viernes, agosto 29, 2014

Dominican, Cuban authorities sign immigration agreement

esto significa que repatriaran a cuanto cubano desembarque en una balsita en quisqueya, incluyendo a los peloteros.
Santo Domingo.- As a result of the Seventh Round of Cuba-Dominican Republic Migration Talks, which took place at the Foreign Relations Ministry, the two countries signed an immigration agreement aimed at regulating illegal immigration.
The agreement was signed by Immigration Agency director Jose Taveras and Consular and Immigration Affairs Deputy minister Nelly Perez. The Cuban delegation was headed by ambassador Rafael Daussa, who was accompanied by Cuban ambassador in the Dominican Republic Alexis Bandrich Vega.
According to, Taveras said that due to the lack of opportunitiethe and the existance of inequalities, the migration phenomenon will continue to be a problem that requires attention by the states. "That is why cooperation for the order and legality in migration flows is an imperative in our times."
Smuggling cases involving Cubans, including baseball players, have been heard lately in Santo Domingo and Santiago courts. Among the Cuban professionals who have migrated to the Dominican Republic illegally are journalists, doctors and teachers.

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