domingo, diciembre 14, 2014

Mercedes-Benz 300SL Found Abandoned in Cuba

Mercedes-Benz 300SL Found Abandoned in Cuba
Despite it being 2014, classic cars from before the 1960’s, particularly American cars, are still commonplace on the streets of Cuba meaning the small island provides a glimpse into the history of motoring. One a recent trip to Cuba, photographer Piotr Degler heard whispers that there was a rare Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing sitting abandoned somewhere on the island.
For one month, Degler roamed the streets of Cuba on lookout for the abandoned Gullwing and rather mysteriously, no locals knew where the car was. After searching high and low however, Degler stumbled on the carcass of the Mercedes-Benz 300SL being sheltered by a banana tree.
When discussing the unique find with Classic Driver, Degler said, “I found many hidden treasures on my travels across Cuba – a Hispano-Suiza being one – but the Gullwing eluded me until a few days before my planned departure.
“When I first found it, I spent the whole day taking pictures, but then I realised a night shoot might be more appropriate. Finding the car was an indescribable experience,” he said.

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