sábado, febrero 15, 2014

The problem with buying food in Cuba - A tourist view

By Teresa Sanchez
For many visitors to Havana, the most disappointing thing about the city is the food. Tourists with deep pockets who stay in touristy areas might not notice as much, but those who try to live like locals will quickly realize that the food problem is very real and can make getting day-to-day groceries exhausting.
Although Cubans have “libretas,” or ration books that entitle them to rice, beans, cooking oil, and other basic items, the quality and quantity leave much to be desired. The rice often has rocks and pieces of dirt mixed in, making the process of cooking a much longer and unpleasant task, as one has to sit down and separate each grain. A “monthly” supply of beans for one person is so small that it could easily be eaten in two days. Coffee from the state is cut with the chícharro bean, making it literally explosive. Faced with these difficult realities, Cubans are forced to shop at expensive markets or “inventar,” invent ways to acquire food on the black market.
Despite the government opening the market to some independent stores as of recent, government rationing through the libretas is still the norm.
There are no supermarkets in Cuba; small markets offer a limited supply and are outrageously expensive for Cubans who earn an average of $20/month. There are often long lines to get in, you have to check your purse/backpack and bring your own plastic bags, and you must be attentive when paying because the cashier might try to shortchange you (an experience I faced almost daily).
In fact, shopping for food can be such a hassle that sometimes I chose to go hungry instead of go shopping.
Cubans buy bananas in a vegetable market using CUCs a convertible currency.
In this Aug. 30, 2013 photo, a food vendor spreads out convertible pesos, known as CUCs, the two bills on the right, and regular Cuban pesos at her stand in a vegetable market in Havana, Cuba. Cuba is the only country in the world that mints two national currencies.(AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)
During my first week in Havana I went to a grocery store to buy some crackers. There was a line of about 100 people outside. After waiting an hour in the hot sun, a near riot broke out as the people, impatient, started to storm the entrance. They were angry that the much-coveted big cans of tomato sauce were being bought in such large quantities by the people already inside. Scared for my safety and tired of waiting, I left empty-handed.

Getting groceries in Cuba

People also shop at agros, open-air produce markets, but these are expensive, and the produce is filthy. Buying lettuce for salad is not worth it, because each leaf has to be washed thoroughly—and first you have to disinfect the water just to wash the lettuce! This can be a two-hour process. Shopping at agros is stressful too, as they are overcrowded with people and stray dogs, and the venders are dishonest.
As the Cuban mantra goes, “no es facil,” it’s not easy.
After expressing my despair about the food situation to a foreigner with years of experience in Cuba, I learned of a “socio” who could get me yogurt, cheese, and meat.
This was my entry into the black market; I soon realized that everyone has a “guy” for certain items.
“If you want tamales, my house keeper can get them for you,” or “I have a persona de ‘confianza’ that can get you lobster,” are typical offers.
But these are still expensive prospects and require planning, which is difficult since many people do not have phones.

Eating at restaurants in Cuba

The other option for food is going out to eat. There are generally two cuisines on the island: Cuban food “comida criolla” and “Italian” food. I mention “Italian” because it is marketed as such, but really these are just privately owned businesses that sell cheap pizza or spaghetti out of a person’s front door. Pizza costs 10 Cuban pesos, roughly 50 cents, but they are made with low quality ingredients, hardly resembling pizza I’ve had anywhere else in the world in terms of texture and flavor.
The saving grace of Cuban food is the fruit. Mangos, guava, papaya, pineapples, etc. are unbelievably delicious.
Also, the food situation outside of Havana is not as bad as I describe—the food passes through fewer hands and is thus less corrupted by the time it reaches your plate.
Despite the difficulties surrounding the acquisition of food in Havana, the resiliency of Cubans and the way they rely on family and social networks to overcome these problems continues to impress me.
If you plan on visiting Cuba, the greatest gifts you can bring are olive oil and cooking spices. But if not, bring lots of patience with you and un amigo de ‘confianza’.

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