viernes, febrero 28, 2014

Sign the petition: Canada House of Commons on Venezuela's crisis


Dear Friends:
After a week of negotiations, the House of Commons passed the following Motion:
 " That the House express its deep concern at the escalation of violence in Venezuela; convey its condolences to the families those killed or injured during the ongoing public protests; ask the Government of Canada to urge Venezuelan authorities to proactively de-escalate the conflict, protect the human and democratic freedoms of Venezuelan citizens, release all those detained during the protests, immediately cease all government interference with peaceful protesters, and ensure that those people who perpetrated the violence be brought to justice and bear the full weight of the law; encourage the Government of Canada to play a leading role in supporting a political dialogue in Venezuela that respects legitimate grievances and differences of opinion; and call for an end to divisive rhetoric and actions that only delay and jeopardize the inclusive political solution that the Venezuelan people deserve."
It is now time to “encourage the Government of Canada to play a leading role” in resolving the crisis facing the people of Venezuela. 
The Government of Canada needs to hear your voices.  Only you can pressure the Conservative Government to take the same type of action it has taken in respect to the problems in Ukraine.
Please visit and sign the petition.  Please ask you family and friends to sign the petition.  The people of Venezuela need our help.


Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
3850 Finch Ave E #206
Toronto Ontario M1T 3T6

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