho sin precedentes en un pais democratico, hay un detalle "olvidado" por casi todos, cuando el presidente obama recibio en la casa blanca a los padres del delincuente juvenil apenas unos dias despues de los acontecimientos, brindadole de esa manera todo el respaldo de su inmenso poder mediatico previo a que los lamentables hechos fueran juzgados.
El Comunicador Hispano
Por Andrés Pascual
Se filtraron informaciones de que hasta el presidente pudiera estar detrás de las organizaciones de negros revanchistas y de blancos comunistas preparando la explosión “social” si absuelven a George Zimmerman.
A Sharpton le han orientado de cómo, dónde y con qué protestar en Sandford, a un tipo que… bueno, mejor no hablar, va y ofendo y quiero hacerlo, no lo dude nadie, pero habrá tiempo…
Cuando uno observa la foto que encabeza este material del grupo terrorista Panteras Negras, merece una consideración especial la pregunta ¿A quién quisiera como vecino, a Zimmerman, a estos asesinos o a la propia familia del joven negro muerto?
Sin embargo, aparentemente, lo que está “cocinada” es la condena del individuo que actuó en defensa propia y ha quedado comprobado hasta por el fiscal.
Según el Herald de hoy, hubo una “demoledora situación contra Zimmerman”, que no es la prueba que lo inculpe ni un testigo superestrella que enmudezca a la gradería, no, es que la Sra. Jueza, aparentemente manipulada y quizás simpatizante del gettho, le dijo al jurado que podían considerar como un delito menor la emisión de sentencia de culpabilidad… leyó bien ¡DE CULPABILIDAD!
A través del amañado proceso, la fiscalía no ha podido entablar un round, los perdió todos, sin embargo, parece que le regalaron la pelea, porque en este juicio no se trata de imparcialidad ni de la Dama Justicia con la pesa en la mano y los ojos vendados, sino de condenar, con los ojos bien abiertos en contubernio con las posiciones retrógradas y reaccionarias dueñas del espectro nacional, a alguien que, por todo lo resultante del juicio, es inocente:
Yo no sé si en la choza en que convirtieron la ex Casa Blanca han pensado en lo peligroso del jueguito con ese tipo de arma, pero deberían…
La administración Obama, el propio individuo, su mujer y su corte han desempolvado oficialmente el odio racial en este país, lo han hecho a conveniencia, porque están tratando de incendiar a Estados Unidos y sumirlo en la guerra civil con entorno racial, que puede suceder y sería la justificación para imponerse a los blancos y negros conservadores con el objetivo de separarlos totalmente del poder o de cualquier influencia o medida política que se tome en el futuro.
Esta gente persigue un Zulú Dawn de factura moderna en Occidente ¡y en qué país!
Por eso pretenden desarmar a la ciudadanía. El que se entregue perdió la capacidad hasta de respirar.
Sin más alternativas, Sanford es el teatro de la contienda donde están frente a frente la Constitución vs la Selva, Civilización vs Barbarie, que nunca como hoy cupo en molde mejor la frase.
O se inicia el principio del fin del obamismo, o el de todas las libertades y la democracia en Estados Unidos, la mesa está servida.

viernes, junio 21, 2013

Marxist Union Aims to Punish GOP Over “Immigration” Issue

The Blaze/
Eliseo Medina, foreground 
Eliseo Medina, foreground

The Service Employees International Union is to mount a major campaign to punish Republicans opposed to the labor union’s militant ‘immigrants rights’ agenda.
Under the influence (if not complete control) of the US’s largest Marxist organization Democratic Socialists of America, SEIU has long abandoned its membership’s best interests in favor of DSA’s socialist dictates.
According to the Communist Party’s Peoples World, the “continued anti-immigrant push by the GOP” has prompted the SEIU to “plan an all-out campaign against GOP anti-immigrant legislation, and to remind Latinos, unionists, and other voters in 2014 and 2016 of the party’s intolerance, Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina says”.
The campaign of door-knocking, demonstrations, leafleting, voter registration and more will target congressional districts of key lawmakers, he said. “You name it, we’ll do it.” .
DSAer Medina was responding soon after the Judiciary panel, along party lines, put a bill through the House to prevent implementation of DSA ally President  Barack Obama’s order telling federal agencies not to arrest and deport “DREAMers” – young people now in college or the military who came to the US as undocumented children.
The socialists are also incensed that  on June 18, the Judiciary Committee, again along party lines, approved the so-called “Safe Act,” the federal equivalent of Arizona’s SB1070. Both the Arizona law and the Safe Act let local law enforcement stop, detain and deport people who don’t “look” as if they’re legal. Medina called the Safe Act “ideological and divisive.”
As the House panel worked, “labor, lawmakers, and Latino organizations” called the GOP law an “open invitation to racism and racial profiling”.
“This extremist and radical legislation contradicts what Americans want to see from Congress,” namely “comprehensive reform with an eventual path to legalization and citizenship for the undocumented”, Medina told a rain-soaked crowd on the Capitol grounds as the panel – indoors – “shoved” the Safe Act through.
Led by immigration reform negotiator and long time DSA affiliate, Illinois Rep.  Luis Gutierrez, Judiciary Committee Democrats ducked out of the work session to support the undocumented people, Dreamers, and others gathered outside. “You cannot start by saying 11 million people are rapists, murderers, drug dealers, and gangbangers,” Gutierrez said of the GOP’s attitude.
“This is what they think of our community,” added Medina.
“We are listening and will respond accordingly. If they thought 2012 was bad” in terms of the tide of Latino votes against the GOP, “wait ’till 2014 and 2016. There are 50 million reasons that the adults in the Republican Party should step in and stop this” warned Medina.

jueves, junio 20, 2013

Arianna Huffington Pushes 'Better Version of Capitalism'

Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson, and twelve other CEOs and past business executives are uniting in an effort to remake free enterprise by creating a “better version of capitalism, one that prioritizes people and planet over profit.”

The new group calls itself “the B team.”
“Plan A—the pursuit of short-term profit at the exclusion of everything else—isn’t working for anyone,” writes Huffington. “This is a moment of great possibility and opportunity for all of us to play our part in course-correcting, and leveraging the best parts of the spirit of business and entrepreneurship to bring about fundamental changes to the ways we do business—for the benefit of individuals, communities, and companies.”
Huffington’s involvement in the group’s effort to alter capitalism by putting people ahead of profits is likely to recall the 2011 progressive uproar that occurred when Huffington leveraged the work of her mostly unpaid thousands of bloggers and cashed out by selling the website to AOL. Union organizers and Huffington Post bloggers slapped Arianna Huffington with a $105 million class action lawsuit and vowed to make her “a pariah in the progressive community.”
“In my view, the Huffington Post’s bloggers have essentially been turned into modern-day slaves on Arianna Huffington‘s plantation,” said labor activist and former Huffington Post blogger Jonathan Tasini.
Tasini added: “She wants to pocket the tens of millions of dollars she reaped from the hard work of those bloggers….This all could have been avoided had Arianna Huffington not acted like the Wal-Marts, the Waltons, Lloyd Blankfein, which is basically to say, ‘Go screw yourselves, this is my money.’”
AOL bought Huffington Post for $315 million.

miércoles, junio 19, 2013

Columbia's Cons: Ivy League social work program run by team of former prisoners | Fox News

Kathy Boudin was recently approached by a Fox News Channel producer at Columbia University after public outrage over her adjunct teaching position at the school. (Fox News Channel)
In the hallowed halls of Columbia University, a nest of ex-cons — who have served time for murder, attempted murder, robbery and assault — hold court on their unique brand of social justice for admiring students enrolled in the school's social work program, a investigation has found.
The ex-cons work for or with the Criminal Justice Initiative (CJI), co-founded in 2009 by former Weather Underground operative and Columbia adjunct professor Kathy Boudin, who pleaded guilty to felony murder for her role in an infamous 1981 armed robbery that left two police officers and a security guard dead. And while that case was well-publicized, the group is hardly upfront about the “practical experience” of Boudin and others associated with the CJI.
A description on the program's website says it is "situated inside” Columbia, and a part of the school’s “Social Intervention Group,” a research center within the Columbia University School of Social Work. It lists among its goals helping to forge a solution for “a central social crisis of our time, mass incarceration.” The program holds events and conducts research as part of "an interdisciplinary project built around a model of community collaboration" that "seeks to increase the number of skilled practitioners, policy-makers and researchers who can advance the fields of re-entry and incarceration across all disciplines.”
“It’s terrible that she has murderers working with her at a school."
- John Hanchar, brother-in-law of slain Nyack Police Officer Edward O’ Grady
But students and parents who shell out more than $43,000 in annual tuition and fees might be hard-pressed to uncover the fact that former inmates are running the CJI. Outside of a vague reference to Boudin and Cheryl Wilkins being "part of a community of people who have returned from prison," there is no information about their criminal pasts. Boudin's school directory bio, for example, makes no mention of her time in prison. Several other CJI faculty, program members and associates have similarly disturbing backgrounds.
Wilkins, co-director of the CJI, is listed in the Columbia School of Social Work adjunct faculty directory as a “research scientist” and “Associate Director for the Criminal Justice Initiative. She was convicted for her role in a 1996 gunpoint hijacking of a Federal Express truck in Harlem, in which she served as the getaway driver. Wilkins served a 12-year sentence for robbery and assault at Bayview Correctional Facility in Manhattan.
But Wilkins' school biography page makes no mention of her time in jail. Wilkins is also listed as staff associate at Columbia Law School's Center for Institutional and Social Change, though that bio also neglects any mention of her prison time. According to the bio, Wilkins works with teens who have incarcerated parents and is an adjunct lecturer at Columbia, where she often discusses topics concerning the “need of families and communities affected by mass incarceration.”
Denise Blackwell, a “research assistant” under the Social Intervention Group, the parent/umbrella group of the Criminal Justice Initiative, was paroled in 2003 after serving 10 years in prison on an attempted second-degree murder conviction for her role in a Brooklyn holdup in which three drug dealers were killed. According to reports of her 1991 arrest, Blackwell knew the three men and "orchestrated" the robbery.
"By prearrangement, she let the boys in to stick up the place," a New York Police Department lieutenant was quoted as saying at the time. Blackwell’s son, Mack Moton, who was 15 at the time, was tried as an adult and convicted of second-degree murder. He was sentenced to 32 years to life, and is being held in Sing Sing Correctional Facility, in Ossining, N.Y.
Mika’il DeVeaux was one of the keynote speakers for the CJI’s “Removing the Bars” Conference in 2012. But his bio in the conference program failed to mention the 24-year stint he served in Westchester County for second-degree murder and his subsequent parole in 2003, or that he’s co-director of a non-profit with Boudin called Citizens Against Recidivism. Instead, the bio simply says DeVeaux “has more than three decades of experience working with men incarcerated in New York State maximum security prisons and many who have been released following periods of confinement.”
Repeated requests for comment from Boudin placed through Columbia were not returned, but the school responded with a statement.
“There are approximately 1.6 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails and 7 million American children with a parent who is either incarcerated, on parole, or on probation,” read the statement. “The Criminal Justice Initiative focuses on how the social work profession can best address the educational and human needs of individuals, children, families and communities affected by incarceration.”
Requests for comment were also sent to officials at CJI, including Wilkins and Blackwell.
Critics can't understand why convicted criminals with violent pasts should hold such prestigious positions at the vaunted school.
“I am perplexed by Columbia administrators’ plot to commission notorious villains as mentors to the rising generation of Americans,” Josiah Ryan, editor-in-chief for education advocacy blog Campus Reform, told “Columbia administrators should send a letter to parents informing them that many of the professors who will teach their children are unable to pass a basic criminal background check.”
Boudin was a member of radical leftist group the Weather Underground, which was responsible for numerous bombings in the 1960s and 1970s, including ones at the Pentagon, Capitol Building and New York's police headquarters. The group was co-founded by William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, who themselves went on to long careers in academia in Chicago. The couple was appointed the legal guardians of Boudin's son while she was in prison and has been linked to the early days of President Obama's political career.
Ayers and his wife were even in attendance for CJI's "Removing the Bars" conference in 2012.
"Hungout with Angela Davis, Bill and Bernadine Ayers, Kathy Boudin & others! Wow #removingbars #removingthebars We had a great kickoff event," tweeted Ronin Davis, then head of the Criminal Justice Caucus, a CJI student-leadership group.
The group holds frequent on-campus events, where a common theme is a curious vision of prison reform that seems not to include punishment. Some of the panel discussions at these events include: “How do we DE-carcerate?” and “Society’s Perceptions of the Formerly Incarcerated.”
Last year, CJI held a workshop titled, “No One Wants to Work With Me: Working with Difficult Populations,” where one of the key points discussed was the “misconceptions and judgments of people labeled registered sex offenders.”
The program’s ties to the Weather Underground are deep. In addition to Boudin's involvement and the visit from Ayers and Dohrn, other former high-level members of the Weather Underground were invited to speak at CJI events. They included Russell Neufeld, who went on to become an anti-death penalty attorney, and Laura Whitehorn, who spoke at an October 2011 called the “Troy Davis Teach-in.”
In 1981, a 38-year-old Boudin, along with several other members of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army, attempted to rob a Brink’s armored truck in Nanuet, N.Y. A security guard was gunned down during the initial robbery and two police officers were killed in a subsequent shootout. Although Boudin did not fire any weapons, her role as getaway driver earned her a sentence of 20 years to life. She was paroled in August 2003.
Boudin's work in prison education dates back to her stint at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in New York. She took part in a 2001 research study on the subject that also included as participants former Black Panther and one-time FBI most-wanted fugitive Angela Davis and Donna Hylton, who served 25 years in prison for her part in the 1985 torture and murder of a Long Island real-estate broker whose decomposing body was found stuffed in a foot locker. That study, and her previous experience with the Weather Underground, appears to have laid the groundwork for her reinvention as an academic specializing in working for -- and with -- violent criminals.
John Hanchar, brother-in-law of Nyack Police Officer Edward O’ Grady, who was killed in the Brink's robbery, told it is distressing to see Boudin and other violent criminals treated like academic superstars.
“That’s the worst thing I could have heard,” Hanchar said. “My sister had three children and she raised them into good people and what [Boudin] did was take their father from them.
“It’s terrible that she has murderers working with her at a school," he continued. "I could see if they had someone speak who committed robbery and served their time, but murderers? It’s not right.”

martes, junio 04, 2013

Former IRS commissioner's wife tweeted from Occupy Wall Street rally

This photo was posted on Susan Anderson's Twitter account in December 2011.

The wife of the former IRS commissioner who ran the tax agency when it was singling out conservative groups was apparently involved -- at least briefly -- in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Susan L. Anderson sent a tweet in December 2011 asking people in the Washington area to attend an Occupy Wall Street rally.
Anderson’s active role in promoting OWS is the latest curious detail to emerge as scrutiny focuses on her husband, ex-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman.
In a Dec. 6 tweet, Anderson, a senior program adviser for the D.C.-based group Public Campaign, tweeted “DC, good morning! Come down to the Mall and tell your 99% story!” as well as a picture of a white tent with a poster on the outside saying, “Story of the 99%. Training Today 830.”
Occupy Wall Street is a movement that began on Sept. 17, 2011 in Manhattan’s Financial District and has grown to more than 100 cities in the U.S. The Occupy rallies sought to bring attention to the disparity among classes in the country, though were also criticized for lacking focus and being unruly. Multiple cities, including D.C., held their own rallies
Anderson’s group, Public Campaign, bills itself as nonpartisan, and states it is working with “a broad range of organizations” to reform campaign-finance rules. However, the group receives much of its funding from such liberal groups as the Ford Foundation, Barbra Streisand’s The Streisand Foundation and Health Care for America NOW, a coalition of labor unions supporting ObamaCare that includes the AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union, according to the Public Campaign website.
When the scandal over the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups broke, Public Campaign also appeared to defend the tax agency.
Nick Nyhart, chief executive for Public Campaign, suggested to ABC News that the misdeeds of a “few bad apples” within the agency will “make it harder for those questions to be asked without claims of bias.”
Last month, Shulman faced a tough round of questioning by Congress on the scandal that’s weighed heavily on the federal tax collecting agency. Shulman, who was appointed to his post by President George W. Bush, denied knowing that the agency targeted Tea Party groups between 2010 and 2012. Others have been skeptical about Shulman’s testimony and his knowledge of events.
Recently released reports show that Shulman made more than 100 visits to the White House.

Read more:

lunes, junio 03, 2013

Bachelet considera Asamblea Constituyente para modificar Constitucion chilena
que ya sabemos ha sido el mecanismo empleado por la nueva izquierda latinoamericana en el poder para perpetuarse en el mismo.
A casi una semana de que el PC entregara oficialmente su respaldo a la candidatura de Michelle Bachelet para las primarias del 30 de junio, el presidente del partido abordó los ejes que la tienda busca instalar en la propuesta de programa de gobierno de la ex Presidenta.
Guillermo Teillier dijo que si bien es fundamental el compromiso con una nueva Constitución, las vías para llegar a ella están aún en discusión, pese a que el PC respalda una asamblea constituyente.
"Bachelet a mí no me ha garantizado que va a hacer asamblea constituyente, ella ha dicho que también se puede considerar la asamblea constituyente, nosotros decimos, qué bueno que se pueda considerar la asamblea constituyente", planteó en el programa Estado Nacional de TVN.
Al ser consultado por su postura frente al gobierno cubano y a los derechos humanos en ese país, Teillier dijo que "es un país que está bloqueado que es producto de una revolución, tiene sus propias características, está tratando de llegar a una apertura interesante. Hay algunos derechos que se respetan, hay restricciones ciudadanas, eso nosotros lo hemos reconocido pero también hay que ver las circunstancias", dijo.
Además se refirió a las críticas del presidenciable de la UDI Pablo Longueira al partido. "Otros como Longueira dicen que somos chavistas, preferiría ser eso a ser pinochetista, pero nosotros no pretendemos importar ninguno de estos modelos a Chile".
Teillier insistió en que su partido aún no resuelve si aspirará a integrar un eventual gobierno de Bachelet y explicó que eso dependerá del programa de gobierno. Frente al rol del PC en las movilizaciones sociales, Teillier dijo que el partido "no maneja ni pretende manejar el movimiento social" y que éste es "una cosa viva independiente de los partidos". Y que por ello no tendría incidencia en el comportamiento de los movimientos sociales en una posible segunda administración de Bachelet.

sábado, junio 01, 2013

Former IRS Chief's Wife Works for Leftist Campaign Finance Reform Group

Doug Shulman [L]

On Friday, reports broke that Former IRS chief Doug Shulman’s wife works with a liberal lobbying group, Public Campaign, where she is the senior program advisor. Public Campaign is an “organization dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of big special interest money in American politics.”

The goal of Public Campaign is to target political groups like the conservative non-profits at issue in the IRS scandal. The Campaign says it “is laying the foundation for reform by working with a broad range of organizations, including local community groups, around the country that are fighting for change and national organizations whose members are not fairly represented under the current campaign finance system.”
CEO of Public Campaign Nick Nyhart has offered words of support for the IRS’ targeting: “There are legitimate questions to be asked about political groups that are hiding behind a 501(c)4 status. It’s unfortunate a few bad apples at the IRS will make it harder for those questions to be asked without claims of bias.”
Public Campaign gets its cash from labor unions like AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, and Move On.

lunes, mayo 20, 2013

Chief IRS Counsel Got Jeremiah Wright's Church out of IRS Probe Before Joining Agency

News reports from the time indicate the now-chief counsel of the IRS, William Wilkins, helped a church connected to President Barack Obama’s friend Rev. Jeremiah Wright get out of an IRS probe in 2008 while working as a private attorney.

“Lawyers from Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr have won the dismissal of an IRS case against United Church of Christ, Sen. Barack Obama's denomination,” The American Lawyer’s Zach Lowe wrote on May 22, 2008. 
The IRS initiated an investigation early this year after a speech by Obama at a 50th anniversary celebration of the church last June. It was a reference by Obama to his presidential candidacy in a talk otherwise focused on faith that caught the agency's attention. Tax laws prohibit non-profits--including churches--from engaging in political speech or promoting candidates. The IRS can withdraw an organization's tax-free status if the organization is found to violate the rule.
Lowe noted that Obama had been a “member of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago--a UCC congregation--for more than 20 years. The church has been in the headlines for several months now as the congregation lead by the controversial Reverend Jeremiah Wright.”
William Wilkins, then a WilmerHale law firm partner, said, “We were so interested in the case we offered to do it pro bono."
Lowe wrote that Wilkins and other firm lawyers worked with the church’s national counsel, Donald Clark, and proved they had invited Obama to the event before he announced his candidacy for president. “Evidence presented in a letter sent to the IRS in late March pointed to ground rules the organization had established for Obama's visit; the church even cautioned churchgoers against engaging in any political activity,” Lowe wrote. “Had the IRS pursued the matter, it would have raised serious questions about the First Amendment's application to church activities, Wilkins says.”
When President Obama nominated Wilkins to be the IRS’s chief counsel on April 17, 2009, his White House cited Wilkins’ experience as an attorney on issues relating to tax-exempt status organization. “He has a broad tax practice that includes counseling nonprofit organizations, business entities, and investment funds on tax compliance, business transactions, and government investigations,” according to the White House release announcing Wilkins' nomination. 
Prior to joining WilmerHale, Wilkins was Staff Director and Chief Counsel of the United States Senate Committee on Finance. Wilkins joined the Democratic staff of the Committee in 1981 and served as tax counsel before becoming Staff Director and Chief Counsel in 1987.
In the release, which included the announcement of a second Treasury Department nominee, President Obama himself said he was "confident in the abilities of these two fine public servants as we work to turn our economy around and give American families the relief they need during these difficult times. Under the leadership of Secretary Geithner, they will work to serve the American people and bring their unique areas of expertise to the job as we work to put America on the path to prosperity."
Upon the resignation of Steven Miller, several news outlets have pointed out that Wilkins will likely become a public target of congressional investigators digging into the scandal surrounding the IRS’s targeting of conservative and Tea Party organizations.
Reuters wrote that GOP lawmakers’ aides said their bosses will soon “focus” on Wilkins as they “seek to determine whether the White House acted improperly.”
“Wilkins' office was made aware of the targeting of conservative groups as early as August 2011, according to the inspector general report,” Reuters wrote. “The report does not make clear whether Wilkins - who reports to the Treasury Department's general counsel - himself knew of the targeting in 2011, or when he first learned of it.”
“Another question is whether Wilkins, whose office employs about 1,600 lawyers, might have taken the matter elsewhere within the Obama administration,” Reuters added. “The IRS issued a statement saying Wilkins did not participate in the August 2011 meeting, which the agency said involved ‘staff attorneys several layers below Wilkins.’”
As Town Hall magazine highlighted recently, White House spokesman Jay Carney has already been pressured by reporters on Wilkins' role in this scandal. 

jueves, mayo 16, 2013

Eric Holder: My Position Deserves More Respect from Congress

Attorney General Eric Holder: "I respect the oversight role that Congress plays. This isn't always a pleasant experience; it's one that I recognize that you go through as an executive branch officer. The one thing I've tried to do is always be respectful of the people who've asked me questions. I don't frankly think I've always been treated with a great deal of respect, and it's not even a personal thing. If you don't like me, that's one thing, but I am the Attorney General of the United States." 

sábado, mayo 04, 2013

How Obama Obstructs Justice in the Search for a Communist Terrorist

mostwantedBy: Cliff Kincaid
Accuracy in Media
If the FBI wants to find Joanne Chesimard, who has just been added to the “Most Wanted Terrorists List,” it could begin by wiretapping President Obama’s friends, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and other members of the Weather Underground. The Weather Underground helped Chesimard—a convicted cop-killer—escape from a New Jersey prison in 1979 and flee to Cuba.
Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, was involved in the “execution style” murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster. The attack on Foerster in a gun battle also took the life of Chesimard’s associate, Zayd Shakur. Ayers and Dohrn named one of their children after Zayd Shakur, who now goes under the name of “Zayd Dohrn,” and is a playwright.
The doubling of the reward from $1 million to $2 million for information leading to her capture and return to New Jersey was made on the 40th anniversary of Foerster’s brutal murder.
However, Chesimard is still today being protected by a support network of “progressive” activists, lawyers and the Cuban government.
Alluding to terrorist support networks for Chesimard in the U.S, Aaron Ford, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s office in Newark, New Jersey, said, “We would be naïve to think there’s not some communication between her and some of those people she used to run around with today.”
Chesimard was a member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA), a group that worked with the Weather Underground. The Black Liberation Army was an outgrowth of the Black Panthers, a black militant group that described police officers as “Pigs” and called for their deaths.
Her escape to Cuba was not surprising. Former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl points out that the Weather Underground was a virtual project of the Cuban intelligence service, the DGI. His book, Bringing Down America, has been updated and republished.
However, the role of the Weather Underground in helping Chesimard go “underground” for more than four years in the U.S., and then escape to Cuba, is being conspicuously ignored in most of the stories about her being named as the first woman added to the Most Wanted Terrorists List.
Raising the stakes, Colonel Rick Fuentes, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, said at Thursday’s news conference on this matter that they have “reason to believe she has established associations with other international terrorist organizations.”
Hence, it appears to be the case that Chesimard has maintained her contacts with leftists and terrorists in the United States and abroad.
Fuentes said that Chesimard “flaunts her freedom in the face of this horrific crime…In 1984, she surfaced in Cuba and was given political asylum by Fidel Castro. To this day, from her safe haven in Cuba, Chesimard has been given the pulpit to preach and profess, stirring supporters and groups to mobilize against the United States by any means necessary. As a government functionary and instrument of anti-U.S. propaganda, she has been used by the Castro regime to greet foreign delegations visiting Cuba.”
The FBI has posted videos and stories about the search for Chesimard. “This case is just as important today as it was when it happened 40 years ago,” says Mike Rinaldi, a lieutenant in the New Jersey State Police and member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Newark. “Bringing Joanne Chesimard back here to face justice is still a top priority.”
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Chairman of the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee, said, “I would like to commend the FBI for naming Joanne Chesimard a Most Wanted Terrorist, first woman ever to make this notorious list. In addition, I would like to applaud the New Jersey state authorities for adding additional reward money for information leading to the capture and arrest of Chesimard, bringing the total reward to $2 million.”
She said naming Chesimard as a Most Wanted Terrorist “is another reaffirmation that the Castro regime facilitates and supports terrorism and undermines U.S. interests consistently.”
At the very least, it also means that the Obama Administration cannot legally justify, under any circumstances, removing Cuba from the list of states supporting international terrorism.
The additional $1 million in reward money, which would come from the State of New Jersey’s forfeiture funds, could be an enticement to people, possibly in Cuba, to apprehend and transfer Chesimard back to the U.S. “Officials did not say whether they hope someone in Cuba will capture her and forcibly return her to the United States, but they did offer that the reward is available to anyone, in any country,” noted Ryan Hutchins of the New Jersey Star-Ledger.
Wiretaps on Chesimard’s associates in the U.S. could be justified, but are not likely, since Eric Holder, a former “black power” activist, runs Obama’s Department of Justice. He was deputy attorney general in the Clinton Administration and was involved in pardons for members of the Weather Underground. As Attorney General, he approved the early release from prison of communist terrorist Marilyn Buck, a member of the Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army involved in Chesimard’s escape from prison. The Obama/Holder Justice Department falsely claimed that Buck had repented for her terrorist ways.
Chesimard is living in Cuba, under the protection of the Castro brothers. But The New York Times once reported that she has been so open about her life in Cuba that she was once listed in the Havana telephone book under her new name, Assata Shakur.
With close connections to the “progressive” movement that worked for Obama’s election as President, Chesimard has been thumbing her nose at federal law enforcement officials who want to bring her back to the U.S. She thinks she can’t be touched. She certainly doesn’t fear a drone strike.
As we noted in a 2011 column, Chesimard gives interviews to American radicals who visit Cuba, such as the late Manning Marable, the professor of history and political science at Columbia University whose biography of Malcolm X was released after his death.
Rather than crack down on Cuba, Obama has facilitated travel to the Communist island through such venues as the Venceremos Brigades, a means by which the Castro dictatorship recruits Americans as agents of influence, trains them in guerrilla warfare tactics, and puts them in touch with international terrorists.
Bernardine Dohrn arranged Veneceremos Brigades trips to Cuba.
Chesimard has an American attorney, Soffiyah Elijah, who serves as Deputy Director of the Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law School and has traveled to Cuba on many occasions, including as a member of the Venceremos Brigades.
The Director Emeritus of the Criminal Justice Institute is Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. He mentored both Michelle Obama and Barack Obama during their respective periods at Harvard.
In a move that ignited controversy among law enforcement, the White House in 2011 hosted a rapper who had performed a song praising Chesimard.
The lyrics of rapper Common’s “A Song For Assata” include:
In the Spirit of God.
In the Spirit of the Ancestors.
In the Spirit of the Black Panthers.
In the Spirit of Assata Shakur.
We make this movement towards freedom for all those who have been oppressed, and all those in the struggle.
Clues as to how to find Chesimard were on display on November 13, 2010, when a memorial tribute was held for “Comrade” Marilyn Buck in New York City after she passed away. The sponsors highlighted a Chesimard recording in praise of Buck that had been smuggled out of Communist Cuba and played at the service. Soffiyah Elijah gave the eulogy. Former members of the Weather Underground and the Puerto Rican terrorist group, FALN, showed up to praise Buck as a great freedom fighter.
Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn paid tribute to Buck in an announcement in the booklet distributed at her memorial service.
Chesimard also has supporters in the media, such as HuffPost Live anchor Marc Lamont Hill, who regularly appears on the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor” program.
Chesimard is the most prominent communist terrorist still on the loose. But she is not the only one. Other fugitives on the FBI list include members of the May 19th Communist Organization.
Joel Gilbert, director of the film, Dreams from My Real Father, describes the May 19th Communist Organization as “an above ground support group for the Weather Underground” that was based in New York City from 1978-1985. He says Obama was “likely” a member of the group during his time at Columbia University in the early 1980’s.
The major media have consistently refused to cover the indisputable evidence of Obama’s communist connections, including a relationship with Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, featured in the film.

viernes, mayo 03, 2013

'No use for them': Racial comments resurface from Obama housing pick

Racially charged comments made by President Obama's pick to lead the Federal Housing Finance Agency are adding fuel to the fire of an already controversial nomination.
The president picked North Carolina Rep. Mel Watt on Wednesday to lead the agency, praising his understanding of the housing crisis which crippled the economy several years ago. If approved by the Senate, Watt would replace Edward DeMarco, the acting director of the FHFA. But getting the Senate to agree that Watt's the man for the job may be tough.
While lawmakers are raising early concerns about Watt's willingness to get tough on questionable lending practices, he also comes with a history of controversial remarks.
During an Oct. 14, 2005 hearing held by the National Commission on the Voting Rights Act, Watt reportedly said that a "substantial majority of white voters" would not vote for a black candidate under any circumstances.
Multiple attempts by to obtain a transcript of the hearing from the National Commission on the Voting Rights Act were not successful. But a report at the time by quoted Watt saying the Voting Rights Act should be expanded and have districts changed to factor in race-based voting and help minority candidates.
He acknowledged "some" white people would support a black candidate, but said voters who refuse should be "factored out."
"I've got no use for them in the democratic process," he reportedly said.
Watt also claimed that black voters -- unlike white voters -- don't have "an absolute commitment" to voting for a candidate based on race.
Three years later, Barack Obama would become the first black president, capturing 43 percent of the vote among white voters. That does not constitute a majority, but by comparison, 4 percent of black voters supported Sen. John McCain.
Calls to the Congressional Black Caucus, which Watt used to lead, and Watt's office were not returned.
In 2004, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader also accused Watt of "using an obscene racial epitaph" against him during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. According to an account at the time in The Hill, Nader said Watt called him, "just another arrogant white man, telling us what we can do. It's all about your ego, another (expletive) arrogant white man."
The comments allegedly came during a tense meeting Nader had with the Caucus on his run for the White House. At the meeting, group leaders allegedly told Nader his bid would defeat the common goal of beating then-President George W. Bush. Nader claims Watt made racist comments toward him and demanded an apology in a two-and-a-half page letter he wrote to the Caucus and released to the media. He did not get one.
The comments from Watt's past are only part of the problem, some lawmakers say.
Conservatives question Watt's record on housing finance and say he's too close to the Obama administration and the banking industry to make the critical calls needed to lead the agency.
If approved, as director of the FHFA Watt would be in charge of overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own or guarantee about half of all U.S. mortgages. Because there is $5 trillion at stake, Watt's decisions would carry more weight over the housing sector and in turn the broader U.S. economy than those who previously held the position.
In the five years since the housing giants were bailed out with $187 billion in taxpayer money, they have managed to show signs of recovery. Freddie was hit with $94 billion in losses from 2007 to 2011 but earned back $11 billion last year. Even though Fannie and Freddie are on the mend, industry experts caution against putting a politician in place to oversee their fiscal health.
In the past, Watt has pushed for better access to mortgages for minority and low-income borrowers, but some say his inclusive record is exactly what should exclude him from consideration.
"I could not be more disappointed in this nomination. This gives new meaning to the adage that the fox is guarding the hen house," Republican Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker said in a statement Wednesday. "The debate around his nomination will illuminate for all Americans why Fannie and Freddie failed so miserably."
Corker's comments echo the calls that other conservative lawmakers have made about the administration's rush to fill the top spot at the FHFA. Mark Calabria, a director of financial regulation studies at the Cato Institute and a former staffer on the Senate Banking Committee during the creation of the FHFA, said there was a bipartisan push to make sure a politician would not lead the government agency and that the post was created with a banking regulator in mind.
"We went out of our way to make sure this wasn't the outcome," Calabria told Thursday.
Calabria believes the ideal candidate should have strong banking credentials and be able to stand up to political pressure which could result in bad lending practices and distort free-market dynamics.
Obama strongly endorsed Watt for the job Wednesday, saying he's helped protect consumers from the "reckless risk-taking" that triggered the financial crisis while also giving more Americans in low-income areas "access to affordable housing."
"Mel understands as well as anybody what caused the housing crisis. He knows what it's going to take to help responsible homeowners fully recover," Obama said. 

O'Reilly: More evidence the far left is out of control in America

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Retratos de fusilados por el Castrismo - Juan Abreu


"EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES" - Heberto Padilla

A aquel hombre le pidieron su tiempo

para que lo juntara al tiempo de la Historia.

Le pidieron las manos,

porque para una época difícil

nada hay mejor que un par de buenas manos.

Le pidieron los ojos

que alguna vez tuvieron lágrimas

para que contemplara el lado claro

(especialmente el lado claro de la vida)

porque para el horror basta un ojo de asombro.

Le pidieron sus labios

resecos y cuarteados para afirmar,

para erigir, con cada afirmación, un sueño


le pidieron las piernas

duras y nudosas

(sus viejas piernas andariegas),

porque en tiempos difíciles

¿algo hay mejor que un par de piernas

para la construcción o la trinchera?

Le pidieron el bosque que lo nutrió de niño,

con su árbol obediente.

Le pidieron el pecho, el corazón, los hombros.

Le dijeron

que eso era estrictamente necesario.

Le explicaron después

que toda esta donación resultaria inútil.

sin entregar la lengua,

porque en tiempos difíciles

nada es tan útil para atajar el odio o la mentira.

Y finalmente le rogaron

que, por favor, echase a andar,

porque en tiempos difíciles

esta es, sin duda, la prueba decisiva.


"Reflexiones" de Fidel (17) 1984 (1) 2010 (8) 2011 (8) 2012 (11) 2013 (23) 2014 (5) 2015 (4) 3-D (22) 4-D (1) 911 (44) aberraciones (1) aborigenes (3) Aborto (12) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (1) Abuso (6) Abuso infantil (6) Abuso Sexual (7) academia (47) academia cubana (182) Accidentes (159) activismo politico (9) activismo social (2) activista digital (3) actor Cuba (7) actrices (12) actrices cubanas (10) Actualidad (3) Acueductos y alcantarillados (13) Acuerdos militares (1) Adan Chavez (3) Adeiny Hechavarria (1) adn (6) Aduana (7) aeropuertos (3) Afectaciones (3) Afganistan (130) Afganistan-EEUU (13) Africa (27) Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (14) Agencias de noticias (2) agenda 21 (2) Agenda de Raul (31) Agentes (27) Agentes cubanos en el exterior (97) agentes de influencia (36) agentes en el exterior (11) Agitadores (1) Agricultura (135) agua (2) Agua potable (24) Ahmadinejad (9) Ahmadineyad (4) Ai Weiwei (4) Ai Weiwie (2) ajedrez (13) Al Gore (1) al jazeera (16) Al Qaeda (148) Al Yazira (1) alan gross (152) Alarcon (13) Alaska (4) ALBA (72) albania (4) Albert Camus (1) ALCA (1) Alcholismo (6) Alcibiades Hidalgo (3) alcoholismo (21) Alejandro Armengol (4) Alejandro Castro Espin (19) Alemania (68) alex jones (78) alexei ramirez (1) alexis cuba (1) alexis vila (9) alfa 66 (1) alfredo guevara (5) Alfredo Pong (70) algeria (5) Aliados (4) Alimentacion (93) Alimentos (246) alina fernandez (10) Alinsky (2) Allende (9) Alvarez Guedes (2) alvaro vargas llosa (1) alz (1) Alzados (2) alzheimer (6) amaury gutierrez (1) amazonas (3) ameh (1) Amenazas (1) America (13) America Latina (19) american dream (1) Amistad (1) Amnistia (1) Amnistia Internacional (11) amor (4) Ana Belen Montes (13) Ana Frank (1) Analisis economico (123) Analisis politico (235) analisis social (23) anarquismo (7) ancianos (41) andre malraux (1) andrei sajarov (3) Andrew Breitbart (4) Andy Garcia (3) Angel Castro (4) Angel Santiesteban (19) Angela Merkel (9) Angelina Jolie (8) Angola (14) Animales (217) anita ekberg (1) anna chapman (8) Anonymous (7) ANPP (7) Antartica (7) Antenas (2) anticapitalismo (2) Anticastrismo (63) antichavistas (1) antigravity (1) Antiguedades (7) Antimotines (1) antisemitismo (2) Antonio Castro (6) Antonio Rodiles (36) antrax (2) Antropologia (27) Antunez (93) Apertura (1) apple (4) Arabe (6) Arabia Saudita (38) Archivo Cuba (2) argelia (8) Argentina (33) Arianna Huffington (1) Ariel Sigler Amaya (5) Armamentismo (16) Armando Lago (1) Armas (251) armas biologicas (1) armas de destruccion masivas (5) armas laser (6) armas nucleares (191) armas quimicas (8) Armenia (2) Aroldis Chapman (14) arqueologia (11) Arquitectura (13) Arquitectura cubana (31) arroz (3) arte (76) arte cubano (45) Arte. Cuba (13) Artico (13) artistas cubanos (29) Artistas y Escritores cubanos (32) Arturo Lopez-Levi (8) Asamblea Nacional (48) Asesinatos (63) Asignacion (1) asilo (3) asistencia social (1) Asteroides (8) astrobiologia (12) Astrofisica (30) Astronautica (135) Astronomia (108) Ataque cibernetico (29) atares (1) ateistas (1) Atentado (4) Aung San Suu Kyi (11) Australia (28) austria (2) Autismo (9) Automatizacion (1) Autos (129) Aviacion (245) Aviones cubanos (8) Awareness (1) Ayuda a las victimas (37) ayuda externa (3) Azerbaijan (4) Azucar (19) bacardi. Cuba (3) bahamas (12) bahrein (20) ballet (1) Ballet Cubano (25) Balseros (163) bancarrota (6) Banco Mundial (11) Bancos (110) bandas juveniles (9) bangladesh (4) Barack Obama (1386) Barbarroja (4) barcos (68) barhein (3) barquin (1) Barthelemy (2) Bashar al Assad (8) Bashar Assad (2) Batista (5) BBC (5) belarus (5) belgica (10) belice (1) bellator (41) bellator. hector lompard (1) Benemelis (8) Benjamin Netanyahu (6) Benoit Mandelbrot (2) berlusconi (3) Berta Soler (48) bielorusia (5) bienestar (1) Bieolorusia (4) bilderberg (8) Bill Clinton (15) Bill Gates (5) Bill O'Reilly (97) bimillonarios (6) Biocombustibles (3) Bioetica (1) biologia (2) bionica (3) Biotecnologia (16) Bioterrorismo (7) birmania (10) Bitcoin (14) black (6) Black Power (23) blogguer (15) Blogoestroika (8) Blogs (59) Blogs cubanos (318) Blogs ranking (4) Blogs-premios (5) bloguer (5) Bloqueo (8) Bloqueo interno (2) bob dylan (3) bob marley (2) Bob Menendez (9) bobby fisher (3) Bodega cubana (1) body language (1) boing boing (2) Bolivia (41) bolsa (30) bonzo (1) bosnia (3) Boxeadores cubanos (219) Boxeo (190) Boxeo cubano (170) Bradley Manning (10) Brasil (76) Brian Latell (6) brigada 2506 (11) Bruno Rodriquez (2) Budismo (2) bulgaria (7) Burma (1) Buro Politico (1) burocracia (3) CaCastrismo (1) Cachao Lopez (1) Cadecas (5) Calle 13 (1) Cambio climatico (66) Cambio de sexo (12) Cambios (60) cambodia (4) Camerun (1) Camilo Cienfuegos (6) Campesinos (36) Canada (561) Canada-China (5) Canal de Nicaragua (1) Canal de Panama (3) canal de suez (2) Canarias (9) cancer (58) candada (1) Candidatos a la Presidencia (6) canibalismo (1) cannes (1) cantantes (9) cantantes cubanos (12) Caos (15) capital (1) Capitalismo (15) Carceles (77) Carceles cubanas (196) Cardenal Bertone (2) Carl Sagan (2) Carlos Alberto Montaner (60) Carlos Marx (10) Carlos Otero (4) Carlos Saladrigas (15) carlos salim (1) carlos varela (4) Carmelo Mesa-Lago (10) Carnavales (1) Carne (1) carter (22) Casa Blanca (40) Casa de Fidel (16) casinos (3) caso uci (6) Castillo del Morro (1) Castrismo (473) casualidades (5) Catastrofismo (14) Cato Institute (2) Causa 1 (6) Causas de su enfermedad (4) Cayo Coco (1) CEA (6) Ceasescu (6) Celac (53) Celebridades (227) celia cruz (1) Celia Hart (2) celulares (14) Celulas madres (9) Censura (42) Censura en internet (160) central nuclear (9) Centro de estudios de la inteligencia cubana (3) cerebro (54) certificado de nacimiento (13) chantaje (9) Chavez (523) chavismo (37) Che Guevara (74) Chechenia (10) Chelsea Clinton (1) Chernobil (20) Chicago's boys (1) Chile (76) China (492) China ejercito (5) China-Rusia (2) China-Tibet (19) Chinos (2) Chipre (5) Chismes (2) Chivatos (8) chocolate (1) Choteo (7) Chris Simmons (79) Christmas (1) Chuck Hagel (15) CIA (159) ciber espionaje (35) Ciberactivismo (14) Ciberataques (46) cibersecurity (49) Ciencia (50) ciencia-ficcion (1) Ciencias (345) Ciencias y Politica (20) cine (168) Cine Cubano (152) circulacion monetaria (5) Cirque du Soleil (1) ciudadanos (4) ciudades (15) Clase Media (2) Clases sociales (4) Claudia Cadelo (7) Clima (25) cnn (20) coalicion (5) Cobalto (1) coca (2) cocacola (3) Cocaina (7) cocina (2) colaboracionistas (42) Colaboradores y agentes en el exterior (349) Colaborares y agentes en el exterior (31) Colin Powel (4) Colombia (83) Combustibles (5) comercio (4) Comercio Cuba-Estados Unidos (7) Comercio Exterior (27) comercio internacional (27) comercio sexual (7) Comida cubana (3) competitividad (6) complejidad (2) Computacion (33) computadoras (21) comunicacion (6) Comunismo (91) comunistas (54) conceptos (1) condicion humana (4) Condoleezza Rice (1) conducta humana (40) Conflicto (1) Conflicto Colombia-Venezuela (5) conflicto colombia-venezuela-ecuador (21) conflicto cuba-estados unidos (19) Congo (2) consecuencias (1) Consejo de Estado (3) Conservadores (12) Conspiracion (475) conspiranoia (36) constitucion (27) Construccion (55) consules cubano (1) Consumo (3) Contaminacion ambiental (70) Contrabando (6) Contrainteligencia (105) contrarrevolucion (1) contraterrorismo (4) Control de Armas (64) Control Social (37) cookies (1) cooperacion economica (2) cooperativas (11) Coraje (2) Corea (6) Corea del Norte (226) Corea del Norte - Corea del Sur (2) Corea del Norte-Cuba (42) Corea del Norte-EEUU (35) Corea del Sur (38) Corporacion Cubana (1) corporaciones (8) Correa (21) Corrupcion (369) costa de marfil (5) costa de oro (1) Costa Rica (11) Costo de Vida (2) creatividad (5) Creditos (30) crimen organizado (1) Crimenes (107) Criminales (38) Criminales en Cuba (35) Crisis (19) Crisis de Octubre (36) Crisis economica (156) Crisis financiera (279) Crisis mundial (38) crisis politica (8) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2) critica social (2) Criticas (1) croacia (2) Crowdfundig (1) Cruceros (5) Cub (2) Cuba (8633) Cuba - Remesas de dinero (37) Cuba Ante Todo (1) Cuba crisis (65) cuba economia (18) Cuba ideologia (5) Cuba Independiente (1) Cuba politica (9) Cuba turismo (143) Cuba-Agricultura (69) Cuba-Argentina (10) cuba-biotecnologia (7) cuba-brasil (91) Cuba-Canada (184) cuba-china (53) Cuba-Colombia (24) Cuba-Corea del Sur (2) Cuba-demografia (15) Cuba-Deportes (22) cuba-ecologia (31) Cuba-Economia (9) Cuba-Educacion (20) Cuba-empleo y desempleo (61) cuba-es (1) Cuba-España (208) Cuba-Estados Unidos (1927) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Canada (16) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Rusia (20) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Union Europea (6) cuba-estados unidos-union sovietica (11) Cuba-eta (8) Cuba-Etiopia (3) Cuba-Exportaciones (26) Cuba-Farc (14) Cuba-Google (9) cuba-holanda (7) Cuba-Ideologia (4) Cuba-India (6) cuba-inglaterra (8) Cuba-internet (115) Cuba-Iran (18) Cuba-Iso (1) Cuba-Medicina (78) Cuba-Medio Oriente (5) Cuba-Mexico (55) Cuba-narcotrafico (22) Cuba-Obama (126) cuba-onu (66) Cuba-Opinion publica (1) Cuba-Prensa-Ideologia (16) Cuba-Qatar (2) Cuba-reformas (42) Cuba-Reino Unido (5) Cuba-Rusia (84) Cuba-Rusia-Estados Unidos (10) Cuba-Rusia-Venezuela (4) Cuba-Sida (15) Cuba-sospechas y miedos (4) Cuba-Sudafrica (2) Cuba-terrorismo (37) Cuba-turismo (2) Cuba-Tv (5) Cuba-Union Europea (83) Cuba-Union Sovietica (8) Cuba-Union Sovietica-EEUU (6) Cuba-Uruguay (11) Cuba-Vaticano (109) Cuba-Venezuela (296) Cuba-venezuela-rusia (5) Cuba-violencia (16) Cuba-Yahoo (1) Cuba: Identidad nacional (4) cubadebate (4) Cubaencuentro (1) Cubalse (1) Cuban study group (4) cubana de aviacion (20) cubanalisis (86) Cubanicidios (1) cubano-americanos (37) Cubanologia (11) Cubanologos (47) Cubanos (19) cubanos en el mundo (81) Cubanos en MMA (4) Cubaq (1) CubaResponde (2) Cubq (1) CUC (24) cuentapropistas (181) Cuentas Nacionales (2) Culto a la personalidad (5) Cultura (38) Curiosidades (506) Cuva (1) Daguestan (1) dalai lama (15) dalia soto (4) damas de blanco (269) daniel ortega (9) Danza (8) Darsi Ferrer (5) Davos (2) Dayron Robles (11) debate de raul (2) Debate Politico (5) Deborah Castro Espin (1) Declaracion de Estados Unidos (3) Delfin (2) Delincuencia juvenil (5) demanda (3) Demandas populares (1) Democracia (168) Demografia (18) denuncia (1) Departamento de Estado (22) Deportacion (51) Deporte (185) deporte cubano (112) deporte profesional (19) deportistas cubanos (39) Derechos Humanos (455) Derribo de Avionetas (6) desalojos (8) desaparecidos (8) Desarrollo cientifico-tecnico (47) Desarrollo-Subdesarrollo (24) desastre ecologico (32) desastre nuclear (123) Desastres (33) Desastres naturales (130) Desde aqui (1) desempleo (27) deserciones (14) Deserciones de deportistas (152) desnudos (6) Desperanza (1) destierro (4) Destruccion (5) deuda (55) Deuda Exterior de Cuba (36) Deuda externa (13) DGI (224) Dialogo con Raul (1) Dialogo Nacional (1) Dialogo Politico (8) Dialogueros (9) diamantes (1) diana krall (1) Diana Nyad (3) Diaz-Balart (4) Dick Cheney (1) Dictadores (97) dictadura (16) Dictaduras (56) dilma rouseff (24) dinamarca (2) dinastias (1) dinero (24) Diosdado Cabello (25) diplomacia (24) diplomaticos cubanos (38) discapacitados (35) Discrepancias (1) Discriminacion (3) Disidencia (166) Disidentes (1045) Distribucion (1) Divisas (10) Djibouti (1) Djokovic (2) doble moral (2) doctrina militar (2) Documental (102) Documental cubano (80) Dolar (11) Donaciones (24) donald trump (12) doping (5) Dr. Antonio de la Cova (1) Dr. Antonio Morales-Pita (2) Dr. Biscet (14) Dr. Darsi Ferrer (19) Dr. Francia (2) Dra. Molina (6) drogas (102) dronenet (1) drones (63) Dualidad monetaria (6) dubai (1) dulce maria loynaz (4) Duque Hernandez (7) Dyron Robles (2) e (1) E-commerce (1) Ebay (5) Ebola (3) ebooks (2) Ecologia (59) Economia (163) Economia Canadiense (13) Economia China (45) Economia Cubana (350) Economia mundial (75) Economist (1) Economistas cubanos (13) Ecuado-Estados Unidos (2) Ecuador (76) Ecuador-Estados Unidos (2) Educacion (36) Edward Snowden (63) EEUU (2) EEUU Congreso (169) EEUU desintegracion (2) EEUU Economia (73) EEUU Gobierno (61) EEUU senado (126) EEUU-China (51) EEUU-Japon (3) EEUU-Mexico (19) efecto domino (2) efectos (1) Egipto (174) Einstein (8) ejecutivos (2) Ejercito (84) ejercito britanico (1) ejercito canadiense (6) ejercito cubano (52) Ejercito norteamericano (217) Ejercito norteamericano Iraq (9) Ejercito norteamericanoIslamismo (2) Ejercito Rebelde (8) ejercito ruso (20) ejercito venezolano (14) El caso Marquitos (1) El Chacal (3) El Coran (5) El Critico (2) El Grupo de Raul (25) El Guaton (22) El Pais (3) El Papa (113) El Salvador (9) El Sexto (11) Elecciones (140) Elecciones en Cuba (76) elecciones en estdos unidos (3) Elecciones en EU (216) electronica (1) Elena Burke (1) Elian (13) Eliecer Avila (29) Elite (5) email (10) embajadas cubanas (6) Embargo (591) Emigracioin (20) Emigracion (78) Emigracion cubana (1345) emigracion ilegal (53) Emigrantes ilegales (49) emilio ichikawa (135) EMP ha (1) Empleo (18) Emprendedores (13) empresarios (6) empresas (26) Empresas extranjeras en Cuba (40) Encuesta de opinion (32) Energia (36) energia electrica (29) Energia nuclear (89) energia termonuclear (1) Energias renovables (31) enfermedades (88) enfermos (8) Enjuiciamiento (1) Enrique Dans (1) Enrisco (14) Entrenamiento militar (1) entretenimiento (7) envejecimiento (3) envios a Cuba (10) epidemias (59) equality (1) Eric Holder (12) erick sanchez (3) erislandi lara (2) erislandy lara (16) Ernesto Diaz de Villegas (1) Ernesto Hernandez Busto (2) erotismo (18) escambray (3) escandalo (36) esclavitud (2) escocia (1) Escritores cubanos (98) escuadron patriota (8) escuelas (6) Eslovaquia (1) Espacio Laical (1) Espana (10) España (148) Especulacion (3) Espias (47) espias cubanos (98) Espias cubanos presos (158) Espinaxiones (23) Espionaje (94) espionaje industrial (11) estacion internacional (1) estadisticas (26) Estado (7) Estado de Sats (26) Estado de sitio (1) estados (1) Estados Unidos (1343) estados unidos crisis (112) Estados Unidos economia (86) estados unidos gobierno (40) Estados Unidos-Canada (35) Estados Unidos-China (4) Estados Unidos-Rusia (63) estanflacion (1) Esteban Lazo (1) Esteban Morales Dominguez (4) esteroides (1) estonia (1) estrategia (3) estrategia militar (3) estudiantes extranjeros (8) Estudios Cubanos (2) estulin (1) Estupideces (295) Eta (8) Etanol (4) Etica Politica (3) Etica y moral (10) Etnologia (2) EU (2) eu senado (3) Eugenio Yáñez (66) euro (4) Europa (67) Europa del Este (1) Eusebio Leal (12) eutanasia (5) Eva Braun (2) evacuacion (1) evasion fiscal (1) Evo Morales (38) evolucion (19) ex paises socialistas (1) excarcelados (1) Exili (1) Exilio (8) Exilio cubano (105) Exodo cubano (5) explosion nuclear (4) Explotacion del trabajo infantil (2) Exportaciones (11) expropiaciones (6) extranjeros (6) extrema derecha (6) extremistas (59) F1 (4) facebook (67) fallas de internet (9) Familia (43) familia cubana (9) Famosos (2) Far (26) Farc (81) fascismo (4) FBI (122) federico garcia lorca (1) Felicidad (4) Felix Bonne Csarcasses (1) Feria del Libro (1) ferry (1) Fertilizantes (1) Fidel (873) Fidel Castro (8) Fidel familia (61) Fidel reflexiones (4) Fidel-Estados Unidos (2) Fidelistas (1) Fidelito (9) fiji (1) filipinas (11) Filosofia (21) Finanzas (81) Finlandia (3) first nation (4) fisica (29) Fisin (1) FIU (9) flamur (5) Flash usb (1) flora (1) Florida (54) FMI (9) Fnca (9) Fondos de inversion (21) forbes (9) Foreign Policy blog (3) Formula 1 (1) Foros cubanos (1) Fortuna de Fidel y Raul (5) Fotografia (119) fran (1) Francia (60) Francis I (24) franco (2) François Hollande (1) Frank Delgado (1) Frases celebres (3) Fraude (123) fraude electoral (41) fraude fiscal (2) freddi roche (1) Frente de Resistencia Civica OZT (6) Friedrich Hayek (5) frontera (9) Fuerza de trabajo (24) fukushima (9) Fusilamientos (13) futbol (3) Futbol cubano (8) Futuro (27) G.W. Bush (8) G2 (7) G20 (3) G7 (2) g8 (4) Gabo (5) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (7) gaddafi (136) Gaesa (5) Galicia (3) Gallegos (1) Gamboa (24) Ganaderia (9) Ganado (5) Gangs (2) garry kasparov (5) Gas (10) Gasolina (8) gatos (1) Gays (56) gaza (1) gazapos (1) Geert Wilders (2) Gen. Petraeus (12) Gen. Rafael del Pino (17) gene (1) gene sharp (3) Generacion Y (26) Generales (39) Generales cubanos (43) Genetica (33) genios (5) genocidio (2) Geoges Soros (17) Geometria Fractal (4) geopolitica (48) Geopolitica cubana (20) Geopolitica latinoamericana (37) george orwel (2) George Zimmerman (9) Georgia (8) Gerencia empresarial (5) Ghana (4) Giron (1) gitanos (2) glacier (1) glasnost (1) glasnot (2) Glenn Beck (4) globalistas (3) Globalizacion (14) Gloria Stefan (1) gmail (1) gobernabilidad (6) gobernantes (1) Gobierno cubano (15) Gobierno Mundial (10) Gobierno paralelo (2) gobiernos (21) golf (3) golfo de mexico (2) Golpe de estado (10) google (61) Google glass (2) Gorbachov (24) Gorki (27) grammy (1) Granada (6) grandes ligas (71) Granma (66) grecia (30) greenpace (1) greenpeace (1) Grenada (1) Groenlandia (6) Ground Zero (6) guama (20) Guanabo (3) Guantanamo (18) Guatemala (5) guerra (92) guerra asimetrica (5) guerra cibernetica (53) guerra civil (70) guerra comercial (2) Guerra de Angola (20) Guerra de E-mails (1) guerra espacial (2) Guerra Fria (37) Guerra hispano-americana (6) Guerra Irregular (2) guerra sicologica (3) Guerras (98) Guerras africanas (13) Guerrillas (31) Guillermo Cabrera Infante (10) Guillermo Farinas (86) guinness (6) gulag (2) Guyana (1) haarp (4) Habana (1) Hackers (60) Hackers cubanos (4) Hairon Socarras (1) Haiti (24) Hamas (29) Hambre (14) hambruna (3) Hamid Karzai (14) Haroldo (3) Hassan Rouhani (4) hawai (4) Hazanas (88) Heberto Padilla (8) Hector Lombard (11) hemingway (5) Henrique Capriles (20) henry kissinger (4) Herencia (2) Hermanos al Rescate (18) heroismo (6) Herta Müller (2) herzegovina (1) hesbollah (1) Hezbollah (16) Hialeah (4) Hidrologia (1) Hijos (4) hijos de puta (2) Hilda Molina (7) Hillary Clinton (83) hipotecas (7) hippies (2) hispanos (4) Historia (57) Historia de Cuba (48) Hitler (21) hizbollah (2) hobby (1) Holanda (6) hollywood (85) holografia (1) hombre (39) homeless (8) Homofobia (50) Homosexuales (25) Homosexualismo (23) Honduras (42) Hong Kong (3) hopkins (2) hot line (1) huber matos (19) Hubert Matos (20) Huckabee (1) huelga de hambre (160) huelgas (3) humanismo (2) humanos (25) Humberto Fontova (15) Humidores (1) Humor (583) hungria (3) Huracanes (80) I GM (3) I-D (4) Iberoamerica (3) icaic (3) Ichikawa (2) Ideologia (12) Idiomas (4) Idiotas (18) Ig Nobel Prize (4) Iglesia (48) Iglesia cubana (230) II GM (18) III GM (1) iInestabilidad social (1) Ileana de la Guardia (1) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (24) Ilegales (1) imperios (2) Importaciones (22) Impuestos (99) India (35) Indice de Desarrollo Humano (5) indigenas (7) Indigencia (2) indolencia (4) indonesia (5) industria (4) Industria azucarera (45) industria cubana (1) industriales (2) Ineficiencia economica (1) inequality (6) Inestabilidad social (17) Infamia (6) inflacion (8) Informacion (14) informatica (22) Infraestructura (1) ingenieria social (2) Inglaterra (25) Ingrid Betacourt (7) Inmobiliarias (20) inmolacion (1) Inmovilismo raulista (3) innovaciones (20) Intelectuales (24) intelectuales y artistas cubanos (31) Inteligencia (52) inteligencia artificial (9) Inteligencia cubana (71) Internet (242) intervencion militar (44) Intolerancia (4) invasion (5) Inversion extranjera (412) Inversiones (48) inversiones norteamericanas en cuba (14) investigaciones secretas (2) Ion Mihai Pacepa (1) ipad (5) iphone (2) Iran (201) iran-estados unidos (65) Iraq (58) irlanda (12) isaac asimov (2) ISIS (21) Islam (99) Islamismo (168) islandia (6) islas caiman (6) Islas del Pacifico (2) Israel (148) Israel-EEUU (23) israel-iran (8) israel-palestina (12) Italia (41) Ivan de la Nuez (4) Ivan Pedroso (1) Izquierdas (26) J.E. Hoover (2) J.K. Rowling (1) jaime bayly (6) Jaime Ortega (53) Jaime Suchlicki (1) jamaica (3) Japon (178) japon terremotos (8) Jared Lee Loughner (1) jeb bush (6) jesse ventura (16) JFK (43) Jicotea cubana (1) jihad (18) jineterismo (51) Joaquin Sabinas (1) joe biden (18) Joel Casamayor (9) John A. Boehner (48) John Boehner (2) John Brennan (2) John Kerry (37) john lennon (6) Jon Jones (2) Jon Stewart (4) jordania (5) Jorge Arreaza (1) jorge pomar (4) Jose Ariel Contreras (4) Jose Daniel Ferrer (7) Jose Dariel Abreu (12) Jose Fernandez (1) jose lezama lima (2) jose marti (2) Jose Mujica (6) Jose Ramon Machado Ventura (11) Juan Abreu (38) Juan F. Benemelis (9) Juan Juan (31) Juan Manuel Marquez (2) Juan Triana (7) jubilados (1) judios (21) Juegos (15) Juegos Olimpicos (23) Julian Assange (31) Julio Casas Regueiro (2) justicia (4) Justin Bieber (5) Justin Trudeau (6) Justin Truedeau (1) Juventud (31) Juventud Cubana (104) Juventud Rebelde (5) kamikazes (1) Kaos (8) kAOS en la red (28) karadzic (1) karzai (2) kazajastan (3) Kcho (2) kendry morales (5) Kennedy (53) Kenya (5) Keynesianismo (3) KGB (11) Khamenei (4) Kid Chocolate (2) Kim Jong Il (20) kim jong-un (51) kirchner (2) kirguizia (2) Kirguizistan (2) Kitchner (5) klitchko (1) Klitschko (1) klitshko (10) Kosovo (3) kuwait (3) La Habana (23) lady gaga (7) Laetitia Casta (1) Lage (21) Lance Armstrong (13) laser (1) Latinoamerica (115) latinos (2) Laura Labrada Pollan (1) laura pollan (34) lavado de dinero (26) Laz (2) Lazaro Barredo (2) Lazaro Gonzalez (1) leche (4) Lee Harvey Oswald (5) lefties (24) Leftist (4) leftists (112) leinier (2) Lenguaje (10) lenin (7) leo brouwer (1) Leonard Cohen (2) leonardo da vinci (2) Leonardo Padura (13) Leopoldo Lopez (10) lesbian (6) Ley de Ajuste Cubana (20) Leyes (82) Leyes cubanas (68) Lezama Lima (2) lgbt (17) libano (6) Liberacion (1) Liberales (9) Liberalismo (11) Libertad (30) Libertad de expresion (50) libertad de informacion (18) libertad de prensa (8) Libia (356) Libre Expresion (1) Libreta de Abastecimientos (11) Libros (23) lideres (1) Lina Ruz (1) Literatura (35) Literatura Cubana (61) Lituania (3) Liu Xiaobo (9) livan hernandez (11) Lluvia (1) Logica Difusa (2) logistica (2) Long tail (1) Los Aldeanos (28) Los Duros (2) Los Miquis (4) loteria (25) Lucha no violenta activa (36) Ludwing von Mises (3) luis alberto garcia (1) Luis Alberto Lopez Rodriquez-Callejas (3) Luis Alberto Rodriquez (6) Lula (44) lulzsec (1) Luna (13) Machado Ventura (19) Machu Picchu (1) Macroeconomia (10) madres (9) Mafia (24) Mafia cubana (4) Magnus Carlsen (1) Mahmoud Abbas (3) mahoma (1) malasia (5) Malcolm Gladwell (1) malcom x (1) Maleconazo (11) mali (1) Malta (2) Malvinas (2) Mambises (3) Mandela (4) Manipulacion (556) manny pacquiao (18) Manuel Cuesta Morua (1) Manuel Diaz Martinez (2) Manuel Vazquez Portal (4) Mao Tse Tung (8) Mapas (5) Maquiavelo (1) mar (42) Maradona (5) marcas (4) marco rubio (102) marcos rubio (3) maremotos (10) margaret thatcher (6) Marginalidad (19) Maria Corina Machado (8) María Corina Machado (3) maria elvira (3) Maria Gabriela Chavez (1) Mariel (18) Mariela Castro (91) Marifelli Perez-Stable (9) marihuana (22) marijuana (2) marilyn monroe (8) Marino Murillo (6) Mario Chanes de Armas (2) Mario Vargas Llosa (6) Mark Zuckerberg (8) Marketing (10) Marquitos (1) marta fonseca (1) marte (13) Martha Beatriz Roque (49) Martha Colmenares (16) Marti (5) martin luther king (4) Marulanda (7) Marx (1) Marxismo (18) Masacre del remolcador 13 de marzo (5) masas (1) mashable (1) masoneria (3) mass killers (26) matematicas (7) material nuclear (15) Materias primas (6) Mauritania (1) max lesnik (3) Max Marambio (31) mayweather (11) Mazorra (1) McCain (17) media (68) Mediacion (2) Medicare (18) Medicina (139) medicinas (31) Medicos cubanos (107) Medio ambiente (24) Medio Oriente (80) medio oriente crisis (4) Medios de comunicion (125) Medvedev (19) Mercado (18) Mercado informal (7) Mercado Inmobiliario (36) Mercado InmobiliarioR (1) mercado mayorista (8) mercado minorista (3) Mercados Agropecuarios (26) mercados emergentes (2) Mercosur (1) meryl streep (1) Mesa Redonda (5) meteoritos (23) Mexico (52) mi5 (1) Miami (362) michael jackson (5) Michael Moore (9) Michel Foucault (3) Michelle Bachelet (3) michelle obama (19) Microcreditos (12) microeconomia (1) Microsiervos (4) Microsoft (9) miedos (4) Migracion (6) Miguel Barnet (1) Miguel Diaz-Canel (31) Mike Perez (2) mike porcel (1) Mike Tyson (9) Militares (37) militares cubanos (49) militares venezolanos (12) Militarismo (17) Millennials (1) milton friedman (1) minas (5) minerales (25) Minint (28) minorias (2) Miriam Celaya (1) miseria (90) Misterios (25) Mitt Romney (36) MLC (3) MMA (138) moda (11) Modelo chino (9) modelos economicos (3) Mohammed Morsi (13) momias (1) Monarquias (8) moneda (12) moneda virtual (4) mongolia (2) Montaner (7) montreal (1) Movilizacion contra Castro (1) Movimiento 26 de Julio (1) Movimiento Cristiano Liberacion (4) Mozambique (1) Mubarak (9) muerte (48) muerte asistida (1) Muertes del Castrismo (180) Muertos de la Revolucion (12) Mugabe (8) Muhammad Ali (5) Mujeres (149) Mujeres cubanas (105) mulsumanes (7) multiculturalismo (10) Mundo (1102) Muro de Berlin (17) Musica (173) Musica Cubana (258) Musica-tecnologia (2) musicos (13) Musicos cubanos (261) Musicos ubanos (1) muslim brotherhood (3) muslims brotherhood (57) mussolini (1) Musulmanes (244) myanmar (6) nacion (1) Nacionalismo (1) Nadal (3) namibia (5) nanomedicina (2) nanotecnologias (15) Napoleon (2) narcoguerrilla (23) Narcotrafico (53) Nasa (64) National Security Agency (20) naturaleza (22) navy seal (3) nazismo (18) Negociacion politica (172) negocios (41) negros (5) Nelson Mandela (16) Neocastrismo (540) neocons (8) neonazis (3) nepal (11) Nepotismo (6) nerd (1) Neruda (2) Network (1) neutralidad (1) New York (31) New York Times (17) Newsweek (1) Niagara Falls (5) nicaragua (25) Nick Wallenda (1) Nicolas Maduro (116) nigeria (2) Nik Wallenda (1) Nikita Jrushchov (3) ninos (214) Niquel (17) Niurka Marcos (1) nivel de vida (10) Noam Chomsky (1) nomeklatura (6) nomekltarua (3) nomen (1) Nomenklatura (456) Norberto Fuentes (11) Norteamerica (3) norteamericanos (5) noruega (14) Nostradamus (1) Noticias (8) NSA (13) nudismo (2) nueva zelandia (13) Nuevo Herald (7) Obama (20) Obama-Raul (18) Obama's Group (12) Obamacare (38) Obamunismo (1) Occidente (45) occupy movement (17) Ochoa (14) Odalanier Solis (7) Odio (3) odlanier solis (13) OEA (36) Ofelia Acevedo (1) Ofensiva revolucionaria (1) Oferta y demanda (8) oil sands (2) Olimpiadas (2) Oliver Stone (2) ollanta humala (3) Olof Palme (1) OLPL (15) ontario (20) Ontologia (3) ONU (54) Operacion Caguairan (2) Opiniones (4) Opositores (882) opostiores (16) Orestes Lorenzo (1) Organizaciones politicas del exilio (85) organs trade (1) Orlando Zapata Tamayo (81) orlov (9) Ortega (1) osama bin laden (82) oscar de la hoya (1) Oscar Elias Biscet (25) Oscar Espinosa Chepe (20) Oscar Haza (5) Otan (55) OTZ (1) ovnis (12) OWS (33) OZT (57) Pablo Escobar Gavirias (7) Pablo Iglesias (1) Pablo Milanes (24) Padre Conrado (1) Paises emisores de turismo (31) Pakistan (46) paladares (8) Palestina (68) Panama (28) pancho cespedes (4) Panfilo (5) papua (1) paquetes a Cuba (2) paquistan (1) paquito D'rivera (6) paradigmas (8) paraguay (5) paraguay. Cuba (2) Paramilitares (4) paranormal (3) Parche (1) Paris Hilton (1) parlamento (7) Partido Comunisa de Cuba (43) partido comunista (35) Partido Comunista de Cuba (7) Partido Democrata (92) Partido politicos (49) Partido Republicano (102) Partido Socialista Unido Venezolano (1) partidos politicos (12) pastor terry jones (1) Patricio de la Guardia (2) patriotismo (1) paul krugman (16) Paul Ryan (2) Pavonato (1) Paya (111) paypal (3) paywall (1) Paz (6) PCC (10) PDVAL (1) PDVSA (14) peacemakers (1) Pederastia (1) Pedofilia (3) pedolfilia (1) pedro campos (3) Pedro Diaz Lanz (5) Pedro Luis Boitel (5) Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz (1) Pedro Luis Ferrer (5) pedro pablo oliva (5) Pelota (66) Pelota cubana (294) peloteros cubanos (12) Peloteros cubanos en grandes ligas (243) Pena de muerte (5) Pensadores cubanos (5) Pensamiento politico (2) pensiones (3) Pentagono (82) Penultimos Dias (3) pequenos negocios (3) percepcion (4) Perdon (2) Perez Roque (10) Perfil de Raul (2) Periodismo (9) periodistas (17) Periodistas cubanos (21) periodistas independientes (39) Peronismo (1) Persona del ano (1) personalidades (23) Peru (16) perugorria (2) Peso cubano (17) PETA (1) Petrocasas (3) Petroleo (195) Petroleo cubano (202) PIB [GDP] (1) picasso (1) Piedad Cordova (1) pinochet (1) pinttura (4) Pintura Cubana (44) piratas (7) Plan de Raul (2) planificacion (4) Playa Giron (23) playas (9) Plaza Tiannamen (7) po0 (1) poblacion (100) Poblacion y dinero (137) Pobreza (234) pobreza estructural (84) poder (6) Poder Politico (131) Poder politico en Cuba (41) Poder Popular (12) Poesia (19) Poker (1) Polemica (5) Policia (91) Politica (63) politica exterior (8) politica fiscal (1) Politica internacional (5) Politica Monetaria (2) Politica norteamericana hacia Cuba (1) Political correctness (10) politicamente correcto (3) politicos (87) politicos norteamericanos (1) Polo Norte (1) polonia (8) Polucion (1) ponzi scheme (3) popularidad (2) Populismo (10) Porno (5) Porno para Ricardo (20) pornografia (6) Portugal (12) posada carriles (4) posicion comun (4) post Fidel (4) Post-castrismo (7) Post-fidelismo (5) Postcastrismo (38) Postcastro (1) Postcomunismo (1) PostFidel (2) Postfidelismo (13) Precios (27) Precios en el mercado informal (3) predicciones (8) premio (9) Premio 11 de Abril (2) Premio al Buen Corazon (1) Premio Blog Acido (1) Premio Blog Desmentido (1) Premio Blog Dorado (2) Premio Eta Kanpora (1) Premio Huella 2008 (5) Premio Nobel (26) Premio Nobel de Economia (4) premio nobel de la paz (6) Premio Nobel de Literatura (6) Premio Ortega y Gasset (3) Premio Sajarov (2) Premio San Miguel Arcangel (1) Premios (11) Premios 11 de Abril (1) Prensa (43) prensa cubana (52) Prensa Extranjera (89) Presidente de Cuba (1) Presidio Politico (39) Presos (58) Presos de conciencia (88) presos politicos (55) Presupuesto (106) Presupuesto Militar (2) pride (2) Primavera Negra (77) prisioneros (10) Prisioneros de conciencia (61) Prisioneros de concienciencia (1) privacidad (67) productividad (3) Producto Interno de Cuba (1) profecias (6) Programa politico (11) Progreso (2) Prohibiciones (2) pronosticos (13) Propaganda (248) Propiedad (2) Propiedad intelectual (1) Propiedad privada (6) proselitismo (2) Prosperidad (1) Prostitucion (90) Protesta (45) Protestas (559) provocacion (21) Proyecto Varela (8) PSUV (1) publicidad (1) Pueblo (5) Puerto Rico (6) Punto 0-0 (1) puppets (1) Putin (137) Pymes (63) Qatar (5) quantum computer (2) Quebec (3) Quejas de la poblacion (51) Queubec (1) Quinquenio Gris (1) Racionamiento (4) Racismo (50) radio frequency wapons (1) Radio Marti (16) radioactividad (31) Rafael Alejandro Hernandez Real (1) Rafael Correa (24) rafael rojas (3) rahm emanuel (5) ramadan (2) Ramiro (22) Rances Barthelemy (2) randy alonso (3) raperos cubanos (1) Raul (646) Raul Castro (12) raul familia (17) Raul Reyes (16) Raul Rivero (7) Raul y Fidel Castro (4) Raulismo (16) Razas en Cuba (1) RDA (17) Real politik (2) rebeldes (56) rebelion (1) reciclaje (1) Reclamacion de propiedades expropiadas (1) Reclutamiento de agentes (1) reconciliacion nacional (1) Reconstruccion (1) Recrutamiento de agentes (9) Red Avispa (58) Redes sociales (37) redistribucion (1) Reflexiones (4) reforma en cuba (239) reforma migratoria (105) Reforma Monetaria (49) Reforma politica (4) Reformas (86) Reformas economicas (517) Reformas economicas. (1) Reformas raulistas (146) Refugiados (6) Regionalismo (1) Reina Tamayo (30) reinaldo arenas (5) Reinaldo Escobar (23) reino unido (116) Relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos (5) Relaciones Internacionales (2) Relevo generacional (5) Religion (184) religiones afrocubanas (34) Remolcador (6) Renuncia (2) Renuncia de Fidel (1) rep checa (1) repatriacion (5) Reporteros sin Fronteras (7) Represioin (33) Represion (1389) Represion a los intelectuales (116) Repsol (16) Republica Checa (5) Republica Dominicana (15) resistencia popular (3) reunificacion (1) reunificacion familiar (8) revolucion (7) revolucion arabe (5) revolucion cubana (48) Revolucionarios (2) reynier aguero (1) richard branson (6) Richard Nixon (5) ricos (22) riesgo (2) rigondeaux (28) Riqueza (24) Rob Ford (1) robert kennedy (1) robertico robaina (2) Robots (37) rockets (35) Roger Federer (2) ron cubano (10) ronald reagan (13) Rosa Diez (1) Rosa María Payá (40) Rosita Fornes (2) Ruinas (3) Rumania (16) rumanos (1) Rumores (5) rupert murdoch (1) Rusia (383) Saddam Hussein (1) sahara occidental (1) Salarios (32) Salman Rushdie (1) Salud (356) salud cubana (172) Salud de Fidel (70) Salud de Raul (2) Salud publica (369) same sex marriage (1) Sandinistas (1) Sandino (1) santiago de cuba (9) Sara Marta Fonseca (1) Sarah Palin (15) sarajevo (1) satelite (11) Sats. Cuba (40) Scarabeo 9 (6) secret service (4) Secretario de Defensa (2) Secretario de Estado (1) Secreto (17) secretos militares (12) Secuestrados (21) Secuestros (39) securidad del estado (1) Seguridad (32) seguridad cubana (25) Seguridad del Estado (77) Seguridad nacional (72) seguridad personal (12) seguridad social (4) Seguros (11) Selman (2) Semiotica (2) senadores (40) serbia (3) Sergio Ramirez (1) sexo (69) Sharia (16) Sherrit (19) siberia (2) Sicilia (1) Sicologia (38) Sicologia politica (12) Sida (10) Silvio Benitez (20) Silvio Rodriquez (30) silvito el libre (4) Simon Bolivar (3) sina (25) Sindicatos (27) Sindrome de la Indefension Adquirida (15) Sindrome del Neocastrismo (69) Singapur (7) siquiatria (12) Siria (93) smartphone (8) smog (1) sms (1) Soberania (1) Social (1) social media (4) social network (1) Socialdemocracia (4) Socialismo (56) socialismo de mercado (3) Socialismo del Siglo XXI (19) socialistas (44) Sociedad (84) Sociedad Civil (30) Sociedades Secretas (1) Sociologia (29) sofia loren (1) software (2) sol (11) soldados (27) Solidaridad (7) Solzhenitsyn (3) Somalia (16) Sonia Garro (14) Soros (1) sri lanka (1) st.piere (1) st.pierre (2) Stalin (23) Stephen Hawking (10) steve jobs (12) stock market (6) stratfor (3) Subastas (18) submarinos (1) Subversion (3) Sucesion (154) Sucesores (107) Sucre (3) Sudafrica (29) Sudal del Sur (1) Sudan (4) suecia (18) Suelos (1) suerte (13) suicidio (25) suiza (7) sundance (2) Susan Boyle (1) Susan Rice (3) Swat team (4) Tabaco Cubano (33) tabacos cubanos (3) tabaquismo (4) Tabu (1) tailandia (3) taiwan (10) Taladrid (1) talento (2) Taliban (65) Tania Bruguera (10) Tarata (1) tarjetas de credito (3) task force (1) tattoo (4) taxpayers (2) Tea Party (15) Teatro cubano (11) tecnologia (213) ted cruz (22) ted kennedy (1) Telecomunicaciones (77) Television (14) tendencias (1) Tenis (8) Teoria Economica (76) Teoria Politica (43) Terremotos (29) terromotos (7) Terrorismo (469) terroristas (409) terry fox (1) Terry Jones (2) Texas (3) thailandia (3) the beatles (6) thi (1) Think Tank (269) Tibet (20) tiburones (5) Tierra (52) Times (7) timor oriental (1) Tina Turner (1) Tiro fijo (2) tolerancia (1) tomas piard (2) tony blair (2) tony castro (23) Tony Cortes (4) Tony de la Guardia (9) Toronto (79) Torturas (17) Totalitarismo (21) trabajadores por cuenta propia (29) trabajadores publicos (1) trabajos (10) Tracey Eaton (29) trafico de armas (53) Trafico de drogas (98) trafico de organos (2) trafico de personas (22) tragedias (3) transgender (2) Transicion (175) Transporte (29) Trasvestismo (4) Tratado de Libre Comercio (1) travesti (1) tren (20) tribunal internacional (1) Trilateral (2) trinida y tobago (1) Trotsky (1) trudeau (1) Tsunami (10) tunez (16) Tupamaro (1) Turismo (24) Turismo Cuba (136) turistas norteamericanos (2) Turquia (23) TV cubana (11) Tv Marti (12) twiter (5) Twitter (40) tycoon (5) UCI (14) Ucrania (43) UFC (65) ufo (10) uigur (1) UJC (13) Umap (7) Underground (1) Uneac (30) Uneac. Censura (10) UNESCO (1) Unidad politica (2) union (1) Union Europea (93) Union Sovietica (110) Universidad (86) Universo (68) Univision (1) UNPACU (75) Upec (3) uranio (3) Uribe (3) Uruguay (12) US Grants (2) US Presidentes (53) uzbekistan (2) Vacilon (1) vaclav havel (4) Valores y normas de conductas (14) Van Van (3) Vaticano (66) Vejez (3) Venezuela (467) Venezuela crisis (42) venezuela economia (3) Venezuela elecciones (50) venezuela-china (7) Venezuela-Cuba-Rusia-China-Iran (1) Venezuela-Estados Unidos (26) Venezuela-Rusia (5) Ventas (1) Verizon Scandal (1) VI Congreso del PCC (46) Via China (3) Viajes a Cuba (232) viajes al exterior (10) vicente botin (1) victimas del 911 (7) victor mesa (1) Vida (32) vida extraterrestre (19) Vida Guerra (1) Video (30) video juegos (9) viejos (6) Viet Nam (26) Violencia (20) Virgen del Cobre (4) virtual (1) Virus (12) Vitali Klitschko (1) Vivienda (199) Vladimiro Roca (13) Voces del Barrio (8) volcanes (9) Walesa (11) wall street (31) walmart (6) Welfare (7) Wendy Guerra (4) whistleblower (3) whistleblowers (1) wi-fi (8) WikiLeaks (143) wikipedia (4) william levy (1) Willy Chirno (6) Wilman Villar Mendoza (26) Wilmar Villar Mendoza (1) windows (1) winston churchill (4) World Trade Center (18) World Trade Organization (1) wynoma ryder (1) Xi Jinping (11) xiomara laugart (6) XXX (1) yahoo (3) Yaoutube (1) Yasiel Puig (14) Yasmani Tomas (1) yasser arafat (10) Yeltsin (4) yemen (38) Yo acuso al gobierno cubano (1) Yoan Moncada (1) Yoani (276) Yoany (19) Yoenis Cespedes (10) yoga (5) Yohandry (6) yoko ono (1) Youtube (15) yuan (6) Yugoeslavia (1) Yunier Dorticos (1) yuri gagarin (3) Zawahri (1) zelaya (1) Zimbawe (8) Zoe Valdes (22) Zona Franca Mariel (38) Zumbado (1)

La columna de Cubanalisis

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]
¨Saturno jugando con sus hijos¨/ Pedro Pablo Oliva


Carta desde la carcel de Fidel Castro Ruz

“…después de todo, para mí la cárcel es un buen descanso, que sólo tiene de malo el que es obligatorio. Leo mucho y estudio mucho. Parece increíble, las horas pasan como si fuesen minutos y yo, que soy de temperamento intranquilo, me paso el día leyendo, apenas sin moverme para nada. La correspondencia llega normalmente…”

“…Como soy cocinero, de vez en cuando me entretengo preparando algún pisto. Hace poco me mandó mi hermana desde Oriente un pequeño jamón y preparé un bisté con jalea de guayaba. También preparo spaghettis de vez en cuando, de distintas formas, inventadas todas por mí; o bien tortilla de queso. ¡Ah! ¡Qué bien me quedan! por supuesto, que el repertorio no se queda ahí. Cuelo también café que me queda muy sabroso”.
“…En cuanto a fumar, en estos días pasados he estado rico: una caja de tabacos H. Upman del doctor Miró Cardona, dos cajas muy buenas de mi hermano Ramón….”.
“Me voy a cenar: spaghettis con calamares, bombones italianos de postre, café acabadito de colar y después un H. Upman #4. ¿No me envidias?”.
“…Me cuidan, me cuidan un poquito entre todos. No le hacen caso a uno, siempre estoy peleando para que no me manden nada. Cuando cojo el sol por la mañana en shorts y siento el aire de mar, me parece que estoy en una playa… ¡Me van a hacer creer que estoy de vacaciones! ¿Qué diría Carlos Marx de semejantes revolucionarios?”.


¨La patria es dicha de todos, y dolor de todos, y cielo para todos, y no feudo ni capellaní­a de nadie¨ - Marti

"No temas ni a la prision, ni a la pobreza, ni a la muerte. Teme al miedo"
Giacomo Leopardi

¨Por eso es muy importante, Vicky, hijo mío, que recuerdes siempre para qué sirve la cabeza: para atravesar paredes¨Halvar de Flake [El vikingo]

"Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir" - Lorca

"Al final, no os preguntarán qué habéis sabido, sino qué habéis hecho" - Jean de Gerson

"Si queremos que todo siga como está, es necesario que todo cambie" - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

"Todo hombre paga su grandeza con muchas pequeñeces, su victoria con muchas derrotas, su riqueza con múltiples quiebras" - Giovanni Papini

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon

"Habla bajo, lleva siempre un gran palo y llegarás lejos" - Proverbio Africano

"No hay medicina para el miedo" - Proverbio escoces

"El supremo arte de la guerra es doblegar al enemigo sin luchar"
- Sun Tzu

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

"It is inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office" - H. L. Menken

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" - Elie Wiesel

"Stay hungry, stay foolish" -
Steve Jobs

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years ther'ed be a shortage of sand" - Milton Friedman

"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less" - Vaclav Havel

"No se puede controlar el resultado, pero si lo que uno haga para alcanzarlo" -
Vitor Belfort [MMA Fighter]


A la puerta de la gloria está San Pedro sentado y ve llegar a su lado a un hombre de cierta historia. No consigue hacer memoria y le pregunta con celo: ¿Quién eras allá en el suelo? Era Liborio mi nombre. Has sufrido mucho, hombre, entra, te has ganado el cielo.

Para Raul Castro

Cuba ocupa el penultimo lugar en el mundo en libertad economica solo superada por Corea del Norte.

Cuba ocupa el lugar 147 entre 153 paises evaluados en "Democracia, Mercado y Transparencia 2007"

Cuando vinieron

Cuando vinieron a buscar a los comunistas, Callé: yo no soy comunista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas, Callé: yo no soy sindicalista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los judíos, Callé: yo no soy judío. Cuando vinieron a buscar a los católicos, Callé: yo no soy “tan católico”.
Cuando vinieron a buscarme a mí, Callé: no había quien me escuchara.

Reverendo Martin Niemöller

Martha Colmenares

Martha Colmenares
Un sitio donde los hechos y sus huellas nos conmueven o cautivan
Bloggers Unite


Donde esta el Mundo, donde los Democratas, donde los Liberales? El pueblo de Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan los Green, los Socialdemocratas, los Ricos y los Pobres, los Con Voz y Sin Voz? Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan el Jet Set, los Reyes y Principes, Patricios y Plebeyos? Cuba desesperada clama por solidaridad.
Donde Bob Dylan, donde Martin Luther King, donde Hollywood y sus estrellas? Donde la Middle Class democrata y conservadora, o acaso tambien liberal a ratos? Y Gandhi? Y el Dios de Todos?
Donde los Santos y Virgenes; los Dioses de Cristianos, Protestantes, Musulmanes, Budistas, Testigos de Jehova y Adventistas del Septimo Dia. Donde estan Ochun y todas las deidades del Panteon Yoruba que no acuden a nuestro llanto? Donde Juan Pablo II que no exige mas que Cuba se abra al Mundo y que el Mundo se abra a Cuba?
Que hacen ahora mismo Alberto de Monaco y el Principe Felipe que no los escuchamos? Donde Madonna, donde Angelina Jolie y sus adoptados around de world; o nos hara falta un Brando erguido en un Oscar por Cuba? Donde Sean Penn?
Donde esta la Aristocracia Obrera y los Obreros menos Aristocraticos, donde los Working Class que no estan junto a un pueblo que lanquidece, sufre y llora por la ignominia?
Que hacen ahora mismo Zapatero y Rajoy que no los escuchamos, y Harper y Dion, e Hillary y Obama; donde McCain que no los escuchamos? Y los muertos? Y los que estan muriendo? Y los que van a morir? Y los que se lanzan desesperados al mar?
Donde estan el minero cantabrico o el pescador de percebes gijonese? Los Canarios donde estan? A los africanos no los oimos, y a los australianos con su acento de hombres duros tampoco. Y aquellos chinos milenarios de Canton que fundaron raices eternas en la Isla? Y que de la Queen Elizabeth y los Lords y Gentlemen? Que hace ahora mismo el combativo Principe Harry que no lo escuchamos?
Donde los Rockefellers? Donde los Duponts? Donde Kate Moss? Donde el Presidente de la ONU? Y Solana donde esta? Y los Generales y Doctores? Y los Lam y los Fabelo, y los Sivio y los Fito Paez?
Y que de Canseco y Miñoso? Y de los veteranos de Bahia de Cochinos y de los balseros y de los recien llegados? Y Carlos Otero y Susana Perez? Y el Bola, y Pancho Cespedes? Y YO y TU?
Y todos nosotros que estamos aqui y alla rumiando frustaciones y resquemores, envidias y sinsabores; autoelogios y nostalgias, en tanto Louis Michel comulga con Perez Roque mientras Biscet y una NACION lanquidecen?
Donde Maceo, donde Marti; donde aquel Villena con su carga para matar bribones?
Cuba llora y clama y el Mundo NO ESCUCHA!!!

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