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sábado, abril 25, 2015

El detector de terremotos del año 132 (de hace casi 1900 años)

Sismómetro — Este dispositivo podía detectar terremotos tan distantes que nadie cercano los sentía siquiera. Era un dispositivo en forma de jarrón con varias cabezas en bronce de dragones, cada una con una bola de bronce en su boca; alrededor del pie tenía varios sapos de bronce con las bocas abiertas. Si la máquina detectaba un temblor de tierra las bolas de bronce se soltaban y caían en la boca de los sapos, provocando un ruido a modo de alarma. La dirección de la cual procedía el temblor quedaba indicada según la bola que había caído.
El dispositivo construido por Zhang Heng en el año 132 era capaz de detectar temblores que había tenido lugar a más de 600 km de distancia. El sismoscopio de Zhang detectaba los terremotos y en qué dirección ocurrían, pero no los medía como hacen los sismógrafos — que no fueron desarrollados hasta que la sismología fue ‘reinventada’ en occidente casi 1700 años más tarde.
Vía IBM Think.
Fotografía (cc) Kowloonese
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lunes, marzo 30, 2015

Jurassic Marijuana Plant Brought Back To Life After 200 Million Years

marijuana-800A French team of scientists from the University of Paris fell upon an unlikely find when they gathered remnants of plant material buried deep into the permafrost of Antarctica in 2013. To their surprise, the recovered plant material contained intact seeds, but it is only months later that a team of paleobotanists took up the challenge of reviving the 200 million-year old plant and, to their own disbelief, succeeded.
It is not the first time an extinct plant has been brought back to life since a specimen of Silene stenophylla, a plant that has been extinct for over 30,000 years, was just brought back into existence in 2012 by Russian scientists, but it is definitely an incredible find as is thought to be of the Jurassic period, possibly estimated to be 200 million-years old.
It is also a mystery that tropical plants could have managed to grow on the Antarctica continent 200 million-years ago and the experiment could bring to light vital information about atmospheric conditions on Earth at the time, such as levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The obvious question on most minds: how potent is this strain of Cannabis? One researcher did sample the plant and measurements said one hit is the equivalent of smoking four ounces of a normal strain of cannabis.
While it’s an important discovery, many are worried the ancient strain could get out of the lab and into the hands of marijuana growers.
The lab said while the drug will leave the user catatonic for two to five days, there is absolutely no risk of overdoes and the researches promise they will do everything within their power to keep the plants secure.

sábado, marzo 14, 2015

Un test de atención

Observa este vídeo con mucha atención para descubrir lo que está sucediendo; se trata de comprobar tu capacidad de atención – más o menos. Son solo 60 segundos.
(No tiene susto ni nada de eso.)
Al cabo de un rato notarás que algo extraño está pasando. Al llegar al final se puede escucharse la explicación completa – con el ruido de tu caída de mandíbula incluida.
Si te gustó este hackeo mental seguramente te gustarán El experimento de las camisetas blancas, la carta que cambia de color y alguno otro similar que hemos publicado por aquí. Son todo un ejemplo estupendo de divulgación científica sobre cómo funcionan la visión, nuestro cerebro y los procesos de percepción.

The Meaning of Siberia’s Mystery Craters

Ever since last July, when a Russian YouTube user uploaded “Giant Hole in the Ground,” a thirty-four-second video of, well, a giant hole in the ground—about two hundred and fifty feet across and more than a hundred and fifty feet deep—the world has been fascinated by a group of mysterious craters in the tundra of the Russian Arctic. On Thursday, Vasily Bogoyavlensky, the deputy director of the Oil and Gas Research Institute, at the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Agence France-Presse that he and his colleagues have now identified seven of these “holes at the end of the world,” including one that is more than half a mile across. “But, in fact, there are plenty more,” Bogoyavlensky said.
Theories about the mystery craters have variously attributed them to meteorite impacts, missile strikes, explosions from nearby gas fields, and the melting of soil-covered ice mounds, known as pingos. The most likely explanation for the phenomenon, however, seems to be climate change. Underground temperatures in parts of Siberia have risen by nearly four degrees in the past fifteen years. As the ground there—mostly permafrost—warms, it releases methane. The methane builds up until there’s an explosion, which leaves behind a hole. “The phenomenon is similar to the eruption of a volcano,” Bogoyavlensky said.
Whether or not they end in explosions, these methane releases are a serious concern. Methane is a greenhouse gas, and on a molecule-by-molecule basis it is a far more potent warming agent than carbon dioxide (although it doesn’t last as long in the atmosphere). If the permafrost is leaking methane because of rising temperatures, a positive-feedback loop could be taking effect: more methane leads to further warming, which leads to further thawing, and so on.
But the holes in Siberia also point to another, stranger phenomenon. Global warming and geology turn out to be connected in unexpected ways. Consider, for example, earthquakes. Generally, earthquakes occur because of the movements of Earth’s tectonic plates; they tend to take place along plate boundaries. But recently Greenland has been experiencing an unusually large number of quakes. One widely discussed theory attributes this to the shrinking of the Greenland ice sheet. As the ice sheet melts, its weight declines, allowing the land underneath it to rise. The process, which is known as isostatic rebound, may well be responsible for the increase in seismic activity.
Iceland, too, is rising, and for similar reasons. As the country’s glaciers melt, the land is rebounding. A recent study showed that some parts of the country are gaining elevation at the astonishing rate of 1.4 inches a year. “What we’re observing is a climatically induced change in the earth’s surface,” Richard Bennett, one of the authors of the study and a geoscientist at the University of Arizona, told the Web site Live Science last month. In the case of Iceland, that change may lead to an increase in volcanic activity. As the land rises, the pressure on the rock beneath it changes. Lower pressure translates into a lower melting temperature, which could, in turn, translate into more (or at least more destructive) volcanic eruptions. The past five years have been packed with “interesting volcanic activity,” Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Bennett’s fellow-researcher and a geophysicist at the University of Iceland, told the Washington Post. “You can’t make any statistics from those few data points, of course, but you do notice there might be a connection with the uplift,” And there’s a precedent: during the deglaciation that occurred at the end of the last ice age, some twelve thousand years ago, volcanic activity in Iceland is estimated to have increased by as much as a factor of thirty.
In Siberia, the enormous craters are rapidly filling with water. Soon, they’ll probably be lakes. Of course, by then, new craters may well have opened up, and with them new mysteries to investigate in a warming world.

viernes, febrero 27, 2015

El Dr. Canavero asegura tener listo el primer trasplante de cabeza

Juan Scaliter
Se realizan incisiones profundas en los cuellos de ambos pacientes, separando cuidadosamente todas las estructuras anatómicas.
Quedan al descubierto las venas carótidas y yugulares, y la columna.
El cuerpo del donante respira y transmite sangre a los tejidos por medio de diferentes equipos

¿Sabes de quienes he recibido más cartas y llamadas solicitando información?”, me pregunta desde Italia, Sergio Canavero. “De transexuales.” Y suena lógico. Este neurocientífico, director del Grupo de Neuromodulación Avanzado de Turín, ha asegurado en un trabajo publicado en Surgical Neurological International que ya contamos con la tecnología para realizar un trasplante de cabeza completo. Y propone hacer el primero en menos de tres años.
La investigación en trasplantes de cabeza, que en realidad debería llamarse donación de cuerpo, ya que es la cabeza la que “recibe” un cuerpo nuevo, comenzó en la década de 1940. En aquellos tiempos, el científico ruso Vladimir Demikhov experimentaba con perros construyendo falsas quimeras, como sus canes de dos cabezas. En total, Demikhov realizó más de 20 intervenciones de este tipo, con las que creó un terrorífico ejército de animales bicéfalos. Hoy, estos experimentos se consideran una aberración; pero gracias a ellos se comenzó a investigar en las técnicas de trasplantes. Este científico ruso, muerto en 1988, fue quien logró llevar a cabo el primer trasplante de corazón en un perro, en 1946, el pionero en trasplantar un pulmón en cualquier mamífero, un año más tarde, y en 1953 realizó el primer bypass coronario.
El mono con dos cabezas
Todo ello permitió que en 1967 el cirujano sudafricano Christiaan Barnard realizara por primera vez un trasplante de corazón en un ser humano. El propio Barnard reconocía que “si existe un padre de los trasplantes de corazón y pulmón, ese título lo ostenta, sin duda, Demikhov”. Y no fue el único que le consideró un pionero. En los años 70 el doctor Robert White, inspirado por los experimentos de Demikhov, realizó el primer intercambio de cabezas en primates, trasplantando con éxito la cabeza de un mono Rhesus al cuerpo de otro. El pequeño simio sobrevivió durante varios días, pero al no poder conectar la médula espinal a la cabeza, falleció. El doctor Jerry Silver, de la Universidad Case Western Reserve, estuvo presente y sus memorias no son agradables. “Recuerdo que la cabeza se despertó”, asegura Silver, “y su expresión facial era de un dolor terrible. No me olvido tampoco de la ansiedad y la confusión que se podía ver en su rostro. Cuando los médicos intentaron alimentar al animal, la comida cayó al suelo. Fue terrible. La cabeza siguió viva, pero por poco tiempo”.
“Los científicos estamos preparados para un debate como este. Es la sociedad la que no lo está todavía”, asegura el neurocientífico José Aguilera
El dolor que experimentó el mono es algo en lo que Cavanero ya ha investigado. “Se produce cuando se secciona la médula espinal”, explica, “y se llama dolor central. Es algo que no deberías desearle ni a tu peor enemigo”.
Por eso, este obstáculo, la reconexión de la médula, es la piedra angular en la que se basa el trabajo de Canavero: “Cuando leí los papeles de White, me pregunté si lograría hacer un trasplante. Y comencé a interesarme en la regeneración neuronal. En 1986, George Bittner, del Departamento de Zoología de la Universidad de Texas, demostró que se podía restablecer la conexión entre las partes seccionadas de la médula utilizando polietilenglicol (PEG), un polímero que actúa como adhesivo. Me resultó interesante, pero durante treinta años nadie escribió sobre eso”. Lo extraño es que en 2013 el antes mencionado doctor Silver reconectó la médula de una rata gracias a este pegamento. Así que, ¿obstáculo salvado? En absoluto. Para el propio Silver: “Aún estamos a años luz de poder realizar una intervención similar en humanos. Falta mucho para que consigamos unir todas las piezas de modo que el sujeto recupere finalmente la movilidad completa”.
Canavero no está de acuerdo: “Desde hace 50 años sabemos que no es necesario reconectar todo el circuito nervioso para tener motricidad completa; basta solamente entre un 10 y un 30%. Nosotros creo que podemos reconectar hasta un 60%”.
Otros avances parecían imposibles y...
Las afirmaciones de Canavero han generado, obviamente, mucho revuelo. Algunos, como el propio Silver, aseguran que es imposible. Otros, como Anthony Warrens, de la Sociedad Británica de Trasplantes, señalan que “conectar una cabeza a un cuerpo es un sinsentido hoy en día. Toda la idea es muy extraña”. Mientras tanto, aquí, en España, las opiniones están muy divididas. Manuel Martín Loeches, profesor de Neurociencia Cognitiva de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, asegura: “No lo veo nada descabellado, y en realidad el único dilema sería el de quién es el “titular” de lo que salga: ¿el dueño original de la cabeza o el del cuerpo? Voto por el de la cabeza, es lo único que vale de verdad para que haya un ‘yo’. Tengo mis dudas respecto a cómo enlazar el sistema nervioso central (cerebro y médula espinal) con todos los nervios periféricos, pero tampoco lo creo imposible, hoy día, pues se ha hecho con los de las manos. Resumiendo: lo creo factible, me caben pocas dudas”.
Por su parte, José Aguilera, director del Instituto de Neurociencias de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, es ambiguo. Al principio, asegura: “Difícilmente se podría llevar a cabo una intervención así. La médula espinal es muy compleja y el resultado podría no ser bueno”. Después lo piensa más despacio: “Pero la verdad es que no lo podemos considerar inverosímil. Habría que ver el tema del rechazo de tejidos y cómo afectaría hormonalmente al comportamiento del nuevo cuerpo el cerebro”.
Son muchos los científicos que ponen en tela de juicio que de verdad contemos con la tecnología para realizar este tipo de operación, que claman que es algo imposible y que estamos jugando a Prometeo y Frankenstein. “Hace poco más de un siglo”, señala Canavero para explicarlo, “a los hermanos Wright les decían que una nave que fuera más pesada que el aire no podía levantar vuelo. La historia de la ciencia está plagada de ejemplos de imposibles que se convirtieron en realidad”.
Pero también de otros, como los coches voladores, los autobuses submarinos y los viajes en el tiempo, que apenas llegaron al cine.
Aguilera intenta aclarar esta cuestión: “Muchas veces estas ideas se lanzan para obtener notoriedad o para avanzar hacia el futuro. Es como cuando Barnard hizo el primer trasplante de corazón; quizá él avanzó demasiado deprisa. Aunque muchos científicos ya sabíamos que se podía hacer”.
La intervención completa (véase el paso a paso en la página anterior) requiere del trabajo de 100 profesionales médicos durante unas 36 horas y costaría unos 10 millones de euros. Aunque pueda sorprender, el tiempo necesario para reconectar cuerpo y cabeza es de apenas una hora. “Esto viene de conocimientos adquiridos por el doctor White en sus intervenciones”, señala Canavero. “Y pese a parecer increíble, es más que suficiente. Igual que los 20 minutos que nos llevará reunir ambas secciones de la médula. Claro, que es la parte más crítica de toda la intervención”. Según el neurocientífico italiano, tanto los costes como el tiempo se irán reduciendo a medida que progresemos en nuestro conocimiento. “Inicialmente, un trasplante de hígado”, confirma Canavero, “duraba unas 14 horas; ahora apenas 2”. Pero no es lo mismo un solo órgano que un cuerpo entero...
La pregunta es: ¿Deberíamos hacerlo?
Pese a que el objetivo de este trasplante es restablecer las funciones motoras en pacientes con condiciones médicas muy graves, como distrofia muscular progresiva, cáncer o tetrapléjicos con fallos orgánicos múltiples, Canavero señala que podría abrir las puertas a profundos dilemas éticos. “Hay mucha gente que sufre de enfermedades ahora incurables... Pero muchos pueden utilizarlo como una forma de esquivar la muerte por medio de un cuerpo más joven. El problema será regular un procedimiento que tiene el poder de dividir a la sociedad”.
Desde el Comité Español de Bioética, el Dr. Manuel de los Reyes, uno de sus miembros más reconocidos, se niega a opinar porque, asegura, no tiene suficiente información al respecto.
Por suerte, José Aguilera da en el clavo: “Los científicos estamos preparados para este tipo de debates. La sociedad no lo está. En el mundo hay miles de científicos experimentando con sustancias peligrosas y no ocurre nada. Yo he trabajado con un neurotóxico que podría haber matado a toda la población de Barcelona. Eso no significa que lo usemos. Pero la sociedad necesita participar de este tipo de dilemas”. Y a la luz de la velocidad a la que se puede acercar este logro, no queda duda de esa necesidad.
Cavanero reconoce que aún no ha progresado más debido a la falta de fondos. Pero esto se podría resolver muy pronto, confiesa, ya que el Proyecto 2045 ha contactado con él. Esta iniciativa del millonario ruso Dmitry Itskov pretende crear tecnologías que nos permitan transferir nuestra personalidad a entidades no biológicas y volvernos eternos. “Me han invitado a Moscú a exponer mis ideas”, señala Canavero, “para hablar de la posibilidad de darme fondos y poder continuar la investigación”. La primera etapa del proyecto 2045 concluye el año que viene. Quizá entonces ya sepamos si los trasplantes de cabeza son una realidad o un recurso más para la ciencia ficción.

lunes, febrero 09, 2015

Fractals - Hunting The Hidden Dimension

OrionDocs A

Order and Chaos [Full Documentary]

New Atlantis Full Documentaries
For thousands of years the human species is wondering about the world around him. What has changed dramatically in this search is how to find the answers. The great novelty of Science is the discovery of how to discover. In “Sorting the Universe” we will know how the application of the scientific method has led to elaborate theories like relativity, discover the DNA or know the structure of the atom.

jueves, enero 29, 2015

'Ghost Boy': The Story of a Young Man Trapped in His Body

By Alexa Keyes, Kate Snow and Wonbo Woo
It was 1988, and Martin Pistorius was a healthy 12-year-old boy growing up in South Africa when his life took an unexpected turn. Pistorius went home from school with a sore throat, and he never returned.
His body gradually weakened. He lost the ability to walk, to eat on his own and eventually, the ability to communicate. Doctors suspected some kind of neurodegenerative disease, but his case was a medical mystery. Martin's parents say doctors told them their son now had the intelligence of a three-month-old, and that they should take him home to die.
The last words he ever spoke: "When home?" 
But Pistorius didn't die. He spent more than a decade at home and in day-care centers. His parents were told he was unaware of the world around him, but about four years after he fell ill, Pistorius says he began to "wake up."
"For so many years, I was like a ghost. I could hear and see everything, but it was like I wasn't there. I was invisible," Pistorius told NBC News' Kate Snow with the help of a device that speaks the words he types into a computer.
"What really got to me was the complete and utter powerlessness," Pistorius said. "Every single aspect of your life is controlled and determined by someone else. They decide where you are, what you eat, whether you sit or lie down, in what position you lie in, everything."
Day after day, year after year, Pistorius was trapped in a body that wouldn't move, left with nothing but his own thoughts.
"I would literally live in my imagination," he said. "Sometimes to such an extent that I became almost oblivious to my surroundings." 
His family struggled to come to terms with his illness. One night, after his parents argued, his mother turned to her son and said, "I hope you die." She didn't think her son was there to hear it, but he was.
"It broke my heart, in a way," Pistorius said. "But at the same time, particularly as I worked through all the emotions. I felt only love and compassion for my mother."
But in 2001, there was new hope. A therapist at Pistorius' care center, Virna Van Der Walt, began to pick up on tiny signals that made her realize he was more aware than people thought.
"He had a sparkle in his eye, I could see he was understanding me," Van Der Walt wrote to NBC News' Kate Snow.
She urged his parents to take him for cognitive testing, and for the first time, Pistorius was able to show people that he understood.
"She was the catalyst who changed everything," Pistorius said. "Had it not been for her, I would probably either be dead or forgotten in a care home somewhere."
As his mind grew stronger, so did his body. Pistorius was given special equipment he could use to communicate, which, he says, changed everything.
"I don't think I will ever forget that feeling when my mom asked me what I'd like for supper and I said, 'Spaghetti Bolognese,' and then she actually made that," he said. "I know that must seem insignificant, but for me, that was amazing."
Pistorius had to relearn everything - from reading and socializing to making decisions for himself. He went to college, learned to drive, and even feel in love.
He married Joanna, who he met through his sister, in 2009, and they are hoping to start a family.
"It took a massive amount of work, blood, sweat and tears," he said. "But I am a different person today that I was 13 years ago."
Today, Pistorius works as a web designer. His story captured in an autobiography, "Ghost Boy," is on The New York Times best-seller list.
He's grateful for the little things, like being able to have a conversation or experiencing something for the first time. 
His message - don't overlook what's possible.
"Never underestimate the power of the mind, the importance of love and faith, and never stop dreaming," Pistorius said, adding one more piece of advice:
"Treat everyone with kindness, dignity, compassion and respect, irrespective of whether you think they understand or not."

miércoles, enero 28, 2015

Yitang Zhang: Solving an Unsolvable Math Problem

Unable to get an academic position, Zhang kept the books for a Subway franchise. Credit Photograph by Peter Bohler
I don’t see what difference it can make now to reveal that I passed high-school math only because I cheated. I could add and subtract and multiply and divide, but I entered the wilderness when words became equations and x’s and y’s. On test days, I sat next to Bob Isner or Bruce Gelfand or Ted Chapman or Donny Chamberlain—smart boys whose handwriting I could read—and divided my attention between his desk and the teacher’s eyes. Having skipped me, the talent for math concentrated extravagantly in one of my nieces, Amie Wilkinson, a professor at the University of Chicago. From Amie I first heard about Yitang Zhang, a solitary, part-time calculus teacher at the University of New Hampshire who received several prizes, including a MacArthur award in September, for solving a problem that had been open for more than a hundred and fifty years.
The problem that Zhang chose, in 2010, is from number theory, a branch of pure mathematics. Pure mathematics, as opposed to applied mathematics, is done with no practical purposes in mind. It is as close to art and philosophy as it is to engineering. “My result is useless for industry,” Zhang said. The British mathematician G. H. Hardy wrote in 1940 that mathematics is, of “all the arts and sciences, the most austere and the most remote.” Bertrand Russell called it a refuge from “the dreary exile of the actual world.” Hardy believed emphatically in the precise aesthetics of math. A mathematical proof, such as Zhang produced, “should resemble a simple and clear-cut constellation,” he wrote, “not a scattered cluster in the Milky Way.” Edward Frenkel, a math professor at the University of California, Berkeley, says Zhang’s proof has “a renaissance beauty,” meaning that though it is deeply complex, its outlines are easily apprehended. The pursuit of beauty in pure mathematics is a tenet. Last year, neuroscientists in Great Britain discovered that the same part of the brain that is activated by art and music was activated in the brains of mathematicians when they looked at math they regarded as beautiful.
Zhang’s problem is often called “bound gaps.” It concerns prime numbers—those which can be divided cleanly only by one and by themselves: two, three, five, seven, and so on—and the question of whether there is a boundary within which, on an infinite number of occasions, two consecutive prime numbers can be found, especially out in the region where the numbers are so large that it would take a book to print a single one of them. Daniel Goldston, a professor at San Jose State University; János Pintz, a fellow at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, in Budapest; and Cem Yıldırım, of Boğaziçi University, in Istanbul, working together in 2005, had come closer than anyone else to establishing whether there might be a boundary, and what it might be. Goldston didn’t think he’d see the answer in his lifetime. “I thought it was impossible,” he told me.
Zhang, who also calls himself Tom, had published only one paper, to quiet acclaim, in 2001. In 2010, he was fifty-five. “No mathematician should ever allow himself to forget that mathematics, more than any other art or science, is a young man’s game,” Hardy wrote. He also wrote, “I do not know of an instance of a major mathematical advance initiated by a man past fifty.” Zhang had received a Ph.D. in algebraic geometry from Purdue in 1991. His adviser, T. T. Moh, with whom he parted unhappily, recently wrote a description on his Web site of Zhang as a graduate student: “When I looked into his eyes, I found a disturbing soul, a burning bush, an explorer who wanted to reach the North Pole.” Zhang left Purdue without Moh’s support, and, having published no papers, was unable to find an academic job. He lived, sometimes with friends, in Lexington, Kentucky, where he had occasional work, and in New York City, where he also had friends and occasional work. In Kentucky, he became involved with a group interested in Chinese democracy. Its slogan was “Freedom, Democracy, Rule of Law, and Pluralism.” A member of the group, a chemist in a lab, opened a Subway franchise as a means of raising money. “Since Tom was a genius at numbers,” another member of the group told me, “he was invited to help him.” Zhang kept the books. “Sometimes, if it was busy at the store, I helped with the cash register,” Zhang told me recently. “Even I knew how to make the sandwiches, but I didn’t do it so much.” When Zhang wasn’t working, he would go to the library at the University of Kentucky and read journals in algebraic geometry and number theory. “For years, I didn’t really keep up my dream in mathematics,” he said.
“You must have been unhappy.”
He shrugged. “My life is not always easy,” he said.
With a friend’s help, Zhang eventually got his position in New Hampshire, in 1999. Having chosen bound gaps in 2010, he was uncertain of how to find a way into the problem. “I am thinking, Where is the door?” Zhang said. “In the history of this problem, many mathematicians believed that there should be a door, but they couldn’t find it. I tried several doors. Then I start to worry a little that there is no door.”
“Were you ever frustrated?”
“I was tired,” he said. “But many times I just feel peaceful. I like to walk and think. This is my way. My wife would see me and say, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m working, I’m thinking.’ She didn’t understand. She said, ‘What do you mean?’ ” The problem was so complicated, he said, that “I had no way to tell her.”
According to Deane Yang, a professor of mathematics at the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering, a mathematician at the beginning of a difficult problem is “trying to maneuver his way into a maze. When you try to prove a theorem, you can almost be totally lost to knowing exactly where you want to go. Often, when you find your way, it happens in a moment, then you live to do it again.”
Keep reading  here >>

miércoles, enero 21, 2015

Una calcomanía que mide la glucosa en sangre de forma indolora

En Mashable, The Atlantic, Engineers create a temporary tattoo that tests blood sugar,
Medir los niveles de glucosa varias veces al día es vital para los pacientes con diabetes, para saber cuál es su estado y la dosis de insulina necesaria, si acaso hace falta inyectarla. Pero a quienes no les gustan las agujas tienden a evitar hacer esa prueba, lo que les pone en riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones médicas relacionadas con la enfermedad. El dispositivo es indoloro —consiste en electrodos impresos en papel tipo calcomanía que los pacientes pueden quitarse una vez tomada la medida, o dejárselo puesto durante todo el día. El coste de cada adhesivo es realmente bajo, de unos pocos céntimos, por lo que su uso no resulta muy caro para los pacientes.
Publicado por Nacho

lunes, diciembre 29, 2014

La historia de todo el pasado del universo [y de todo su futuro]

Esta infografía animada es fruto de una colaboración especial de la gente de Kurzgesagt y de Wait but Why. Es una especie de repaso a nuestra historia al completo y a la de la vida en la tierra en general, un poco al estilo calendario cósmico aunque más bien lo hace utilizando incrementos temporales cada vez más grandes, de forma casi exponencial.
El resultado es perfecto porque a nivel gráfico es simple e icónico, con una elegancia sin igual. Además, las explicaciones son breves y precisas – e incluso quienes no dominen el inglés podrán usar la versión subtitulada al castellano. Además, las explicaciones que da son perfectamente fáciles de entender y con un genial toque de humor, como cuando dice que el ser humano más longevo (nacido a finales del XIX) está más cerca del imperio napoleónico que de la era actual, o que el Tiranosaurio Rex está más cerca en el tiempo del último concierto de Miley Cyrus que de su ancestro el Estegosaurio.
Si la gran parte del vídeo está dedicada a los 13.700 millones de años transcurridos desde el Big Bang, la parte final se dedica brevemente al fin de la Tierra, el Sistema Solar, las estrellas, los agujeros negros y con ello todo, la muerte térmica hasta el Fin de los Tiempos. Para siempre.
Estupendo material para pasar un rato embobado con las «distancias temporales» entre todo lo que conocemos, hacer un ejercicio de humildad acerca de nuestra nimia existencia en el Universo y estupendo material para compartir y charlar sobre él en clase, me atrevería a decir.

martes, diciembre 23, 2014

Restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba: What it means for American [& Cuba] medicine

but just don't forget that the cuban health system is a weapon of castro and the doctors are slaves of the govermment.
An embargo imposed nearly 50 years ago has prevented Cuba and the United States from exchanging medical and technological advances, but scientists say that may be about to change now that the countries have restored diplomatic relations— something many experts believe was a long time coming. 
“I testified before the [U.S.] Senate Foreign relations Committee in 2001, and I was asked by Sen. Dodd (D-CT, 1981-2011) about my opinions on the embargo, and I said, ‘As a scientist, I could never imagine doing an experiment for 40 years and it not working.’ And now it’s been over 50,” Mark Rasenick, professor of physiology and biophysics at the University of Illinois, told
“It doesn’t matter what your politics are: If you let the embargo go another year, it will have an effect that flies in the face of logic. I think that working together we will make a lot of progress,” said Rasenick, who has traveled to Cuba for numerous international research conferences. The embargo has allowed international meetings but prohibited one-on-one conferences between Cuba and the U.S.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has dubbed Cuba’s health care system as “a model for the world” and praised the country for its strides in medical research. The island has an infant mortality rate of 5 per thousand births and an average life expectancy of about 79 years, according to the World Bank. Those values in the U.S. are 6 and 79 years, respectively. The leading cause of death in Cuba is heart disease— a problem primarily seen in developed nations.
Despite limited medical research funding from the government, Cuban researchers have developed experimental cancer treatments, as well as numerous vaccines— including one for meningitis B that is the most widely used version worldwide.
Researchers in Cuba developed the first meningitis B vaccine in the 1980s during an outbreak on the island, and the vaccine was then distributed in other countries facing outbreaks. Until Novartis developed another meningitis B vaccine, Bexsero— which was used to treat U.S. students this year during emergency outbreaks at Princeton University and the University of California, Santa Barbara— Cuba’s was the only vaccine for this strain available worldwide. In the wake of those outbreaks, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration expedited the approval process for a different vaccine, Trumenba, in October—the first meningitis B vaccine to be licensed in the U.S., according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
While Cuba’s cancer treatments have gained international attention due to their sometimes unusual nature— one uses a shark fin— calling any of them a “miracle cure” would be premature, Rasenick said. Effects may be limited to a small number of people, and, though promising, the efficacy of these treatments is unclear thus far.
But other medical discoveries in Cuba have proven successful. An epidermal growth factor receptor system to treat wounds, the use of the compound Heberprot-P to treat pressure ulcers common in diabetics, as well as a host of veterinary vaccines, are among other treatments developed in Cuba that have the potential to hit ground in the U.S., Rasenick noted.  
The vaccine and cancer research in Cuba have come out of the Carlos J. Finlay Vaccine and Serum Institute and the Center of Molecular Immunology, respectively. Much of the medical research in the country is concentrated in the west side of Havana, Rasenick said.
According to Mavis Anderson, senior associate at the Latin American Working Group (LAWG), the country has been forced to develop a pharmaceutical industry of its own because of a U.S. rule for strict end-use monitoring of any antibiotic patented in the U.S. That policy has deterred pharmaceutical companies from selling their drugs in Cuba, she said.
“There’s been a lot of development in the medical arena in Cuba in the last 50 years, largely out of need,” Anderson told LAWG is a nonprofit that consists of 65 nongovernmental organizations, and advocates for changes in U.S. policy toward Latin American countries.
Cuba’s medical advances are largely attributable to its government, which has prioritized health care, “even as it has limited freedoms and economic prospects of its people,” Peter A. Muennig, an associate professor of health policy and management at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, wrote in an email to
He said that while the health care systems in the U.S. and Cuba are not comparable, both countries’ medical research stands to advance from open relations.
“[Cuba] will be able to modernize their research equipment and begin to generate revenue based upon the technologies that they have and will develop,” Muennig said. “Over the long-term, I see a good deal of benefit to both nations, as information and technologies are shared, and human capital flows from Cuba to the U.S. There is a surplus of medical personnel in Cuba and a shortage in the U.S. This will therefore be hugely beneficial to both countries.”
Rasenick said Cuba has been hailed worldwide for its development of brain mapping technology. As researchers haven’t had access to magnetic resource imaging (MRI) equipment, they have invented an Electroencephalography (EEG) mechanism, outfitted with a bathing cap and electrodes, to measure electrical patterns on the surface of the brain. The device is manufactured in Spain, and Cuba sells it under the brand Neuronic for about $10,000 USD.
“In rural America, where you don’t have access to functional MRI (fMRI) imaging, if you had someone with a stroke or a brain injury of some kind, and you wanted to find out what was going on with it, with this inexpensive equipment, you could generate the image and send the info to a more sophisticated center where they could analyze it,” Rasenick said.
Edward W. Campion, senior deputy editor and online editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, lauded Cuba’s contributions to global medicine in a January 2013 paper published in the journal.
Campion told that Cuba frequently sends medics to developing nations. The country has provided aid to its neighboring island Haiti— whose residents live 30 fewer years, on average, than people in Cuba— and it has sent more medics to West Africa to help in the fight against Ebola than any other country, the Associated Press has reported.
“That’s got nothing to do with politics,” Campion said.
Campion added that Cuba has recently focused on genetic technology and studying the genetics of infectious organisms like tuberculosis, an area that “requires communication and interaction with the leaders in the world of science.”
“Medical research and medical teaching depend on communication and learning,” he said. “Isolation is not good for medical care and any kind of scientific research.”

sábado, diciembre 06, 2014

Una cámara a 100 mil millones de fotogramas por segundo permite “ver” la luz desplazándose

El vídeo muestra una haz de luz rebotando en un espejo. Está grabada con una cámara que capta, sin necesidad de flash ni luces estroboscópicas, 100.000 millones de fotogramas por segundo. En Motherboard, The Fastest Camera Ever Created Will Be Used to Study Invisibility Cloaks, «puedes ver la luz moviéndose y cómo pasa a través y alrededor de los objetos».
La cámara utiliza tecnología de las cámaras de barrido cuyo sensor se desplaza lateralmente a gran velocidad. En esta variante denominada CUP (Compressed Ultrafast Photography) la lente capta los fotones y los envía a través de un tubo hasta una superficie del tamaño de una moneda recubierta con un millón de microespejos. El proceso descompone los fotones que forman la luz en electrones que son recogidos según llegan a un sensor CCD: World's fastest 2D camera can capture 100 billion frames per second.
Esta tecnología tiene numerosas aplicaciones en ciencia, incluyendo medicina, y tecnología, incluyendo el desarrollo de capas de invisibilidad o de «ocultación óptica, en los que la luz se curva o se deforma en torno a los objetos en lugar de pasar a través de ellos.»

viernes, noviembre 28, 2014

Researchers unearth new clues about ancient ‘computer’

 (Giovanni Dall Orto)
Researchers have unearthed new clues to an ancient Greek astronomical puzzle that has fascinated archaeologists for over a century.
The Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient machine dubbed “the world’s first computer,” was recovered from a treasure-laden shipwreck off the coast of Greece in 1901. However, the latest research by James Evans, professor of physics at the University of Puget Sound, and Christián Carman, history of science professor at the University of Quilmes, Argentina, sheds new light on the clocklike astronomical mechanism.
The study, published in the Archive for History of Exact Science, pinpoints the date when the mechanism was timed to begin as 205 B.C., making it 50 to 100 years older than previously thought.
According a statement released by the University of Puget Sound, the research “fills a gap in ancient scientific history by indicating that the Greeks were able to predict eclipses and engineer a highly complex machine” much earlier than was previously thought.
Evans and Carman’s work also supports the idea that the eclipse prediction scheme was not based on Greek trigonometry (which was nonexistent in 205 B.C.) but on Babylonian arithmetical methods, the University said.
The researchers arrived at the 205 B.C. date via a method of elimination they devised. Evans and Carman examined the hundreds of ways that the device’s eclipse patterns could match Babylonian records reconstructed by John Steele, professor of Egyptology and Assyriology at Brown University.
“The calculations take into account lunar and solar anomalies (which result in faster or slower velocity), missing solar eclipses, lunar and solar eclipse­s cycles, and other astronomical phenomena,” explained the University of Puget Sound, in its statement. “The work was particularly difficult because only about a third of the Antikythera’s eclipse predictor is preserved.”
The latest research may also place the Antikythera Mechanism close to the lifetime of Archimedes, who died in 212 B.C., although experts have questioned possible links to the celebrated mathematician.
The Mechanism’s heavily encrusted fragments are kept in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens.

martes, noviembre 18, 2014

Drool: Ivan Pavlov’s real quest

Pavlov (operating on a dog in 1902) ran his lab like a factory; dogs were his machines.
As a college student, B. F. Skinner gave little thought to psychology. He had hoped to become a novelist, and majored in English. Then, in 1927, when he was twenty-three, he read an essay by H. G. Wells about the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. The piece, which appeared in the Times Magazine, was ostensibly a review of the English translation of Pavlov’s “Conditioned Reflexes: An Investigation of the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex.” But, as Wells pointed out, it was “not an easy book to read,” and he didn’t spend much time on it. Instead, Wells described Pavlov, whose systematic approach to physiology had revolutionized the study of medicine, as “a star which lights the world, shining down a vista hitherto unexplored.”
That unexplored world was the mechanics of the human brain. Pavlov had noticed, in his research on the digestive system of dogs, that they drooled as soon as they saw the white lab coats of the people who fed them. They didn’t need to see, let alone taste, the food in order to react physically. Dogs naturally drooled when fed: that was, in Pavlov’s terms, an “unconditional” reflex. When they drooled in response to a sight or sound that was associated with food by mere happenstance, a “conditional reflex” (to a “conditional stimulus”) had been created. Pavlov had formulated a basic psychological principle—one that also applied to human beings—and discovered an objective way to measure how it worked.
Skinner was enthralled. Two years after reading the Times Magazine piece, he attended a lecture that Pavlov delivered at Harvard and obtained a signed picture, which adorned his office wall for the rest of his life. Skinner and other behaviorists often spoke of their debt to Pavlov, particularly to his view that free will was an illusion, and that the study of human behavior could be reduced to the analysis of observable, quantifiable events and actions.
But Pavlov never held such views, according to “Ivan Pavlov: A Russian Life in Science” (Oxford), an exhaustive new biography by Daniel P. Todes, a professor of the history of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In fact, much of what we thought we knew about Pavlov has been based on bad translations and basic misconceptions. That begins with the popular image of a dog slavering at the ringing of a bell. Pavlov “never trained a dog to salivate to the sound of a bell,” Todes writes. “Indeed, the iconic bell would have proven totally useless to his real goal, which required precise control over the quality and duration of stimuli (he most frequently employed a metronome, a harmonium, a buzzer, and electric shock).”
Pavlov is perhaps best known for introducing the idea of the conditioned reflex, although Todes notes that he never used that term. It was a bad translation of the Russian uslovnyi, or “conditional,” reflex. For Pavlov, the emphasis fell on the contingent, provisional nature of the association—which enlisted other reflexes he believed to be natural and unvarying. Drawing upon the brain science of the day, Pavlov understood conditional reflexes to involve a connection between a point in the brain’s subcortex, which supported instincts, and a point in its cortex, where associations were built. Such conjectures about brain circuitry were anathema to the behaviorists, who were inclined to view the mind as a black box. Nothing mattered, in their view, that could not be observed and measured. Pavlov never subscribed to that theory, or shared their disregard for subjective experience. He considered human psychology to be “one of the last secrets of life,” and hoped that rigorous scientific inquiry could illuminate “the mechanism and vital meaning of that which most occupied Man—our consciousness and its torments.” Of course, the inquiry had to start somewhere. Pavlov believed that it started with data, and he found that data in the saliva of dogs.
Pavlov’s research originally had little to do with psychology; it focussed on the ways in which eating excited salivary, gastric, and pancreatic secretions. To do that, he developed a system of “sham” feeding. Pavlov would remove a dog’s esophagus and create an opening, a fistula, in the animal’s throat, so that, no matter how much the dog ate, the food would fall out and never make it to the stomach. By creating additional fistulas along the digestive system and collecting the various secretions, he could measure their quantity and chemical properties in great detail. That research won him the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. But a dog’s drool turned out to be even more meaningful than he had first imagined: it pointed to a new way to study the mind, learning, and human behavior.

jueves, octubre 30, 2014

Supervivencia estadística en el ajedrez

Oliver Brennan hizo todo un análisis a partir de una pregunta en Quora: ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de supervivencia de cada pieza de ajedrez en los juegos históricos en general? Así que preparó los 2,2 millones de partidas de la base de datos Million Base 2.2 (que abarca hasta julio de 2013) y puso una máquina a hacer crujir números.
Si eres el peón de e2, date por jodido.
El resumen es que para las blancas el peón de e2 es el que más veces es eliminado de la partida; curiosamente para las negras es el caballo de g8… Las siguientes piezas son el resto de caballos y los peones centrales. Hay una curiosa simetría en el resultado, lo que es interesante dado que el tablero no es simétrico y los conceptos de ataque y defensa están muy marcados desde el principio.
Los dos reyes tienen –obviamente– una probabilidad de supervivencia del cien por cien hasta el momento en que termina la partida. Las siguientes piezas más resistentes son los peones laterales: h2, h7, g2, a2… Del resto de piezas curiosamente las torres suelen sobrevivir más que las damas (aunque por poco); de hecho los expertos saben que más o menos el 60 por ciento de las partidas acaban en los llamados «finales de torres».
Aquí hay una curiosa visualización animada movimiento a movimiento de cómo cambian los valores a lo largo del conjunto de partidas.
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Retratos de fusilados por el Castrismo - Juan Abreu


"EN TIEMPOS DIFÍCILES" - Heberto Padilla

A aquel hombre le pidieron su tiempo

para que lo juntara al tiempo de la Historia.

Le pidieron las manos,

porque para una época difícil

nada hay mejor que un par de buenas manos.

Le pidieron los ojos

que alguna vez tuvieron lágrimas

para que contemplara el lado claro

(especialmente el lado claro de la vida)

porque para el horror basta un ojo de asombro.

Le pidieron sus labios

resecos y cuarteados para afirmar,

para erigir, con cada afirmación, un sueño


le pidieron las piernas

duras y nudosas

(sus viejas piernas andariegas),

porque en tiempos difíciles

¿algo hay mejor que un par de piernas

para la construcción o la trinchera?

Le pidieron el bosque que lo nutrió de niño,

con su árbol obediente.

Le pidieron el pecho, el corazón, los hombros.

Le dijeron

que eso era estrictamente necesario.

Le explicaron después

que toda esta donación resultaria inútil.

sin entregar la lengua,

porque en tiempos difíciles

nada es tan útil para atajar el odio o la mentira.

Y finalmente le rogaron

que, por favor, echase a andar,

porque en tiempos difíciles

esta es, sin duda, la prueba decisiva.


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Corea del Sur (2) Corea del Norte-Cuba (42) Corea del Norte-EEUU (35) Corea del Sur (38) Corporacion Cubana (1) corporaciones (8) Correa (21) Corrupcion (369) costa de marfil (5) costa de oro (1) Costa Rica (11) Costo de Vida (2) creatividad (5) Creditos (30) crimen organizado (1) Crimenes (107) Criminales (38) Criminales en Cuba (35) Crisis (19) Crisis de Octubre (36) Crisis economica (156) Crisis financiera (279) Crisis mundial (38) crisis politica (8) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2) critica social (2) Criticas (1) croacia (2) Crowdfundig (1) Cruceros (5) Cub (2) Cuba (8633) Cuba - Remesas de dinero (37) Cuba Ante Todo (1) Cuba crisis (65) cuba economia (18) Cuba ideologia (5) Cuba Independiente (1) Cuba politica (9) Cuba turismo (143) Cuba-Agricultura (69) Cuba-Argentina (10) cuba-biotecnologia (7) cuba-brasil (91) Cuba-Canada (184) cuba-china (53) Cuba-Colombia (24) Cuba-Corea del Sur (2) Cuba-demografia (15) Cuba-Deportes (22) cuba-ecologia (31) Cuba-Economia (9) Cuba-Educacion (20) Cuba-empleo y desempleo (61) cuba-es (1) Cuba-España (208) Cuba-Estados Unidos (1927) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Canada (16) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Rusia (20) Cuba-Estados Unidos-Union Europea (6) cuba-estados unidos-union sovietica (11) Cuba-eta (8) Cuba-Etiopia (3) Cuba-Exportaciones (26) Cuba-Farc (14) Cuba-Google (9) cuba-holanda (7) Cuba-Ideologia (4) Cuba-India (6) cuba-inglaterra (8) Cuba-internet (115) Cuba-Iran (18) Cuba-Iso (1) Cuba-Medicina (78) Cuba-Medio Oriente (5) Cuba-Mexico (55) Cuba-narcotrafico (22) Cuba-Obama (126) cuba-onu (66) Cuba-Opinion publica (1) Cuba-Prensa-Ideologia (16) Cuba-Qatar (2) Cuba-reformas (42) Cuba-Reino Unido (5) Cuba-Rusia (84) Cuba-Rusia-Estados Unidos (10) Cuba-Rusia-Venezuela (4) Cuba-Sida (15) Cuba-sospechas y miedos (4) Cuba-Sudafrica (2) Cuba-terrorismo (37) Cuba-turismo (2) Cuba-Tv (5) Cuba-Union Europea (83) Cuba-Union Sovietica (8) Cuba-Union Sovietica-EEUU (6) Cuba-Uruguay (11) Cuba-Vaticano (109) Cuba-Venezuela (296) Cuba-venezuela-rusia (5) Cuba-violencia (16) Cuba-Yahoo (1) Cuba: Identidad nacional (4) cubadebate (4) Cubaencuentro (1) Cubalse (1) Cuban study group (4) cubana de aviacion (20) cubanalisis (86) Cubanicidios (1) cubano-americanos (37) Cubanologia (11) Cubanologos (47) Cubanos (19) cubanos en el mundo (81) Cubanos en MMA (4) Cubaq (1) CubaResponde (2) Cubq (1) CUC (24) cuentapropistas (181) Cuentas Nacionales (2) Culto a la personalidad (5) Cultura (38) Curiosidades (506) Cuva (1) Daguestan (1) dalai lama (15) dalia soto (4) damas de blanco (269) daniel ortega (9) Danza (8) Darsi Ferrer (5) Davos (2) Dayron Robles (11) debate de raul (2) Debate Politico (5) Deborah Castro Espin (1) Declaracion de Estados Unidos (3) Delfin (2) Delincuencia juvenil (5) demanda (3) Demandas populares (1) Democracia (168) Demografia (18) denuncia (1) Departamento de Estado (22) Deportacion (51) Deporte (185) deporte cubano (112) deporte profesional (19) deportistas cubanos (39) Derechos Humanos (455) Derribo de Avionetas (6) desalojos (8) desaparecidos (8) Desarrollo cientifico-tecnico (47) Desarrollo-Subdesarrollo (24) desastre ecologico (32) desastre nuclear (123) Desastres (33) Desastres naturales (130) Desde aqui (1) desempleo (27) deserciones (14) Deserciones de deportistas (152) desnudos (6) Desperanza (1) destierro (4) Destruccion (5) deuda (55) Deuda Exterior de Cuba (36) Deuda externa (13) DGI (224) Dialogo con Raul (1) Dialogo Nacional (1) Dialogo Politico (8) Dialogueros (9) diamantes (1) diana krall (1) Diana Nyad (3) Diaz-Balart (4) Dick Cheney (1) Dictadores (97) dictadura (16) Dictaduras (56) dilma rouseff (24) dinamarca (2) dinastias (1) dinero (24) Diosdado Cabello (25) diplomacia (24) diplomaticos cubanos (38) discapacitados (35) Discrepancias (1) Discriminacion (3) Disidencia (166) Disidentes (1045) Distribucion (1) Divisas (10) Djibouti (1) Djokovic (2) doble moral (2) doctrina militar (2) Documental (102) Documental cubano (80) Dolar (11) Donaciones (24) donald trump (12) doping (5) Dr. Antonio de la Cova (1) Dr. Antonio Morales-Pita (2) Dr. Biscet (14) Dr. Darsi Ferrer (19) Dr. Francia (2) Dra. Molina (6) drogas (102) dronenet (1) drones (63) Dualidad monetaria (6) dubai (1) dulce maria loynaz (4) Duque Hernandez (7) Dyron Robles (2) e (1) E-commerce (1) Ebay (5) Ebola (3) ebooks (2) Ecologia (59) Economia (163) Economia Canadiense (13) Economia China (45) Economia Cubana (350) Economia mundial (75) Economist (1) Economistas cubanos (13) Ecuado-Estados Unidos (2) Ecuador (76) Ecuador-Estados Unidos (2) Educacion (36) Edward Snowden (63) EEUU (2) EEUU Congreso (169) EEUU desintegracion (2) EEUU Economia (73) EEUU Gobierno (61) EEUU senado (126) EEUU-China (51) EEUU-Japon (3) EEUU-Mexico (19) efecto domino (2) efectos (1) Egipto (174) Einstein (8) ejecutivos (2) Ejercito (84) ejercito britanico (1) ejercito canadiense (6) ejercito cubano (52) Ejercito norteamericano (217) Ejercito norteamericano Iraq (9) Ejercito norteamericanoIslamismo (2) Ejercito Rebelde (8) ejercito ruso (20) ejercito venezolano (14) El caso Marquitos (1) El Chacal (3) El Coran (5) El Critico (2) El Grupo de Raul (25) El Guaton (22) El Pais (3) El Papa (113) El Salvador (9) El Sexto (11) Elecciones (140) Elecciones en Cuba (76) elecciones en estdos unidos (3) Elecciones en EU (216) electronica (1) Elena Burke (1) Elian (13) Eliecer Avila (29) Elite (5) email (10) embajadas cubanas (6) Embargo (591) Emigracioin (20) Emigracion (78) Emigracion cubana (1345) emigracion ilegal (53) Emigrantes ilegales (49) emilio ichikawa (135) EMP ha (1) Empleo (18) Emprendedores (13) empresarios (6) empresas (26) Empresas extranjeras en Cuba (40) Encuesta de opinion (32) Energia (36) energia electrica (29) Energia nuclear (89) energia termonuclear (1) Energias renovables (31) enfermedades (88) enfermos (8) Enjuiciamiento (1) Enrique Dans (1) Enrisco (14) Entrenamiento militar (1) entretenimiento (7) envejecimiento (3) envios a Cuba (10) epidemias (59) equality (1) Eric Holder (12) erick sanchez (3) erislandi lara (2) erislandy lara (16) Ernesto Diaz de Villegas (1) Ernesto Hernandez Busto (2) erotismo (18) escambray (3) escandalo (36) esclavitud (2) escocia (1) Escritores cubanos (98) escuadron patriota (8) escuelas (6) Eslovaquia (1) Espacio Laical (1) Espana (10) España (148) Especulacion (3) Espias (47) espias cubanos (98) Espias cubanos presos (158) Espinaxiones (23) Espionaje (94) espionaje industrial (11) estacion internacional (1) estadisticas (26) Estado (7) Estado de Sats (26) Estado de sitio (1) estados (1) Estados Unidos (1343) estados unidos crisis (112) Estados Unidos economia (86) estados unidos gobierno (40) Estados Unidos-Canada (35) Estados Unidos-China (4) Estados Unidos-Rusia (63) estanflacion (1) Esteban Lazo (1) Esteban Morales Dominguez (4) esteroides (1) estonia (1) estrategia (3) estrategia militar (3) estudiantes extranjeros (8) Estudios Cubanos (2) estulin (1) Estupideces (295) Eta (8) Etanol (4) Etica Politica (3) Etica y moral (10) Etnologia (2) EU (2) eu senado (3) Eugenio Yáñez (66) euro (4) Europa (67) Europa del Este (1) Eusebio Leal (12) eutanasia (5) Eva Braun (2) evacuacion (1) evasion fiscal (1) Evo Morales (38) evolucion (19) ex paises socialistas (1) excarcelados (1) Exili (1) Exilio (8) Exilio cubano (105) Exodo cubano (5) explosion nuclear (4) Explotacion del trabajo infantil (2) Exportaciones (11) expropiaciones (6) extranjeros (6) extrema derecha (6) extremistas (59) F1 (4) facebook (67) fallas de internet (9) Familia (43) familia cubana (9) Famosos (2) Far (26) Farc (81) fascismo (4) FBI (122) federico garcia lorca (1) Felicidad (4) Felix Bonne Csarcasses (1) Feria del Libro (1) ferry (1) Fertilizantes (1) Fidel (873) Fidel Castro (8) Fidel familia (61) Fidel reflexiones (4) Fidel-Estados Unidos (2) Fidelistas (1) Fidelito (9) fiji (1) filipinas (11) Filosofia (21) Finanzas (81) Finlandia (3) first nation (4) fisica (29) Fisin (1) FIU (9) flamur (5) Flash usb (1) flora (1) Florida (54) FMI (9) Fnca (9) Fondos de inversion (21) forbes (9) Foreign Policy blog (3) Formula 1 (1) Foros cubanos (1) Fortuna de Fidel y Raul (5) Fotografia (119) fran (1) Francia (60) Francis I (24) franco (2) François Hollande (1) Frank Delgado (1) Frases celebres (3) Fraude (123) fraude electoral (41) fraude fiscal (2) freddi roche (1) Frente de Resistencia Civica OZT (6) Friedrich Hayek (5) frontera (9) Fuerza de trabajo (24) fukushima (9) Fusilamientos (13) futbol (3) Futbol cubano (8) Futuro (27) G.W. Bush (8) G2 (7) G20 (3) G7 (2) g8 (4) Gabo (5) Gabriel Garcia Marquez (7) gaddafi (136) Gaesa (5) Galicia (3) Gallegos (1) Gamboa (24) Ganaderia (9) Ganado (5) Gangs (2) garry kasparov (5) Gas (10) Gasolina (8) gatos (1) Gays (56) gaza (1) gazapos (1) Geert Wilders (2) Gen. Petraeus (12) Gen. Rafael del Pino (17) gene (1) gene sharp (3) Generacion Y (26) Generales (39) Generales cubanos (43) Genetica (33) genios (5) genocidio (2) Geoges Soros (17) Geometria Fractal (4) geopolitica (48) Geopolitica cubana (20) Geopolitica latinoamericana (37) george orwel (2) George Zimmerman (9) Georgia (8) Gerencia empresarial (5) Ghana (4) Giron (1) gitanos (2) glacier (1) glasnost (1) glasnot (2) Glenn Beck (4) globalistas (3) Globalizacion (14) Gloria Stefan (1) gmail (1) gobernabilidad (6) gobernantes (1) Gobierno cubano (15) Gobierno Mundial (10) Gobierno paralelo (2) gobiernos (21) golf (3) golfo de mexico (2) Golpe de estado (10) google (61) Google glass (2) Gorbachov (24) Gorki (27) grammy (1) Granada (6) grandes ligas (71) Granma (66) grecia (30) greenpace (1) greenpeace (1) Grenada (1) Groenlandia (6) Ground Zero (6) guama (20) Guanabo (3) Guantanamo (18) Guatemala (5) guerra (92) guerra asimetrica (5) guerra cibernetica (53) guerra civil (70) guerra comercial (2) Guerra de Angola (20) Guerra de E-mails (1) guerra espacial (2) Guerra Fria (37) Guerra hispano-americana (6) Guerra Irregular (2) guerra sicologica (3) Guerras (98) Guerras africanas (13) Guerrillas (31) Guillermo Cabrera Infante (10) Guillermo Farinas (86) guinness (6) gulag (2) Guyana (1) haarp (4) Habana (1) Hackers (60) Hackers cubanos (4) Hairon Socarras (1) Haiti (24) Hamas (29) Hambre (14) hambruna (3) Hamid Karzai (14) Haroldo (3) Hassan Rouhani (4) hawai (4) Hazanas (88) Heberto Padilla (8) Hector Lombard (11) hemingway (5) Henrique Capriles (20) henry kissinger (4) Herencia (2) Hermanos al Rescate (18) heroismo (6) Herta Müller (2) herzegovina (1) hesbollah (1) Hezbollah (16) Hialeah (4) Hidrologia (1) Hijos (4) hijos de puta (2) Hilda Molina (7) Hillary Clinton (83) hipotecas (7) hippies (2) hispanos (4) Historia (57) Historia de Cuba (48) Hitler (21) hizbollah (2) hobby (1) Holanda (6) hollywood (85) holografia (1) hombre (39) homeless (8) Homofobia (50) Homosexuales (25) Homosexualismo (23) Honduras (42) Hong Kong (3) hopkins (2) hot line (1) huber matos (19) Hubert Matos (20) Huckabee (1) huelga de hambre (160) huelgas (3) humanismo (2) humanos (25) Humberto Fontova (15) Humidores (1) Humor (583) hungria (3) Huracanes (80) I GM (3) I-D (4) Iberoamerica (3) icaic (3) Ichikawa (2) Ideologia (12) Idiomas (4) Idiotas (18) Ig Nobel Prize (4) Iglesia (48) Iglesia cubana (230) II GM (18) III GM (1) iInestabilidad social (1) Ileana de la Guardia (1) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (24) Ilegales (1) imperios (2) Importaciones (22) Impuestos (99) India (35) Indice de Desarrollo Humano (5) indigenas (7) Indigencia (2) indolencia (4) indonesia (5) industria (4) Industria azucarera (45) industria cubana (1) industriales (2) Ineficiencia economica (1) inequality (6) Inestabilidad social (17) Infamia (6) inflacion (8) Informacion (14) informatica (22) Infraestructura (1) ingenieria social (2) Inglaterra (25) Ingrid Betacourt (7) Inmobiliarias (20) inmolacion (1) Inmovilismo raulista (3) innovaciones (20) Intelectuales (24) intelectuales y artistas cubanos (31) Inteligencia (52) inteligencia artificial (9) Inteligencia cubana (71) Internet (242) intervencion militar (44) Intolerancia (4) invasion (5) Inversion extranjera (412) Inversiones (48) inversiones norteamericanas en cuba (14) investigaciones secretas (2) Ion Mihai Pacepa (1) ipad (5) iphone (2) Iran (201) iran-estados unidos (65) Iraq (58) irlanda (12) isaac asimov (2) ISIS (21) Islam (99) Islamismo (168) islandia (6) islas caiman (6) Islas del Pacifico (2) Israel (148) Israel-EEUU (23) israel-iran (8) israel-palestina (12) Italia (41) Ivan de la Nuez (4) Ivan Pedroso (1) Izquierdas (26) J.E. Hoover (2) J.K. Rowling (1) jaime bayly (6) Jaime Ortega (53) Jaime Suchlicki (1) jamaica (3) Japon (178) japon terremotos (8) Jared Lee Loughner (1) jeb bush (6) jesse ventura (16) JFK (43) Jicotea cubana (1) jihad (18) jineterismo (51) Joaquin Sabinas (1) joe biden (18) Joel Casamayor (9) John A. Boehner (48) John Boehner (2) John Brennan (2) John Kerry (37) john lennon (6) Jon Jones (2) Jon Stewart (4) jordania (5) Jorge Arreaza (1) jorge pomar (4) Jose Ariel Contreras (4) Jose Daniel Ferrer (7) Jose Dariel Abreu (12) Jose Fernandez (1) jose lezama lima (2) jose marti (2) Jose Mujica (6) Jose Ramon Machado Ventura (11) Juan Abreu (38) Juan F. Benemelis (9) Juan Juan (31) Juan Manuel Marquez (2) Juan Triana (7) jubilados (1) judios (21) Juegos (15) Juegos Olimpicos (23) Julian Assange (31) Julio Casas Regueiro (2) justicia (4) Justin Bieber (5) Justin Trudeau (6) Justin Truedeau (1) Juventud (31) Juventud Cubana (104) Juventud Rebelde (5) kamikazes (1) Kaos (8) kAOS en la red (28) karadzic (1) karzai (2) kazajastan (3) Kcho (2) kendry morales (5) Kennedy (53) Kenya (5) Keynesianismo (3) KGB (11) Khamenei (4) Kid Chocolate (2) Kim Jong Il (20) kim jong-un (51) kirchner (2) kirguizia (2) Kirguizistan (2) Kitchner (5) klitchko (1) Klitschko (1) klitshko (10) Kosovo (3) kuwait (3) La Habana (23) lady gaga (7) Laetitia Casta (1) Lage (21) Lance Armstrong (13) laser (1) Latinoamerica (115) latinos (2) Laura Labrada Pollan (1) laura pollan (34) lavado de dinero (26) Laz (2) Lazaro Barredo (2) Lazaro Gonzalez (1) leche (4) Lee Harvey Oswald (5) lefties (24) Leftist (4) leftists (112) leinier (2) Lenguaje (10) lenin (7) leo brouwer (1) Leonard Cohen (2) leonardo da vinci (2) Leonardo Padura (13) Leopoldo Lopez (10) lesbian (6) Ley de Ajuste Cubana (20) Leyes (82) Leyes cubanas (68) Lezama Lima (2) lgbt (17) libano (6) Liberacion (1) Liberales (9) Liberalismo (11) Libertad (30) Libertad de expresion (50) libertad de informacion (18) libertad de prensa (8) Libia (356) Libre Expresion (1) Libreta de Abastecimientos (11) Libros (23) lideres (1) Lina Ruz (1) Literatura (35) Literatura Cubana (61) Lituania (3) Liu Xiaobo (9) livan hernandez (11) Lluvia (1) Logica Difusa (2) logistica (2) Long tail (1) Los Aldeanos (28) Los Duros (2) Los Miquis (4) loteria (25) Lucha no violenta activa (36) Ludwing von Mises (3) luis alberto garcia (1) Luis Alberto Lopez Rodriquez-Callejas (3) Luis Alberto Rodriquez (6) Lula (44) lulzsec (1) Luna (13) Machado Ventura (19) Machu Picchu (1) Macroeconomia (10) madres (9) Mafia (24) Mafia cubana (4) Magnus Carlsen (1) Mahmoud Abbas (3) mahoma (1) malasia (5) Malcolm Gladwell (1) malcom x (1) Maleconazo (11) mali (1) Malta (2) Malvinas (2) Mambises (3) Mandela (4) Manipulacion (556) manny pacquiao (18) Manuel Cuesta Morua (1) Manuel Diaz Martinez (2) Manuel Vazquez Portal (4) Mao Tse Tung (8) Mapas (5) Maquiavelo (1) mar (42) Maradona (5) marcas (4) marco rubio (102) marcos rubio (3) maremotos (10) margaret thatcher (6) Marginalidad (19) Maria Corina Machado (8) María Corina Machado (3) maria elvira (3) Maria Gabriela Chavez (1) Mariel (18) Mariela Castro (91) Marifelli Perez-Stable (9) marihuana (22) marijuana (2) marilyn monroe (8) Marino Murillo (6) Mario Chanes de Armas (2) Mario Vargas Llosa (6) Mark Zuckerberg (8) Marketing (10) Marquitos (1) marta fonseca (1) marte (13) Martha Beatriz Roque (49) Martha Colmenares (16) Marti (5) martin luther king (4) Marulanda (7) Marx (1) Marxismo (18) Masacre del remolcador 13 de marzo (5) masas (1) mashable (1) masoneria (3) mass killers (26) matematicas (7) material nuclear (15) Materias primas (6) Mauritania (1) max lesnik (3) Max Marambio (31) mayweather (11) Mazorra (1) McCain (17) media (68) Mediacion (2) Medicare (18) Medicina (139) medicinas (31) Medicos cubanos (107) Medio ambiente (24) Medio Oriente (80) medio oriente crisis (4) Medios de comunicion (125) Medvedev (19) Mercado (18) Mercado informal (7) Mercado Inmobiliario (36) Mercado InmobiliarioR (1) mercado mayorista (8) mercado minorista (3) Mercados Agropecuarios (26) mercados emergentes (2) Mercosur (1) meryl streep (1) Mesa Redonda (5) meteoritos (23) Mexico (52) mi5 (1) Miami (362) michael jackson (5) Michael Moore (9) Michel Foucault (3) Michelle Bachelet (3) michelle obama (19) Microcreditos (12) microeconomia (1) Microsiervos (4) Microsoft (9) miedos (4) Migracion (6) Miguel Barnet (1) Miguel Diaz-Canel (31) Mike Perez (2) mike porcel (1) Mike Tyson (9) Militares (37) militares cubanos (49) militares venezolanos (12) Militarismo (17) Millennials (1) milton friedman (1) minas (5) minerales (25) Minint (28) minorias (2) Miriam Celaya (1) miseria (90) Misterios (25) Mitt Romney (36) MLC (3) MMA (138) moda (11) Modelo chino (9) modelos economicos (3) Mohammed Morsi (13) momias (1) Monarquias (8) moneda (12) moneda virtual (4) mongolia (2) Montaner (7) montreal (1) Movilizacion contra Castro (1) Movimiento 26 de Julio (1) Movimiento Cristiano Liberacion (4) Mozambique (1) Mubarak (9) muerte (48) muerte asistida (1) Muertes del Castrismo (180) Muertos de la Revolucion (12) Mugabe (8) Muhammad Ali (5) Mujeres (149) Mujeres cubanas (105) mulsumanes (7) multiculturalismo (10) Mundo (1102) Muro de Berlin (17) Musica (173) Musica Cubana (258) Musica-tecnologia (2) musicos (13) Musicos cubanos (261) Musicos ubanos (1) muslim brotherhood (3) muslims brotherhood (57) mussolini (1) Musulmanes (244) myanmar (6) nacion (1) Nacionalismo (1) Nadal (3) namibia (5) nanomedicina (2) nanotecnologias (15) Napoleon (2) narcoguerrilla (23) Narcotrafico (53) Nasa (64) National Security Agency (20) naturaleza (22) navy seal (3) nazismo (18) Negociacion politica (172) negocios (41) negros (5) Nelson Mandela (16) Neocastrismo (540) neocons (8) neonazis (3) nepal (11) Nepotismo (6) nerd (1) Neruda (2) Network (1) neutralidad (1) New York (31) New York Times (17) Newsweek (1) Niagara Falls (5) nicaragua (25) Nick Wallenda (1) Nicolas Maduro (116) nigeria (2) Nik Wallenda (1) Nikita Jrushchov (3) ninos (214) Niquel (17) Niurka Marcos (1) nivel de vida (10) Noam Chomsky (1) nomeklatura (6) nomekltarua (3) nomen (1) Nomenklatura (456) Norberto Fuentes (11) Norteamerica (3) norteamericanos (5) noruega (14) Nostradamus (1) Noticias (8) NSA (13) nudismo (2) nueva zelandia (13) Nuevo Herald (7) Obama (20) Obama-Raul (18) Obama's Group (12) Obamacare (38) Obamunismo (1) Occidente (45) occupy movement (17) Ochoa (14) Odalanier Solis (7) Odio (3) odlanier solis (13) OEA (36) Ofelia Acevedo (1) Ofensiva revolucionaria (1) Oferta y demanda (8) oil sands (2) Olimpiadas (2) Oliver Stone (2) ollanta humala (3) Olof Palme (1) OLPL (15) ontario (20) Ontologia (3) ONU (54) Operacion Caguairan (2) Opiniones (4) Opositores (882) opostiores (16) Orestes Lorenzo (1) Organizaciones politicas del exilio (85) organs trade (1) Orlando Zapata Tamayo (81) orlov (9) Ortega (1) osama bin laden (82) oscar de la hoya (1) Oscar Elias Biscet (25) Oscar Espinosa Chepe (20) Oscar Haza (5) Otan (55) OTZ (1) ovnis (12) OWS (33) OZT (57) Pablo Escobar Gavirias (7) Pablo Iglesias (1) Pablo Milanes (24) Padre Conrado (1) Paises emisores de turismo (31) Pakistan (46) paladares (8) Palestina (68) Panama (28) pancho cespedes (4) Panfilo (5) papua (1) paquetes a Cuba (2) paquistan (1) paquito D'rivera (6) paradigmas (8) paraguay (5) paraguay. Cuba (2) Paramilitares (4) paranormal (3) Parche (1) Paris Hilton (1) parlamento (7) Partido Comunisa de Cuba (43) partido comunista (35) Partido Comunista de Cuba (7) Partido Democrata (92) Partido politicos (49) Partido Republicano (102) Partido Socialista Unido Venezolano (1) partidos politicos (12) pastor terry jones (1) Patricio de la Guardia (2) patriotismo (1) paul krugman (16) Paul Ryan (2) Pavonato (1) Paya (111) paypal (3) paywall (1) Paz (6) PCC (10) PDVAL (1) PDVSA (14) peacemakers (1) Pederastia (1) Pedofilia (3) pedolfilia (1) pedro campos (3) Pedro Diaz Lanz (5) Pedro Luis Boitel (5) Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz (1) Pedro Luis Ferrer (5) pedro pablo oliva (5) Pelota (66) Pelota cubana (294) peloteros cubanos (12) Peloteros cubanos en grandes ligas (243) Pena de muerte (5) Pensadores cubanos (5) Pensamiento politico (2) pensiones (3) Pentagono (82) Penultimos Dias (3) pequenos negocios (3) percepcion (4) Perdon (2) Perez Roque (10) Perfil de Raul (2) Periodismo (9) periodistas (17) Periodistas cubanos (21) periodistas independientes (39) Peronismo (1) Persona del ano (1) personalidades (23) Peru (16) perugorria (2) Peso cubano (17) PETA (1) Petrocasas (3) Petroleo (195) Petroleo cubano (202) PIB [GDP] (1) picasso (1) Piedad Cordova (1) pinochet (1) pinttura (4) Pintura Cubana (44) piratas (7) Plan de Raul (2) planificacion (4) Playa Giron (23) playas (9) Plaza Tiannamen (7) po0 (1) poblacion (100) Poblacion y dinero (137) Pobreza (234) pobreza estructural (84) poder (6) Poder Politico (131) Poder politico en Cuba (41) Poder Popular (12) Poesia (19) Poker (1) Polemica (5) Policia (91) Politica (63) politica exterior (8) politica fiscal (1) Politica internacional (5) Politica Monetaria (2) Politica norteamericana hacia Cuba (1) Political correctness (10) politicamente correcto (3) politicos (87) politicos norteamericanos (1) Polo Norte (1) polonia (8) Polucion (1) ponzi scheme (3) popularidad (2) Populismo (10) Porno (5) Porno para Ricardo (20) pornografia (6) Portugal (12) posada carriles (4) posicion comun (4) post Fidel (4) Post-castrismo (7) Post-fidelismo (5) Postcastrismo (38) Postcastro (1) Postcomunismo (1) PostFidel (2) Postfidelismo (13) Precios (27) Precios en el mercado informal (3) predicciones (8) premio (9) Premio 11 de Abril (2) Premio al Buen Corazon (1) Premio Blog Acido (1) Premio Blog Desmentido (1) Premio Blog Dorado (2) Premio Eta Kanpora (1) Premio Huella 2008 (5) Premio Nobel (26) Premio Nobel de Economia (4) premio nobel de la paz (6) Premio Nobel de Literatura (6) Premio Ortega y Gasset (3) Premio Sajarov (2) Premio San Miguel Arcangel (1) Premios (11) Premios 11 de Abril (1) Prensa (43) prensa cubana (52) Prensa Extranjera (89) Presidente de Cuba (1) Presidio Politico (39) Presos (58) Presos de conciencia (88) presos politicos (55) Presupuesto (106) Presupuesto Militar (2) pride (2) Primavera Negra (77) prisioneros (10) Prisioneros de conciencia (61) Prisioneros de concienciencia (1) privacidad (67) productividad (3) Producto Interno de Cuba (1) profecias (6) Programa politico (11) Progreso (2) Prohibiciones (2) pronosticos (13) Propaganda (248) Propiedad (2) Propiedad intelectual (1) Propiedad privada (6) proselitismo (2) Prosperidad (1) Prostitucion (90) Protesta (45) Protestas (559) provocacion (21) Proyecto Varela (8) PSUV (1) publicidad (1) Pueblo (5) Puerto Rico (6) Punto 0-0 (1) puppets (1) Putin (137) Pymes (63) Qatar (5) quantum computer (2) Quebec (3) Quejas de la poblacion (51) Queubec (1) Quinquenio Gris (1) Racionamiento (4) Racismo (50) radio frequency wapons (1) Radio Marti (16) radioactividad (31) Rafael Alejandro Hernandez Real (1) Rafael Correa (24) rafael rojas (3) rahm emanuel (5) ramadan (2) Ramiro (22) Rances Barthelemy (2) randy alonso (3) raperos cubanos (1) Raul (646) Raul Castro (12) raul familia (17) Raul Reyes (16) Raul Rivero (7) Raul y Fidel Castro (4) Raulismo (16) Razas en Cuba (1) RDA (17) Real politik (2) rebeldes (56) rebelion (1) reciclaje (1) Reclamacion de propiedades expropiadas (1) Reclutamiento de agentes (1) reconciliacion nacional (1) Reconstruccion (1) Recrutamiento de agentes (9) Red Avispa (58) Redes sociales (37) redistribucion (1) Reflexiones (4) reforma en cuba (239) reforma migratoria (105) Reforma Monetaria (49) Reforma politica (4) Reformas (86) Reformas economicas (517) Reformas economicas. (1) Reformas raulistas (146) Refugiados (6) Regionalismo (1) Reina Tamayo (30) reinaldo arenas (5) Reinaldo Escobar (23) reino unido (116) Relaciones Cuba-Estados Unidos (5) Relaciones Internacionales (2) Relevo generacional (5) Religion (184) religiones afrocubanas (34) Remolcador (6) Renuncia (2) Renuncia de Fidel (1) rep checa (1) repatriacion (5) Reporteros sin Fronteras (7) Represioin (33) Represion (1389) Represion a los intelectuales (116) Repsol (16) Republica Checa (5) Republica Dominicana (15) resistencia popular (3) reunificacion (1) reunificacion familiar (8) revolucion (7) revolucion arabe (5) revolucion cubana (48) Revolucionarios (2) reynier aguero (1) richard branson (6) Richard Nixon (5) ricos (22) riesgo (2) rigondeaux (28) Riqueza (24) Rob Ford (1) robert kennedy (1) robertico robaina (2) Robots (37) rockets (35) Roger Federer (2) ron cubano (10) ronald reagan (13) Rosa Diez (1) Rosa María Payá (40) Rosita Fornes (2) Ruinas (3) Rumania (16) rumanos (1) Rumores (5) rupert murdoch (1) Rusia (383) Saddam Hussein (1) sahara occidental (1) Salarios (32) Salman Rushdie (1) Salud (356) salud cubana (172) Salud de Fidel (70) Salud de Raul (2) Salud publica (369) same sex marriage (1) Sandinistas (1) Sandino (1) santiago de cuba (9) Sara Marta Fonseca (1) Sarah Palin (15) sarajevo (1) satelite (11) Sats. Cuba (40) Scarabeo 9 (6) secret service (4) Secretario de Defensa (2) Secretario de Estado (1) Secreto (17) secretos militares (12) Secuestrados (21) Secuestros (39) securidad del estado (1) Seguridad (32) seguridad cubana (25) Seguridad del Estado (77) Seguridad nacional (72) seguridad personal (12) seguridad social (4) Seguros (11) Selman (2) Semiotica (2) senadores (40) serbia (3) Sergio Ramirez (1) sexo (69) Sharia (16) Sherrit (19) siberia (2) Sicilia (1) Sicologia (38) Sicologia politica (12) Sida (10) Silvio Benitez (20) Silvio Rodriquez (30) silvito el libre (4) Simon Bolivar (3) sina (25) Sindicatos (27) Sindrome de la Indefension Adquirida (15) Sindrome del Neocastrismo (69) Singapur (7) siquiatria (12) Siria (93) smartphone (8) smog (1) sms (1) Soberania (1) Social (1) social media (4) social network (1) Socialdemocracia (4) Socialismo (56) socialismo de mercado (3) Socialismo del Siglo XXI (19) socialistas (44) Sociedad (84) Sociedad Civil (30) Sociedades Secretas (1) Sociologia (29) sofia loren (1) software (2) sol (11) soldados (27) Solidaridad (7) Solzhenitsyn (3) Somalia (16) Sonia Garro (14) Soros (1) sri lanka (1) st.piere (1) st.pierre (2) Stalin (23) Stephen Hawking (10) steve jobs (12) stock market (6) stratfor (3) Subastas (18) submarinos (1) Subversion (3) Sucesion (154) Sucesores (107) Sucre (3) Sudafrica (29) Sudal del Sur (1) Sudan (4) suecia (18) Suelos (1) suerte (13) suicidio (25) suiza (7) sundance (2) Susan Boyle (1) Susan Rice (3) Swat team (4) Tabaco Cubano (33) tabacos cubanos (3) tabaquismo (4) Tabu (1) tailandia (3) taiwan (10) Taladrid (1) talento (2) Taliban (65) Tania Bruguera (10) Tarata (1) tarjetas de credito (3) task force (1) tattoo (4) taxpayers (2) Tea Party (15) Teatro cubano (11) tecnologia (213) ted cruz (22) ted kennedy (1) Telecomunicaciones (77) Television (14) tendencias (1) Tenis (8) Teoria Economica (76) Teoria Politica (43) Terremotos (29) terromotos (7) Terrorismo (469) terroristas (409) terry fox (1) Terry Jones (2) Texas (3) thailandia (3) the beatles (6) thi (1) Think Tank (269) Tibet (20) tiburones (5) Tierra (52) Times (7) timor oriental (1) Tina Turner (1) Tiro fijo (2) tolerancia (1) tomas piard (2) tony blair (2) tony castro (23) Tony Cortes (4) Tony de la Guardia (9) Toronto (79) Torturas (17) Totalitarismo (21) trabajadores por cuenta propia (29) trabajadores publicos (1) trabajos (10) Tracey Eaton (29) trafico de armas (53) Trafico de drogas (98) trafico de organos (2) trafico de personas (22) tragedias (3) transgender (2) Transicion (175) Transporte (29) Trasvestismo (4) Tratado de Libre Comercio (1) travesti (1) tren (20) tribunal internacional (1) Trilateral (2) trinida y tobago (1) Trotsky (1) trudeau (1) Tsunami (10) tunez (16) Tupamaro (1) Turismo (24) Turismo Cuba (136) turistas norteamericanos (2) Turquia (23) TV cubana (11) Tv Marti (12) twiter (5) Twitter (40) tycoon (5) UCI (14) Ucrania (43) UFC (65) ufo (10) uigur (1) UJC (13) Umap (7) Underground (1) Uneac (30) Uneac. Censura (10) UNESCO (1) Unidad politica (2) union (1) Union Europea (93) Union Sovietica (110) Universidad (86) Universo (68) Univision (1) UNPACU (75) Upec (3) uranio (3) Uribe (3) Uruguay (12) US Grants (2) US Presidentes (53) uzbekistan (2) Vacilon (1) vaclav havel (4) Valores y normas de conductas (14) Van Van (3) Vaticano (66) Vejez (3) Venezuela (467) Venezuela crisis (42) venezuela economia (3) Venezuela elecciones (50) venezuela-china (7) Venezuela-Cuba-Rusia-China-Iran (1) Venezuela-Estados Unidos (26) Venezuela-Rusia (5) Ventas (1) Verizon Scandal (1) VI Congreso del PCC (46) Via China (3) Viajes a Cuba (232) viajes al exterior (10) vicente botin (1) victimas del 911 (7) victor mesa (1) Vida (32) vida extraterrestre (19) Vida Guerra (1) Video (30) video juegos (9) viejos (6) Viet Nam (26) Violencia (20) Virgen del Cobre (4) virtual (1) Virus (12) Vitali Klitschko (1) Vivienda (199) Vladimiro Roca (13) Voces del Barrio (8) volcanes (9) Walesa (11) wall street (31) walmart (6) Welfare (7) Wendy Guerra (4) whistleblower (3) whistleblowers (1) wi-fi (8) WikiLeaks (143) wikipedia (4) william levy (1) Willy Chirno (6) Wilman Villar Mendoza (26) Wilmar Villar Mendoza (1) windows (1) winston churchill (4) World Trade Center (18) World Trade Organization (1) wynoma ryder (1) Xi Jinping (11) xiomara laugart (6) XXX (1) yahoo (3) Yaoutube (1) Yasiel Puig (14) Yasmani Tomas (1) yasser arafat (10) Yeltsin (4) yemen (38) Yo acuso al gobierno cubano (1) Yoan Moncada (1) Yoani (276) Yoany (19) Yoenis Cespedes (10) yoga (5) Yohandry (6) yoko ono (1) Youtube (15) yuan (6) Yugoeslavia (1) Yunier Dorticos (1) yuri gagarin (3) Zawahri (1) zelaya (1) Zimbawe (8) Zoe Valdes (22) Zona Franca Mariel (38) Zumbado (1)

La columna de Cubanalisis

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]

NEOCASTRISMO [Hacer click en la imagen]
¨Saturno jugando con sus hijos¨/ Pedro Pablo Oliva


Carta desde la carcel de Fidel Castro Ruz

“…después de todo, para mí la cárcel es un buen descanso, que sólo tiene de malo el que es obligatorio. Leo mucho y estudio mucho. Parece increíble, las horas pasan como si fuesen minutos y yo, que soy de temperamento intranquilo, me paso el día leyendo, apenas sin moverme para nada. La correspondencia llega normalmente…”

“…Como soy cocinero, de vez en cuando me entretengo preparando algún pisto. Hace poco me mandó mi hermana desde Oriente un pequeño jamón y preparé un bisté con jalea de guayaba. También preparo spaghettis de vez en cuando, de distintas formas, inventadas todas por mí; o bien tortilla de queso. ¡Ah! ¡Qué bien me quedan! por supuesto, que el repertorio no se queda ahí. Cuelo también café que me queda muy sabroso”.
“…En cuanto a fumar, en estos días pasados he estado rico: una caja de tabacos H. Upman del doctor Miró Cardona, dos cajas muy buenas de mi hermano Ramón….”.
“Me voy a cenar: spaghettis con calamares, bombones italianos de postre, café acabadito de colar y después un H. Upman #4. ¿No me envidias?”.
“…Me cuidan, me cuidan un poquito entre todos. No le hacen caso a uno, siempre estoy peleando para que no me manden nada. Cuando cojo el sol por la mañana en shorts y siento el aire de mar, me parece que estoy en una playa… ¡Me van a hacer creer que estoy de vacaciones! ¿Qué diría Carlos Marx de semejantes revolucionarios?”.


¨La patria es dicha de todos, y dolor de todos, y cielo para todos, y no feudo ni capellaní­a de nadie¨ - Marti

"No temas ni a la prision, ni a la pobreza, ni a la muerte. Teme al miedo"
Giacomo Leopardi

¨Por eso es muy importante, Vicky, hijo mío, que recuerdes siempre para qué sirve la cabeza: para atravesar paredes¨Halvar de Flake [El vikingo]

"Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir" - Lorca

"Al final, no os preguntarán qué habéis sabido, sino qué habéis hecho" - Jean de Gerson

"Si queremos que todo siga como está, es necesario que todo cambie" - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

"Todo hombre paga su grandeza con muchas pequeñeces, su victoria con muchas derrotas, su riqueza con múltiples quiebras" - Giovanni Papini

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans" - John Lennon

"Habla bajo, lleva siempre un gran palo y llegarás lejos" - Proverbio Africano

"No hay medicina para el miedo" - Proverbio escoces

"El supremo arte de la guerra es doblegar al enemigo sin luchar"
- Sun Tzu

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

"It is inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office" - H. L. Menken

"I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented" - Elie Wiesel

"Stay hungry, stay foolish" -
Steve Jobs

"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert , in five years ther'ed be a shortage of sand" - Milton Friedman

"The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less about the meaning of his own life, but that it bothers him less and less" - Vaclav Havel

"No se puede controlar el resultado, pero si lo que uno haga para alcanzarlo" -
Vitor Belfort [MMA Fighter]


A la puerta de la gloria está San Pedro sentado y ve llegar a su lado a un hombre de cierta historia. No consigue hacer memoria y le pregunta con celo: ¿Quién eras allá en el suelo? Era Liborio mi nombre. Has sufrido mucho, hombre, entra, te has ganado el cielo.

Para Raul Castro

Cuba ocupa el penultimo lugar en el mundo en libertad economica solo superada por Corea del Norte.

Cuba ocupa el lugar 147 entre 153 paises evaluados en "Democracia, Mercado y Transparencia 2007"

Cuando vinieron

Cuando vinieron a buscar a los comunistas, Callé: yo no soy comunista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas, Callé: yo no soy sindicalista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los judíos, Callé: yo no soy judío. Cuando vinieron a buscar a los católicos, Callé: yo no soy “tan católico”.
Cuando vinieron a buscarme a mí, Callé: no había quien me escuchara.

Reverendo Martin Niemöller

Martha Colmenares

Martha Colmenares
Un sitio donde los hechos y sus huellas nos conmueven o cautivan
Bloggers Unite


Donde esta el Mundo, donde los Democratas, donde los Liberales? El pueblo de Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan los Green, los Socialdemocratas, los Ricos y los Pobres, los Con Voz y Sin Voz? Cuba llora y nadie escucha.
Donde estan el Jet Set, los Reyes y Principes, Patricios y Plebeyos? Cuba desesperada clama por solidaridad.
Donde Bob Dylan, donde Martin Luther King, donde Hollywood y sus estrellas? Donde la Middle Class democrata y conservadora, o acaso tambien liberal a ratos? Y Gandhi? Y el Dios de Todos?
Donde los Santos y Virgenes; los Dioses de Cristianos, Protestantes, Musulmanes, Budistas, Testigos de Jehova y Adventistas del Septimo Dia. Donde estan Ochun y todas las deidades del Panteon Yoruba que no acuden a nuestro llanto? Donde Juan Pablo II que no exige mas que Cuba se abra al Mundo y que el Mundo se abra a Cuba?
Que hacen ahora mismo Alberto de Monaco y el Principe Felipe que no los escuchamos? Donde Madonna, donde Angelina Jolie y sus adoptados around de world; o nos hara falta un Brando erguido en un Oscar por Cuba? Donde Sean Penn?
Donde esta la Aristocracia Obrera y los Obreros menos Aristocraticos, donde los Working Class que no estan junto a un pueblo que lanquidece, sufre y llora por la ignominia?
Que hacen ahora mismo Zapatero y Rajoy que no los escuchamos, y Harper y Dion, e Hillary y Obama; donde McCain que no los escuchamos? Y los muertos? Y los que estan muriendo? Y los que van a morir? Y los que se lanzan desesperados al mar?
Donde estan el minero cantabrico o el pescador de percebes gijonese? Los Canarios donde estan? A los africanos no los oimos, y a los australianos con su acento de hombres duros tampoco. Y aquellos chinos milenarios de Canton que fundaron raices eternas en la Isla? Y que de la Queen Elizabeth y los Lords y Gentlemen? Que hace ahora mismo el combativo Principe Harry que no lo escuchamos?
Donde los Rockefellers? Donde los Duponts? Donde Kate Moss? Donde el Presidente de la ONU? Y Solana donde esta? Y los Generales y Doctores? Y los Lam y los Fabelo, y los Sivio y los Fito Paez?
Y que de Canseco y Miñoso? Y de los veteranos de Bahia de Cochinos y de los balseros y de los recien llegados? Y Carlos Otero y Susana Perez? Y el Bola, y Pancho Cespedes? Y YO y TU?
Y todos nosotros que estamos aqui y alla rumiando frustaciones y resquemores, envidias y sinsabores; autoelogios y nostalgias, en tanto Louis Michel comulga con Perez Roque mientras Biscet y una NACION lanquidecen?
Donde Maceo, donde Marti; donde aquel Villena con su carga para matar bribones?
Cuba llora y clama y el Mundo NO ESCUCHA!!!

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