viernes, marzo 13, 2015

Spy Working In/With Canada Embassy Arrested Over Three London Girls Who Went To Syria

ANKARA — An alleged spy detained in Turkey for helping three British girls cross into Syria is a Syrian national working for a country in the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State, the Turkish foreign minister said on Friday.
He has been named by one Turkish newspaper as Mohammad Al Rashid.
Several Turkish media, citing government sources, have said the detained spy was on contract for Canada but working for the Israeli spy agency, the Mossad.
Tahera Mufti, spokeswoman for CSIS, did not respond to a written request for comment and the federal government refused to comment, claiming it was a matter "of national security."
Islamic State seized swathes of land last June, cementing their rule with a militant interpretation of Islamic law, and is drawing sympathizers from many countries to support their fight.
The U.S.-led coalition, that includes Canada, is using mostly air power in an attempt to push the Sunni militant group back.
"The person who helped the three British girls into Syria is a Syrian national working for another country within the coalition. The situation is so complicated," foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara.
The three girls, two aged 15 and one 16, flew to Istanbul from London on Feb. 17 and then onwards to Syria, where more than 200,000 have been killed in a civil war. Their families have appealed to them to return.
- with QMI Agency files
Mary Greeley

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