viernes, octubre 10, 2014

CNN's Jay Carney Was White House Spokesman During Alleged Prostitution Cover Up

At the time, during President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign, former White House Press Secretary and current CNN employee Jay Carney repeatedly told the White House Press Corps that no one in the administration was involved in or was being investigated for a Colombian prostitution scandal that ripped through the Secret Service. The Washington Post now says that wasn't true.

The Post's front page Thursday morning bombshell puts CNN in a unique position. While the Post claims "aides" knew the truth, no one is claiming Carney knowingly lied. Regardless, Carney's knowledge of who told him what and when gives the cable news network a front row seat at a breaking national scandal.
The Washington Post details three different occasions when Carney told the Press Corps what the Post's own reporting now says was not true:
 Also on April 20, a Friday, reporters asked press secretary Jay Carney whether White House staffers had been involved. He said his information was that the incident did not “involve anything but the agents and the military personnel.” …
The following Monday, in response to questions from reporters, Carney said that “there have been no specific, credible allegations of misconduct by anyone on the White House advance team or the White House staff.”
Carney added that, “out of due diligence, the White House counsel’s office has conducted a review of the White House advance team and . . . came to the conclusion that there’s no indication that any member of the White House advance team engaged in any improper conduct or behavior.”
The Post's online article includes video of Carney.
Thus far, throughout Obama's presidency, like the rest of the mainstream media, CNN has protected the Obama Administration from numerous scandals. Through indifference, the former-Most Trusted Name In News has only aided and abetted the White House's Benghazi, IRS, and Fast and Furious lies.
With Carney in its stable, CNN has an opportunity no one else in the media does to break this scandal open even further.
Thus far, CNN hasn't shown much interest in the story >>

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