viernes, octubre 11, 2013

Sources: Terrorists Making Practice Runs on US Flights

According to WTSP in Tampa, terrorists are making practice runs on U.S. flights in preparation for an airline terrorist attack. WTSP said a memo it found was from a union that is comprised of pilots working for major airlines, and the memo wrote that terrorist dry runs have already been attempted, notably one on a flight inbound to Orlando on September 2.

According to the memo, on September 2, U.S. Airways Flight 1880 left Reagan National Airport in Washington D.C. to fly to Orlando International. Crew members stated that just after takeoff, a group of four "Middle Eastern" men acted in a suspicious manner. One bolted from his seat in coach toward the flight deck door, only to swerve to the forward bathroom "for a considerable length of time." While the first man was in the bathroom, the three other men started changing their seats, opening overhead bins, and "generally making a scene." Witnesses said they appeared to be intent on making a distraction.
WTSP investigators asked both US Airways and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) if the incident was true, and they both acknowledged that it was.
A current Federal Air Marshal who had to remain anonymous because he is prohibited from speaking to the media, said of the TSA, "They're liars. They're flat out liars." He added that the TSA doesn’t want to alarm the public, concluding, "We're waiting for the next 9/11 to happen, because it's not a question of if. It's a question of when."

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