viernes, octubre 31, 2014

EE UU declara su orgullo por trabajar con Cuba contra el ébola
La embajadora de Estados Unidos ante Naciones Unidas, Samantha Power, elogió este viernes la ayuda desplegada por Cuba en la lucha contra la epidemia del ébola en África Occidental, un asunto que ha provocado cierto deshielo en las relaciones entre los dos países. Power, que regresó el jueves de un viaje de cuatro días por Guinea, Liberia, y Sierra Leona, se declaró “orgullosa” del trabajo que están desplegando en la región “médicos americanos, europeos y cubanos, metidos tantas horas en esos trajes que son como hornos”. La diplomática, durante un encuentro organizado por la agencia Reuters este viernes en Nueva York, hizo otras menciones significativas a la isla. “Estamos muy agradecidos a Cuba, que ya tiene a 265 médicos en la zona, a los que sumará otros 200. Aunque no es un esfuerzo integrado, estamos trabajando hombro con hombro”. El régimen de La Habana es uno de los pocos países que, en opinión de Power, hacen mucho, en contraste con muchos otros que, denunció, hacen muy poco. En La Habana, el viceministro de Asuntos Exteriores británico, Hugo Swire, elogió también el esfuerzo del régimen castrista en la primera visita de alto nivel a la isla del Reino Unido en una década.
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La ultima del Coco Fariñas: "Intentaron sobornarlo"

el coco requiere urgentemente atencion siquiatrica o se nos revela como el agente provocador del ano.

Cuba's "Medical Diplomacy" is Commercial, Not Humanitarian

This week, Germany's Deutche Welle newspaper looked beyond Castro's propaganda to note how Cuba's "medical diplomacy" is really a commercial endeavor for its dictatorship.

As documented in the story, it's a low-profit, high-margin business for Castro -- a quintessential "human trafficking" business model -- whereby the regime gets paid handsomely in hard currency, while the health workers get a pittance.

What remains unclear is how much Castro is getting paid -- aside from the propaganda dividend -- for the health workers currently being sent to West Africa.

Thus far, we know the Cuban health workers have been compelled to agree that if they contract the Ebola virus, they will not be repatriated to the island.

We also know that there has been a life insurance policy taken out for these health workers with the World Health Organization (WHO) -- with the Castro regime, not their families, as the beneficiary.

Many of the commercial arrangements for Cuba's health workers throughout the world are funneled via the WHO.

For example, Castro was paid for Cuba's much-propagated role in Haiti via contributions from Norway and Brazil.

So how much is the WHO paying the Castro regime for these Ebola health workers?

We'll surely find out at some point.

However, as a first clue, it was revealed last week that Mexico alone was transferring at least $1 million to the WHO for these Cuban health workers.

Deutche Welle has some of the numbers:

"A staggering 50,000 employees of the Cuban health ministry are currently serving abroad in 66 countries, according to the ministry. Of those, 30,000 are stationed in Venezuela. There are 12,000 in Brazil, 2,000 in Angola, and a further 2,000 in other parts of Africa.

In total, almost a third of Cuba's 83,000 doctors are working in foreign countries.

The government in Havana earns more than six billion euros a year ($7.6 billion) through these doctors, because only a fraction of what the doctors cost these foreign nations are paid out in their salaries."
Unfortunately, the article overlooks Castro's medical-commercial deals with South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Portugal, which also directly pay him top-dollar.

These arrangements are all in clear violation of international labor standards.

Yet, this billionaire enterprise has become one of the Castro regime's main sources of income.

Raúl Castro y los carteristas

La Asamblea General de la ONU acaba de votar por vigésimo tercera vez (ahora con 188 a favor, 2 en contra, 3 abstenciones), la Resolución “Necesidad de poner fin al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por EEUU contra Cuba”. Importante para el régimen, simpatizantes y los habituales sicarios virtuales de estos foros.
Para el resto del mundo, esa resolución simbólica es tan trascendente como la carabina de Ambrosio o un discurso de Machado Ventura, así que no perdamos tiempo en eso, como quisieran quienes pretenden imponer los temas a tratar a quienes escribimos libremente.
Así que pasemos a algo más importante y trascendente: los carteristas que aparecieron en el consejo de ministros de Raúl Castro.
“Carteristas” no por quienes sustraen billeteras o carteras de bolsillos o brazos en una guagua llena en La Habana, ni simpatizantes de Jimmy Carter, sino los personajes que hace unos días expusieron sus brillantes ideas en el último cónclave del consejo de ministros ampliado, para intentar convencer de que el chicharrón de viento es carne.
El régimen aprobó una “cartera de oportunidades para la inversión extranjera”, donde ofrece, a los que ahora ya no son vistos como explotadores capitalistas, 246 proyectos de inversión, en sectores como agroalimentación, construcción, industria farmacéutica, biotecnología, o energías renovables, pensados para ejecutarse en todas las provincias cubanas, por un monto total de $8.710 millones.
Tarde, mal y nunca, como de costumbre. Con un Mariel que todavía se recuerda más por la fuga masiva de cubanos en 1980 que por ser un pretendido mega-puerto de impacto internacional, donde el aburrimiento de sus grúas es el rey y no acaban de aparecer las imprescindibles inversiones, la dictadura hará que sus carteristas ofrezcan proyectos en la Feria de La Habana (FIHAV 2014), del 2 al 8 de noviembre, con empresarios de más de 60 países, en lo que en estos momentos es la apuesta más desesperada del régimen, porque ¡ahora sí que de verdad van a construir el socialismo! ¿O no?
La información ofrecida por la dictadura, demasiado interesada en la inversión extranjera y desesperada porque EEUU afloje las clavijas del embargo y vaya con sus capitales y turistas a Cuba, no aclara si antes de FIHAV 2014 será derogada la Segunda Declaración de La Habana, sobre todo los párrafos que dicen “…de América Latina fluye hacia Estados Unidos un torrente continuo de dinero: unos 4,000 dólares por minuto, 5 millones por día, 2,000 millones por año, 10,000 millones cada cinco años. Por cada 1,000 dólares que se nos van, nos queda un muerto. ¡Mil dólares por muerto: ese es el precio de lo que se llama imperialismo! ¡Mil dólares por muerto, cuatro veces por minuto!”. Tampoco se aclaró si durante FIHAV 2014 se celebraría el 7 de noviembre un aniversario más de la Gran Revolución Socialista de Octubre en la URSS.
De momento, todo queda en agua de borrajas. Una “cartera de negocios” como la anunciada tiene en estos momentos tantos resultados prácticos para los cubanos de a pie como los miles de toneladas de carne de puerco o de quintales de plátanos que produce diariamente el Noticiero Nacional de la televisión oficialista, que al apagarse el televisor no se sabe donde están.
En enero de 2014 se inauguró el súper puerto de El Mariel sin tener aprobada una ley de inversión extranjera que diera sentido a aquel proyecto. Ahora, a finales de octubre, se habla de una cartera de negocios pensando en Mariel y territorios de todo el país, que será ofrecida en noviembre a los empresarios participantes en la Feria de La Habana.
Para firmar convenios ¿cuándo? Para comenzar la ejecución de los proyectos ¿cuándo? Para que los primeros resultados se puedan comenzar a ver ¿cuándo? Para que al fin se logre comenzar a acercarse a los $2.500 millones en inversión extranjera que se necesitan cada año, que se lograrían ¿cuándo? Qué es lo que garantizaría un desarrollo sostenible y un socialismo sustentable si el PIB crece anualmente un 5-7 % ¿cuándo? Porque, hasta ahora, en el mejor de los casos, en 2014 crecería un 1,4 %, a menos que se produzca un milagro o una escandalosa manipulación estadística.
De manera que pueden embullarse los que lo deseen, ilusionarse los que crean en Los Reyes Magos, y desgastarse repitiendo sandeces los alabarderos del régimen.
Porque no es nada optimista el futuro de la economía cubana si los proyectos para la producción y el desarrollo dependen de los carteristas del gobierno.

"Habla el General" Rafael del Pino sobre los planes de Raúl Castro - 1ra parte

todo lo que "revela" el megalomano exgeneral es informacion publica, incluyendo la hipotesis del modelo egipcio, que el mismo recientemente expusiera recientemente en cubaencuentro ¿Faraones?
de acuerdo con maria elvira, del pino reitero en varias oportunidades que su mensaje esta dirigido a los militares cubanos; luego, si en el modelo que se prevee los mismos seran constitucional y politicamente intocables y rectores por decreto, por que un militar cubano escucharia sus consejos de revelarse contra el regimen si el camino propuesto le garantizaria un status social privilegiado? o es que no han sido siempre intocables los militares cubanos?
o acaso estaremos presenciando el decline senil de un megalomano incurable.  
Maria Elvira Salazar

Illicit e-commerce: The Amazons of the dark net | The Economist

THE first ever e-commerce transaction, conducted by students from Stanford and MIT in the early 1970s, involved the sale of a small quantity of marijuana. For decades afterwards, the online drugs trade was severely constrained by the ability of law enforcement to track IP addresses and the means of payment. The trickle of transactions threatened to become a flood with the emergence a few years ago of Silk Road, a drug-dealing site on the “dark net”. These e-depths cannot be reached through a normal browser but only with anonymising software called Tor. Buyers and sellers transact there pseudonymously in bitcoin, a crypto-currency.
Silk Road was shut last year with the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the 29-year-old American whom investigators believe to be Dread Pirate Roberts, the site’s founder. Mr Ulbricht is due to stand trial in New York next January on charges that include computer hacking and money laundering. But law enforcers who predicted that Silk Road’s demise would mark the beginning of the end for online black-market bazaars were wrong. Instead, dozens of dark-net Amazons and eBays (also known as crypto-markets) have sprung up to fill the void. They are not only proving remarkably resilient but expanding their offerings and growing more sophisticated.
Keep reading on The Economist >>

House Republican blasts U.S. attendance at Ebola meeting in Cuba

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) on Thursday said the U.S. should not have sent representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to an Ebola conference in Cuba.
The meeting was organized by ALBA (Aliazna Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América), a socialist-affiliated group, in Havana.
Two U.S. officials, including Nelson Arboleda, the CDC's director for Central America, were in attendance and expressed support for Cuba sending doctors to West Africa to help treat the Ebola outbreak. 
But Diaz-Balart said the Cuban medical forces were likely forced labor and that the U.S. shouldn't ally itself with a group like ALBA.
"It is a disgrace that the United States sent a representative to an ALBA meeting in Havana and praised the Cuban dictatorship for sending forced medical labor to Western Africa," Diaz-Balart said. "That the U.S. would send a representative to such a meeting is by itself ludicrous."
The Florida Republican, who represents a Miami-area district, said the Cuban doctors were not ideal international partners to combat Ebola.
"Cuban doctors are hastily trained, poorly equipped, and forced to work in dangerous conditions while most of their pay is siphoned to the Castro dictatorship. That a U.S. official would condone their overt exploitation is outrageous," Diaz-Balart said

Supervivencia estadística en el ajedrez

Oliver Brennan hizo todo un análisis a partir de una pregunta en Quora: ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de supervivencia de cada pieza de ajedrez en los juegos históricos en general? Así que preparó los 2,2 millones de partidas de la base de datos Million Base 2.2 (que abarca hasta julio de 2013) y puso una máquina a hacer crujir números.
Si eres el peón de e2, date por jodido.
El resumen es que para las blancas el peón de e2 es el que más veces es eliminado de la partida; curiosamente para las negras es el caballo de g8… Las siguientes piezas son el resto de caballos y los peones centrales. Hay una curiosa simetría en el resultado, lo que es interesante dado que el tablero no es simétrico y los conceptos de ataque y defensa están muy marcados desde el principio.
Los dos reyes tienen –obviamente– una probabilidad de supervivencia del cien por cien hasta el momento en que termina la partida. Las siguientes piezas más resistentes son los peones laterales: h2, h7, g2, a2… Del resto de piezas curiosamente las torres suelen sobrevivir más que las damas (aunque por poco); de hecho los expertos saben que más o menos el 60 por ciento de las partidas acaban en los llamados «finales de torres».
Aquí hay una curiosa visualización animada movimiento a movimiento de cómo cambian los valores a lo largo del conjunto de partidas.

33 Cuban migrants rescued off Boca Raton

Thirty-three Cuban men were rescued from the water by U.S. Coast Guard crews Wednesday morning after they threw themselves off a boat that was taking on water off Boca Raton in southern Palm Beach County.
A Coast Guard spokesman said the incident occurred about seven miles east of Boca Raton in the Atlantic Ocean.
The rescue came two days after 13 Cuban rafters attempted to reach Miami in a makeshift boat that broke apart near the Turkey Point nuclear power plant. Eleven of the migrants were rescued or made it safely to land and two were still missing Wednesday.
“Upon our assets arriving on scene, the suspected migrants were taken aboard a Coast Guard boat and safely transferred to a Coast Guard Cutter for basic medical attention if needed,” the Coast Guard said in a statement.
News of the 33 migrants in the water off Boca Inlet immediately raised questions about whether this was the second group of Cuban migrants said to be traveling to Miami from Mariel, a Cuban port west of Havana.
Ramón Saúl Sánchez, leader of Miami-based Democracy Movement, said he was contacted by a member of the Cuban exile community Tuesday asking for information about a boat carrying 23 Cuban migrants that left nine days ago from Mariel.
Coast Guard officials said they did not know if the boat had left from Mariel.
The 13 Cubans who attempted to reach Miami Monday departed more than 10 days ago from Cojimar in Cuba.
Five of those Cubans were held aboard a Coast Guard cutter and likely will be returned to the island. The six others who reached land or were brought ashore likely will be allowed to stay.
Under the so-called wet foot/dry foot policy, Cuban migrants interdicted at sea are generally returned to the island while those who reach U.S. soil get to stay.
Sánchez and relatives of some of the rafters who arrived Monday were on two boats in Biscayne Bay conducting their own search for the two missing Cubans. By telephone from his boat, Sánchez said they were searching in waters where the rafters’ boat broke apart Sunday near the Turkey Point nuclear plant in South Miami-Dade.
All of the 33 migrants plucked from the water off Boca on Wednesday never reached land. They were all being held on a Coast Guard vessel Wednesday afternoon, officials said.
A Coast Guard statement said the 33 migrants “jumped in the water from their grossly overloaded vessel 7 miles east of Boca Inlet.”
The migrants in the water were initially spotted by the crew of a Coast Guard C-130 who were searching for the two missing Cubans from Monday’s arrival.
The Coast Guard dispatched the cutters Shrike and Robert Yered as well as search and rescue boats from bases in Fort Lauderdale and Lake Worth Inlet.


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Amelia Earhart Plane Fragment Identified

A fragment of Amelia Earhart's lost aircraft has been identified to a high degree of certainty for the first time ever since her plane vanished over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937, in a record attempt to fly around the world at the equator.
New research strongly suggests that a piece of aluminum aircraft debris recovered in 1991 from Nikumaroro, an uninhabited atoll in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati, does belong to Earhart’s twin-engined Lockheed Electra.
The search for Amelia Earhart is about to continue in the pristine waters of a tiny uninhabited island, Nikumaroro, between Hawaii and Australia.
According to researchers at The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), which has long been investigating the last, fateful flight taken by Earhart 77 years ago, the aluminum sheet is a patch of metal installed on the Electra during the aviator’s eight-day stay in Miami, which was the fourth stop on her attempt to circumnavigate the globe.
The patch replaced a navigational window: A Miami Herald photo shows the Electra departing for San Juan, Puerto Rico on the morning of Tuesday, June 1, 1937 with a shiny patch of metal where the window had been.
“The Miami Patch was an expedient field repair," Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR, told Discovery News. "Its complex fingerprint of dimensions, proportions, materials and rivet patterns was as unique to Earhart’s Electra as a fingerprint is to an individual."
TIGHAR researchers went to Wichita Air Services in Newton, Kans., and compared the dimensions and features of the Artifact 2-2-V-1, as the metal sheet found on Nikumaroro was called, with the structural components of a Lockheed Electra being restored to airworthy condition.
The rivet pattern and other features on the 19-inch-wide by 23-inch-long Nikumaroro artifact matched the patch and lined up with the structural components of the Lockheed Electra. TIGHAR detailed the finding in a report on its website.
“This is the first time an artifact found on Nikumaroro has been shown to have a direct link to Amelia Earhart,” Gillespie said.
The breakthrough would prove that, contrary to what was generally believed, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did not crash in the Pacific Ocean, running out of fuel somewhere near their target destination of Howland Island.
Instead, they made a forced landing on Nikumaroro' smooth, flat coral reef. The two became castaways and eventually died on the atoll, which is some 350 miles southeast of Howland Island.

Hamilton Hoax in play day before Dead Soldier’s funeral

Hamilton Hoax in play day before Dead Soldier’s funeral, Palestinian propagandist

Is self-described YouTube “filmmaker” Omar Albach,whose ‘social experiment’  going viral today over the Internet and whose story is being picked up by major television networks in both Canada and the U.S., a Palestinian propagandist at heart?
Albach, who with two other filmmakers contrived a scenario in Hamilton, hometown of murdered War Memorial Honour Guard Corporal Nathan Cirillo,and posted it on the Internet one day before Cirillo’s funeral, is the same filmmaker who posted a July 22, 2014 YouTube of two little girls, one wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh, holding ‘Hug a Terrorist’ signs in downtown Toronto.
“For the past two weeks Israel has been killing terrorists just like the ones standing next to me.” “These two girls will be holding up this sign to see how people will react when they are labelled this way,”  Albach states in the beginning of his ‘Hug a Terrorist’ YouTube.  
Albach, a self-described resident of Mississauga, couldn’t wait until after the Cirillo funeral led by his 5-year-old son Marco, to conduct his ‘social experiment’?
‘This is what happens to racists in Canada…Filmmaker left bleeding after playing role of Islamophobe in ‘social experiment’, Britain’s Daily Mail headlines trumpet from today’s front page.
“This is based on the events that happened in Ottawa,’ said Albach, referring to recent bloodshed in the Canadian capital.
‘We’re going to see if people feel safe to be around Muslims or people that look like Muslims.’ (Daily Mail, Oct. 28, 2014)
How can a handful of people at a bus stop in Hamilton Ontario, tricked into believing that a man dressed in Muslim clothes, but was in reality a filmmaker be based on “the events that happened in Ottawa”?
“There was no shortage of people willing to stand up to racism and bullying.  Eventually the filmmaker playing (the) part of the racist got punched in the face.” (Daily Mail)
And there in the picture is the proof of the sucker punch, an unidentified filmmaker with a visibly bleeding nose.
It all went down at a bus stop complete with a filmmaker turned out in Muslim-style clothes.
The Daily Mail conclusion is that “a video experiment has shown most urban Canadians will leap to the defence of a Muslim person singled out for abuse even in the wake of the country’s recent Islamist terror attack.”
Yet no one in the video was told that the filmmakers were trying to prove a connection between their video shoot and Ottawa events. Never were they informed they were innocently taking part in a hoax, if those shown in the video really were random citizens.

“Within seconds of the filmmakers beginning their first charade - which involved a one (sic) telling another one wearing Muslim-style clothes he can’t board a bus - a middle-aged man objects to the apparent racism. (Daily Mail, Oct. 28, 2014)
‘You know what? You can’t stereotype and judge people by their clothes,’ the casually dressed, silver-haired white man objects. ‘Or their nationalities or anything else, you know what I mean?’
Unfortunately, many folk know exactly what this could-be actor means.
“The filmmakers repeat their play in several different locations, to get a range of responses. Although the footage is edited and not continuous, it seems they found difficulty finding anyone to go along with the racist behaviour.
“Asked to think of the recent shooting of Corporal Nathan Cirillo at Canada’s national war memorial, a woman responds: ‘It was awful and tragic, but I don’t think that’s any reason to persecute some just because of what they’re wearing.’
“Asked to think of the recent shooting of Corporal Nathan Cirillo at Canada’s national war memorial?”  Most Canadians did not have to be asked to think about it, but were in deep mourning on the very day the video was shot.
“The video, published yesterday, has already attracted nearly 200,000 views and a storm of comment. The location was poignant, Hamilton is the hometown of Corporal Cirillo and it was today the emotional scene of his funeral procession, led by his five-year-old son Marco. (Daily Mail)
“Burnishing Canada’s credentials as a tolerant, multicultural nation, the video shows Canadians of a range of ethnicities and walks of life objecting to vocal racism and Islamophobia.
“Finally, a hot-headed man in a baseball cap decides he’s had enough of the haranguing being dished out to the Muslim man.
“He sneaks up next to the ‘racist’ and sucker punches him in the face.
“Speaking to camera, the man who played the role of the racist concluded: ‘So err.. the social experiment had a negative ending to it but, you know what? It’s positive because he stood up for him and I appreciate that.
‘It’s good.’
Someone should enlighten Omar Albach and Company that propaganda, especially when carried by the mainstream media, is anything but “good”.

Ottawa Police Reach out to Islamist Groups After Terrorist Attack

Just after last week's terrorist attacks in Ottawa, the city's police chief Charles Bordeleau reached out to various Muslim leaders and organizations with questionable ties to radical organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, according to a report produced by the Canadian website Point De Bascule.

Sikhander Hashmi, the imam at the Kanata Muslim Association (KMA), acknowledged that Bordeleau contacted him to reassure the Muslim community in case of "backlash" from the terrorist attack. This perceived "backlash" remains to be seen. More significantly, the Ottawa Police Service overlooks connections between Hahsmi's organization and the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure in Ottawa. That includes money it transferred to the Hamas-linked IRFAN-Canada in 2010, according to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
IRFAN-Canada lost its charity status in 2011 following a CRA audit that exposed the organization as an "integral part" in Hamas' international fundraising infrastructure. The donations in question were sent between 2005 and 2009. Canadian authoritiesdesignated IRFAN-Canada as a terrorist organization earlier this year after determining the charity served as a front for Hamas, transferring close to $15 million to the terrorist organization.
The KMA also transferred money to the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), an organization linked to the Pakistani Jammat-e-Islami.
Moreover, Chief Bordeleau previously met with other controversial Muslim leaders in Ottawa. In January 2013, he met with Jalil Marhnouj, vice president of the Assunnah Muslims Association and other leaders affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood network in Canada. The Assunnah Muslims Association transferred $29,880 to IRFAN.
Despite the Canadian government's acknowledged link between the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) and Hamas, the Ottawa Police Service maintains an extensive relationship with the controversial group. The NCCM, formerly known as CAIR-CAN, has trained Ottawa Police officers since February 2002, according to a Senate Committee testimony provided by a former Ottawa police chief. The NCCM is a recognized affiliate of CAIR, which has been identified by the FBI as part of a Hamas-support network in the United States.
Click here for the full Point De Bascule.

Failed NASA launch puts Soviet-era Russian rockets in the spotlight

The explosion of an unmanned U.S. rocket to the International Space Station late Tuesday has shone a spotlight on America’s reliance on overseas space hardware, some of which dates back to Soviet era Russia.
Built by Dulles, Va.-based Orbital Sciences as part of a $1.9 billion contract with NASA, the Antares rocket exploded in a fireball just 6 seconds after liftoff from Wallops Island in Virginia.
It’s too early to say what caused the blast, according to Orbital Sciences and NASA. During a press conference late on Tuesday, however, Orbital Sciences executive vice president Frank Culbertson was quizzed about Orbital’s use of refurbished Russian engine hardware.
“We don’t know whether the engine was involved in this or not,” he said. “That’s something that we will try to determine as quickly as possible.”
Orbital uses AJ26 rocket engines from Aerojet Rocketdyne. The engines are a "commercial derivative" of the NK-33 engine that was initially developed to power the Russian N-1 rocket on a lunar mission in the early 1970s, according to Sacramento, Calif.-based Aerojet.
“Basically, this was an engine that was designed to carry cosmonauts to the moon – a number of them were bought by Aerojet several years ago to be refurbished and ‘Americanized’ and provided to American industry,” explained Culbertson. “It’s an extensively tested engine – it’s very robust and rugged.”
The Orbital Sciences executive added that no “anomalies” or other issues indicating a problem were identified during testing.
Culbertson also acknowledged the difficulties getting hold of rocket hardware, particularly in the U.S. “When you look at it, there are not very many other options around the world, in terms of using power plants of this size, and certainly not in this country, unfortunately,” he said.
Chris Carberry, executive director of Explore Mars, a non-profit organization which aims to advance the goal of sending humans to Mars within the next two decades, told that the U.S. has to be careful not to become over-reliant on foreign technology to support its space program.
“The U.S. has been taking steps to become less reliant on Russian engines as a result of recent tensions with Russia,” he noted, in an email to
The U.S. Air Force, for example, is seeking out alternatives to Russian rocket engines for its satellite launches.
Set against this backdrop, Orbital Sciences’ rival SpaceX has been vocal about the fact that it builds its own rocket engines. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk even poked fun at Orbital Sciences’ engine technology during a 2012 interview.
Last month NASA awarded its highly-anticipated space taxi contract to Boeing and SpaceX, which aims to end the agency’s reliance on Russian technology to transport U.S. astronauts to the International Space Station.
Underlining the failure the Antares launch, however, Russia successfully launched its own unmanned supply ship to the International Space Station early on Wednesday.
John Logsdon, professor emeritus of political science and international affairs at George Washington University's Space Policy Institute, told that both the Obama and the Bush administrations have not provided adequate funding for "a high-quality U.S. space effort."
Orbital Science's use of old Russian engines also reflects the global character of the space business, according to Logsdon. 
"When Orbital Sciences decided to develop what turned out to be the Antares rocket almost ten years ago, it examined the supply of rocket engines from around the world and decided that the former NK-33 engines, which another U.S. company had already purchased from Russia, gave the best mix of cost and performance," he explained, in an email. "One can criticize that choice in retrospect, but it was a commercial decision, not symptomatic of anything except the U.S. not investing for many years in new propulsion capabilities."
Carberry told the cause of the Antares blast must be determined as quickly as possible.  The incident’s impact on Orbital Sciences “will depend on how quickly a cause of the failure can be determined and fixed - and how quickly the launch pad can be repaired,” he said.
Roger Franzen, technical manager of the Giant Magellan Telescope at the Australian National University’s Mount Stromlo Observatory just outside Canberra, said that the business of launching rockets is fraught with difficulties.
“As the 4th launch of Antares, it could be reasonably considered as still in the proving stage and most new rocket systems will require a convergence to reliability after bugs are ironed out, despite all the design and test rigour,” he said, in an email to “Launching rockets remains a risky business and in the end, every payload is riding on top of a controlled explosion.”

Muere Jorge Luis Sierra Cruz, exvicepresidente del Gobierno y extitular de Transporte

Diario de Cuba

Jorge Luis Sierra Cruz. (EFE)
Jorge Luis Sierra Cruz, exministro de Transporte (2006-2010) y exvicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros (2009-2010), murió este martes tras sufrir un paro cardiaco, informó en su cuenta en Facebook el periodista oficialista Aroldo García Fombellida. Tenía 53 años.
Sierra Cruz "se recuperaba de una reciente operación quirúrgica ortopédica", dijo García Fombellida, corresponsal en Holguín de la emisora oficial Radio Rebelde. Aseguró haber obtenido la información de familiares del fallecido residentes en Banes y en La Habana.
"Me ratificaron que su cadáver será cremado", dijo.
Sierra Cruz fue destituido de los cargos de ministro de Transporte y vicepresidente del Consejo de Ministros en mayo de 2010, por orden de Raúl Castro. Según la escueta información publicada por el régimen entonces, las razones fueron "errores cometidos en el desempeño de sus funciones".
En ambos cargos lo reemplazaron militares de confianza del régimen: el general de división Antonio Enrique Lussón Batlle en la vicepresidencia del Gobierno y el general de brigada César Ignacio Arocha Masid en la cartera de Transporte.

La 'Dolce Vita' de Fidel Castro: 20 mansiones, tres yates y una isla privada

Fidel Castro fue nombrado uno de los dirigentes más ricos según la revista Forbes en 2006 y él lo desmintió. En aquel entonces aseguró públicamente que su sueldo eran 900 pesos cubanos -poco más de 26 euros al mes- mientras que la revista aseguró que su fortuna ascendía a los 900 millones de dólares, siendo el séptimo mandatario más rico del mundo.
A pesar de que él siempre haya negado las afirmaciones de la revista, ahora, un libro, 'La vida oculta de Fidel Castro', desenmascara al líder de la revolución cubana, quien predica con el comunismo pero no sigue con el ejemplo. Mientras su pueblo vive sumido en la pobreza, el Comandante disfruta de una vida llena de excentricidades millonarias.
Cerca de 20 mansiones, tres yates, una isla privada, su propia fábrica de yogures, puros y wisky, su propia vaca para beber leche, salas de cine, gimnasio, bolera, helicóptero y cotos de caza son algunas de las propiedades que posee el Comandante cubano y que ahora han sido desveladas por uno de sus exescoltas, Juan Reinaldo Sánchez.
Cayo Piedra -la isla privada de Castro- son dos islas, unidas por un puente de 215 metros, en la que en la mayor de ellas se encuentra la casa de Castro y en la otra la mansión de los invitados, además de una casa para los cocineros,mecánicos, electricistas y una decena de soldados”, explica Sánchez, quien asegura haber estado en el enclave caribeño “centenares de veces”. Según relata el que fuera miembro de la seguridad del Comandante durante casi dos décadas, sólo el círculo más próximo al dictador conoce la isla. Entre las personas cercanas a Castro no figuran sus hermanos -a excepción de Raúl, el actual cabeza de Gobierno cubano- o sus sobrinos, pero sí escritores como Gabriel García Márquez, quien disfrutó en varias ocasiones de la arena blanca de las playas de Cayo Piedra, del agua cristalina que la rodea y de la fauna marina que hay allí.
García Marquéz también ha sido uno de los pocos afortunados que ha podido surcar las aguas del Caribe en el yate Aquarama II, una embarcación de casi 30 metros de largo que tiene capacidad para alojar a 12 personas y está construido con maderas de Angola, que “nada tiene que envidiar a los que atracan en Saint Tropez o en las Bahamas”. Cuando Castro sale a navegar en el yate, muchas veces lo hace para practicar pesca subacúatica, una de sus pasiones, que luego, junto con algunas tortugas marinas -algunas miden un metro-, estarán destinadas a “acabar en el plato de Fidel”.
Otro de los aspectos que llama la atención en el libro es la obsesión de Castro con su salud. De este modo, y según relata el exguardaespaldas, “dos miembros de la escolta personal del Comandante poseen su mismo grupo sanguíneo para que, en caso de que empeorar de repente su salud, se le pudieran hacer de inmediato transfusiones”. Según cuenta el libro, hasta cuando Castrro sale a practicar submarinismo en las aguas del Caribe, dos barcos escoltan su yate, y uno de ellos, es un “completo hospital flotante”, para que se pueda operar de urgencia al líder de la revolución cubana y posee además sala de rayos X y dentista. Según este exmiembro de seguridad, exiliado desde 2008 en Miami, la obsesión del dictador por su salud viene de lejos. “En el año 83 le diagnosticaron cáncer de intestino y comenzó a perder mucha sangre por el recto, por lo que le tenían que hacer transfusiones constantemente. Fue entonces cuando tomó la medida de que dos de sus guardaespaldas tuvieran su mismo grupo sanguíneo”, explica y matiza que el exjefe de gobierno pertenece al grupo A. Estas donaciones eran motivo de orgullo para los escoltas, aunque los “afortunados no decían nada pero se les veía el orgullo en la cara”.
Otra de las excentricidades que da muestra del tren de vida capitalista que lleva el mandatario cubano es que posee su propia marca de leche. “El bebe leche de 'F5', su vaca, y cada miembro de su familia posee también una vaca de la que bebe leche. Cada uno tiene la suya en función de la acidez o cremosidad que les guste”, explica. Según relata el libro, esta obsesión comenzó en los años 70, cuando entonces el presidente de Cuba tenía un affaire con la guerrillera Cecilia Sánchez, quien era su secretaria personal. Ella vivía en un edificio de cuatro plantas reservado para ella en el centro de La Habana y la última planta estaba destinada para Fidel, donde tenía piscina, gimnasio y bolera y donde mandó subir con una grúa una de las vacas, para tener leche para desayunar.
El resto de las comidas de los Castro también son propias de restaurante. Según relata el libro, la mujer de Fidel, Dalia Soto del Valle, elabora cada noche un menú con las tres comidas del día siguiente para cada uno de los miembros de la familia en función de sus gustos. “Las comidas de Fidel son frugales y suelen consistir en una sopa de pescado o de marisco. Come langosta y pescado fresco. Le gusta el cordero y tiene su propia fábrica de quesos y yogures. Dispone de cocinero y asistente, y un mayordomo que la sirve la mesa. Cuando vas a su casa piensas que estás en otro país, en casa de un millonario", explica en el libro.
Según Sánchez, la vida pública de Castro, la que él relata en sus apariciones públicas, es “mentira”. Tanto es así que según este exmiembro de la seguridad del dictador, los cubanos no supieron de la existencia de la mujer del líder comunista, Dalia Soto del Valle, hasta el año 2000, mientras que la pareja había contraído matrimonio en 1961 y ya tenía cinco hijos en común. Sin embargo, la vida de Fidel no sólo es ocultada al pueblo cubano, sino también a su propia familia. Así, según relata el libro los hijos de Raúl -hermano de Fidel- no supieron de la existencia de sus primos hasta alcanzar la mayoría de edad, y eso que vivían a tan solo unos metros los unos de los otros.


varela blog
yo asalto un periodico con un cuchillo de caza submarina y me hacen un radio maraton para recaudarme 15 mil dolares a mi fianza y cuando salgo firmo 200 autografos en el versailles. si llego a tomar una farmacia navarro me pudro adentro. esos son los contrastes cubanos. ahora se rompe un miembro de la brigada sanitaria anti-ebola que cuba envia a africa. donde esta la valla en cuba sobre el? el hombre va al continente mas peligroso entre las enfermedades fatales. fijense que muere de paludismo en 15 dias. es un heroe de la humanidad. pero los agentes anti terroristas que se cuelan aca vienen al mejor pais del mundo, a comer jamon, singar putas, usar rolex y rodar jeeps todo-terreno. y si caen cana les ponen vallas y los hacen heroes. no jodan. otros, que se piran como roque, pone el reloj en ebay y come pizza hawaiana, con otra puta, en restaurnate cuc de kohly, donde me lo topo en agosto del 10. pero hay mas contraste entre los cubanos. ahora mismo fariñas, lider opositor, que llega en avion y viene cada 3 meses por el disidentur®, aparece en anuncio politico de tv para joe garcia, congresista americano (hotel biltmore de fondo); mientras par de balseros flotan en una caja plastica en el mar frente a miami (que casi los choca el disidente, el yate de 36 pies del capitan bartolo el negrazo de caibarien, donde yo estoy pescando rabirrubias domingo y lunes). algo anda mal. y no soy yo, yo no hago politica ni vivo de ella, yo la comento. claro, que siempre hay gente anonima que a pesar del warning de google no le gusta como yo comento, pero esa me la paso por el forro de los cojones (otro contraste cubano: el pendejo y el cojonudo).©varela

Judocas del equipo nacional no regresan a Cuba

Gusmari García
Gusmari García
MIAMI, Cuba. -Dos judocas cubanos habrían escapado de la delegación de la isla que asistió al Mundial Juvenil celebrado en Fort Lauderdale, Florida, en los últimos días, quedándose en Estados Unidos.
Según el diario miamense El Nuevo Herald, Gusmary García, de la categoría de más de 78 kilogramos, y un judoca de los 60kg, no regresaron a la Isla con sus compañeros de equipo.
A través de los participantes en el Mundial mencionados por la prensa oficial cubana en sus informaciones, el judoca masculino podría ser Leilandy Alain Puentes. El diario miamense no lo identificó.
El equipo cubano tuvo una paupérrima actuación en el mundial, al que asistieron 72 países.
Cuba terminó en el lugar 31 con tres séptimos lugares, uno de ellos de Gusmary García, quien fue derrotada con tres amonestaciones por pasividad ante la ecuatoriana Marlin Viveros.

lunes, octubre 27, 2014

Obama Could Lift Sanctions Against Cuba After Next Week’s Election, Says Congressman

By Michael E. Miller, Miami New Times
President Obama and Raul Castro
President Obama and Raul Castro
The Cuban expression "mañana, mañana." is often interpreted by Anglos as an excuse for laziness. In fact, the saying speaks volumes about its island of origin. In a country that has been led by one Castro or another for more than half a century, what hope can there be that tomorrow will be any different from today?
Earlier this month, that question brought several dozen experts, academics, and journalists to Columbia Journalism School in Manhattan. Optimism was evident in the conference's title -- Covering Cuba in an Era of Change -- as well as in the presentations, which included strong hints that the embargo's days are numbered.
Gregory Craig, former White House counsel under Barack Obama, said the president already has the legal power to lift most of the sanctions that have crippled Cuba since the fall of the Soviet Union. Although Congress probably would refuse to officially overturn the embargo, Obama could -- and should -- instantly normalize diplomatic relations and allow Americans to travel to the island, Craig said.
Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern outlined a six-month window in which Obama is most likely to make a move, beginning after next week's midterm elections and concluding with the Summit of the Americas in late April.
If Obama and Raúl Castro both attend as predicted, it will be the first official meeting between two countries' leaders since Raúl and Fidel swept down from the Sierra Maestra.
"We are reassured [by the White House] that people are working on it," McGovern said of a U.S.-Cuba policy change. "The stars seem to be aligned."
Many roadblocks remain, however. McGovern warned that any rapprochement would require dealing with both Alan Gross -- the USAID contractor imprisoned in Cuba since 2011 for distributing satellite phones without a permit -- and the three surviving members of the "Cuban Five," the Castro agents who spied on Miami's exile community.
Easing the embargo would also cost Obama politically. "I think part of the reluctance is that [the administration] will get some pushback from people who are in pretty serious positions," McGovern said, including Miami's hard-line Cubans.
Perhaps the most concrete evidence that things are already changing on the island was the presence of three Cuban journalists at the conference. Miriam Celaya, Elaine Díaz, and Orlando Luís Pardo Lazo have all been allowed to leave under recently relaxed travel restrictions. Celaya is scheduled to return to Havana this week, while Díaz and Pardo are on yearlong academic fellowships.
But Celaya and Pardo hardly painted a promising picture of their homeland. Celaya said she had been blocked from entering the library because of her journalism. Other reporters had been beaten and imprisoned, Pardo said. Both described having to share articles via paquetes, or troves of documents on flash drives. And Pardo said Cuba's infamous state security apparatus remained intact despite the growth of internet on the island.
"Our own [Edward] Snowden would not survive, would not escape," he warned. "Our own Snowden would be shot on the spot."
Ultimately, despite the talk of Obama ending the embargo and ushering in change in Cuba, Pardo feared that the solution was still, as it has been for 50 years, "biological."
In other words: when the Castros kick the bucket.

Cuban second baseman Andy Ibanez defects to sign with MLB team

Andy Ibanez Cuba
Getty Images

Ben Badler of Baseball America reports that 21-year-old second baseman Andy Ibanez has defected from Cuba with the intention of signing with an MLB team.
Ibanez was the youngest player on Cuba’s World Baseball Classic roster last year and Badler rates him as the No. 8 prospect still in Cuba. However, he’s unlikely to get a huge contract because as a 21-year-old with only three seasons of experience in Cuba he’s subject to the international spending limits that Cuban veterans are able to avoid.
Badler speculates that he’d likely begin his American career at Double-A and projects as a solid regular rather than a potential star.

Coast Guard: 8 Cuban migrants rescued in waters off Miami; 5 still unaccounted for
Eight Cuban migrants were rescued Monday in the waters off Miami and authorities were searching for five more who remained unaccounted for.
The U.S. Coast Guard received reports of an overturned raft in Biscayne Bay shortly after 10 a.m., Chief Petty Officer Ryan Doss said.
Three people were rescued by a good Samaritan boater. Those initial rescues "reported up to 10 more people in the water," Doss said.
Authorities responding to the scene located five additional migrants by noon. An active search by boat and air continued for the five still believed missing.
Two of the rescued migrants were transported to Mercy Hospital. Their conditions were not immediately known.
"At this point our primary concern is for the welfare and safety of the migrants who are at the hospital and who are being treated at this time," U.S. Border Patrol agent Frank Miller said.
Under the "wet-foot, dry-foot" policy, Cuban migrants who reach U.S. soil are generally allowed to stay, while those caught at sea are returned.
There has been a surge over the last year in the number of Cubans migrants attempting to reach the U.S. by raft.
More than 3,700 Cubans have been intercepted or made it to shore, a 75 percent increase over the previous fiscal year.

El bodeguero y la cartera de inversiones de Cuba

General de Ejército Raúl Castro en reunión del Consejo de Ministros. a su lado en la mesa Samuel Rodiles Planas, director del Instituto de Planificación Física
el circo
la cartera de inversiones de 8.7 billones [aqui >>]  aparece con al menos dos anos de atraso como ocurrio con la propia ley de inversion extranjera, ello explica que se ponga en marcha un mega proyecto como mariel sin la existencia de una legislacion actualizada [por demas pocas diferencias entre la antigua y la nueva], a lo que se anade el clima de inseguridad a los "dineros" de los sres. capitalistas extranjeros porque los kubiches estan excluidos como ocurrio durante decenios con el apartheid turistico.
a lo que iba: la cuenta del bodeguero con el mocho de lapiz y el cartucho no da: redondeando a un partnership del 50% con una tasa del 25% el ingreso neto de los 8.7 se reducen a 1.1. de verificarse el 1.4% de crecimiento del pib en el 2014 ascenderia a 52.4 billones [precios constantes del 97] que atendiendo al deflactor 2013-1997 lo situaria en torno a los 78.1 + 1.1 = 79.2 billones, por lo que descontando todo aquello que sabemos bien de los estudios de factibilidad, proyectos tecnicos y de mercados, contruccion civil y montaje, introduccion de los productos en el mercado [y aqui se requiere un tratamiento diferencial para el mercado externo y al interno] maduracion y recuperacion de la inversion y el eterno mix marketing que posicione competitivamente el producto alla, acuya y aqui [y el aqui se complica por el bajo nivel poder adquisitivo de la poblacion que se agravara con la unificacion monetaria sin hablar de la probable espiral inflacionaria en ese producto que saldra a oferta y demanda], el impacto en el pib si a pesar del clima adverso [legislacion, diferendos resueltos en tribunales cubanos, y los oscuros proceso de los sarkis, tokmakjian y compania] se lograran contratar los 8.7 billones andaria por un maximo del 10%, a los cuales habria que hacerles un conjunto de deducciones. algo que ni juanito ni jose luis se atreverian a afirmar ni bajo los efectos de una juma carnavalesca e intima.
entonces esta nueva campana atrasada -y es necesario subrayarlo- de rodriquito maLmierda impulsada desde la cima es como aquellas convocatorias de todos a la plaza el 1ro de mayo. el consejo de ministros le baja la tarea a los ministros con la asesoria metodologica de la tropita del maLmierda y estos a las organizaciones empresariales intermedias y estos a su vez a las empresas y estas ultimas a los establecimientos.  y como todo el mundo tiene que cumplir con la tarea y si de paso va y adivinas y aterriza un etarra reconvertido a empresario con el financiamiento del impuesto de guerra [algo que vi personalmente en bilbao y plamplona] o un azzurro siciliano o napolitano va y coges cajita.
como esta es una conversacion de naturaleza economica y no sobre un proyecto de poder politico, entonces o el general quiere que le cuenten lo que desea escuchar o en su neocortex las sinapsias estan en franco deterioro, pues no se explica de otra manera que se deje pasar este paquetazo del farsante de murillo.