domingo, diciembre 08, 2013

Father of Modern Finance Warns US, Europe: 'None of Their Debt Is Credible,' Recession in 2014

Eugene Fama

One of the fathers of modern finance and a winner of this year's Nobel prize for economics said the bloated deficits of the United States and European nations may lead to a worldwide recession. 

Eugene Fama, whoe "shared the economics prize for research into market prices and asset bubbles" with Robert Shiller and Lars Peter Hansen, told Reuters on Saturday that the markets may not find the debts of European nations and the United States to be credible.

"There may come a point where the financial markets say none of their debt is credible anymore and they can't finance themselves," he said. "If there is another recession, it is going to be worldwide."

Fama, who is a professor at the University of Chicago, also played down the United States's stronger labor market data from last month.

"I am not reassured at all. The jobs recovery has been awful. The only reason the unemployment rate is seven percent, which is high by historical standards in the U.S., is that people gave up looking for jobs," he said. "I just don't think we have come out of (the recession) very well."

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