martes, junio 17, 2014

Russian oil drilling off Cuba raises environmental concern for Florida

Russia plans to search for oil in deep waters between Cuba and Florida, renewing concern of a major oil spill and potential for environmental disaster, the Florida Sun-Sentinel reports.
The drilling area north of Havana straddles the Gulf Stream, a powerful ocean current that rushes north to the Florida coast. Oceanographers warn that an oil slick caused by a major spill could reach Florida's beaches, reefs and marine sanctuaries in about a week.
"If there's a spill in an area within 50 miles of Key West, the immediate vulnerable land areas are going to be in South Florida," former U.S. Sen. Bob Graham warned in an interview last week. "The largest natural reef in the United States is located right near the area where the drilling would take place.
"If there is an accident, there is zero capability in Cuba today to respond to that accident," he said.
For more information: Florida Sun Sentinel story.

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