domingo, enero 19, 2014

Cuba: Dissident Leaders React to Possible Review of EU Common Policy

Diario de Cuba has reaction from dissident leaders on news that the European Union may begin talks to review its Common Position toward Cuba, which symbolically focuses on human rights and democracy:
We are worried and expressed our concern to members of the European Parliament. We asked them to keep the Common Position. If with it, the Cuban government violates our human rights with total impunity, just imagine what would happen if the European Union diminishes its role.
-- Berta Soler, leader of The Ladies in White
Any type of relations with the Cuban government should be conditioned on the absolute respect for human rights.
-- Antonio Rodiles, head of the Estado de Sats project
To eliminate the Common Position would be like giving a green light to repression.
-- Jorge Luis Garcia Perez (Antunez), leader of the National Resistance Front Orlando Zapata Tamayo (FLN-OZT)
It's very important that any type of dialogue is preceded by the absolute respect for human rights and a demand that democratic principles, similar to those enjoyed by the members states of the EU, be respected.
-- Dr. Eduardo Cardet, coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL)

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