lunes, marzo 24, 2014

Union head under fire for ‘educational’ trip to Cuba

Local 372 president Santos Crespo Jr./
The head of the city public school union representing 23,000 parent coordinators, crossing guards and cafeteria workers is under fire for taking an “educational trip” to Cuba while his members have toiled for years without a contract.
Opponents of Local 372 president Santos Crespo Jr. are using the 2012 Cuba trip and other spending issues as ammo in their effort to oust him in upcoming union elections in June.
Meanwhile Crespo filed a motion in Manhattan state Supreme Court to keep secret the records regarding a legal payout and settlement the union made with its former political director, Monica Davids. Crespo fired Davids in a dispute but she filed counterclaims for more than $7,000 in back pay and plus $150,000 in legal expanses – and it is believed the secret settlement cost Local 372 tens of thousands of dollars.
“Cuba is on the international list of human rights violators. How can he go there under Local 372’s name?,” said Donald Nesbitt, a candidate for vice president. “What can he bring back from Cuba that will help our members with their issues? Absolutely nothing!”
The union has been without a contract since March of 2010.
Crespo — who opposes the US trade embargo and supports the campaign to help the convicted “Cuban 5” spies imprisoned in the U.S. – raved about his trip to the community country in a special Local 372 newsletter that included a picture of the Cuban flag and the heading “We are One – Somos Uno.”
“I was in awe and felt inspired,” Crespo, who is of Puerto Rican descent, gushed of his trip in the union newsletter. “The education system in Cuba is not a profit driven or politically driven system.”
Crespo said there’s “zero illiteracy and marveled that virtually all workers belong to the union – though failed to mention there’s no free speech and that talking against the government could lead to imprisonment.
Local 372 executive board member Shaun Francois is challenging Crespo for the presidency.
Crespo declined requests for comment.

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