martes, diciembre 16, 2014

Cuban woman's message in a bottle washes up in U.S.

Chris Bonanno
Photo: Chris Bonanno / FLORIDA TODAY)
MELBOURNE, Fla. — Melbourne Beach's Shannon Johnson was walking on the beach on the morning of Dec. 3 when she noticed something that stood out.
"It was right before low tide, perfect timing, about 9:30, 10 and just looked down. I was picking up some trash and looked down and there it was."
"It" was a small medicine bottle that contained some rocks and other small particles … and a letter.
"I was afraid to open it at first like some crazy pirate put something toxic in it."
But eventually Johnson did open it and when she did she found a note in several pieces from a woman in Cuba inside of it. The letter, written in Spanish, detailed the woman's desire to come to America and better her and her family's life.
Johnson felt as though this was a story that needed to be shared, so to spread the message, Johnson shared the photo of the bottle and letter with her close friend Brittany Blanc of Melbourne. Blanc posted it to her Facebook profile, which drew interest from her friends.
One of those friends, Jason Schreiber, sent a message over Facebook to "three or four" of the woman's friends along with the woman herself.
"I dug deeper than anybody else," Schreiber said.
Eventually he made contact with the woman who sent the bottle.
"I sent her a picture of her bottle and I sent her a picture of her letter and I said, 'Is this you?' and she said, 'Oh my god, yes, yes that's me.'"
Schreiber discovered that she sent the bottle more than two months ago. He also found that she was a well-educated woman who wasn't poor, but simply wanted a better opportunity for herself and her family and seemed frustrated that she couldn't come to the United States.
The woman also wished not to be identified in any published story.
"I actually thought it was just a beautiful letter, and I don't think she even meant for anyone to find it," said Blanc, after reading the translated version of the letter.
The distance the bottle traveled differs depending upon how you calculate the distance from the northern coast of Cuba to the Space Coast, but the bottle traveled at least 300 miles before it washed ashore.
Schreiber shared the sentiment that Johnson and Blanc had of wanting to meet the woman in the United States, but he was unsure of what he could realistically do.
"I mean if there's any way I can get her over here to better her life or anything that'd be awesome."
The woman's frustration is likely due to the steep odds she faces in coming to this country.
According to David Stoller, certified immigration attorney, a Cuban citizen's path to coming to the United States rests with either having family here or winning one of two lotteries: the United States' Diversity Visa Lottery, or a second lottery offered in Cuba, only to Cubans. He said a Cuban national cannot be deported if they step foot in the U.S., which leads to some coming over in rafts and through other means.
"That's the way it works for everyone around the world. Your chances are slim and none unless you fit into some category in our system of either family, employment base, or a special program for people of certain countries like we have for the diversity visa process or a special set-up for Cubans," said Stoller.

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