jueves, noviembre 14, 2013

Obamacare Architect Refuses to Testify

Two top Obamacare officials, including the person who has been called one of the law's architects, have refused to testify before Congress next week. 
During a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said the committee asked Nancy-Ann DeParle and Jeanne Lambrew to testify before the committee. He said the "letter we got back next week was, 'they're not gonna come.'"
DeParle, who has since left the Obama administration, formerly directed the White House Office of Health Reform and has been called one of Obamacare's architects. Lambrew has been the White House's Deputy Assistant for Health Policy since 2011. 
Jordan said nothing in Obamacare instructed that the health insurance exchanges had to open on October 1, and DeParle and Lambrew "are the ones who are ultimately responsible for putting at risk" the personal information of Americans because the website was launched on that date even though it was nowhere near ready.

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