domingo, diciembre 08, 2013

Report: Iran Takes Next Step in Uranium Enrichment

On December 7, Iranian atomic energy agency's Behrouz Kamalvandi said Iran is taking the next step in uranium enrichment by testing more efficient technology. This includes more advanced centrifuges.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Kamalvandi said "initial testing on a new generation of more efficient centrifuges had been completed." 
While this next step in uranium enrichment may not technically violate "the agreement struck between world powers and Iran last month," it is disconcerting in so much as the material provided by the advanced centrifuges can "provide the fissile core of a nuclear bomb if enriched to a high degree."
It is important to note that the "new generation of centrifuges" could also "enable [Iran] to refine uranium much faster." 
On December 4, Breitbart News reported that the White House was willing to allow Iran to continue a "strictly limited enrichment program."

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