sábado, octubre 12, 2013

Mark Kelly gives an astronaut’s view of ‘Gravity’ - TWP

Last weekend, my wife, Gabby, and I went to see the movie “Gravity” at our neighborhood theater in Tucson. I’m a retired astronaut who has been to space four times, so I’m usually a bit skeptical of films that take place in space. For me, watching movies about space is like a congresswoman watching “House of Cards.” It’s entertaining, but it’s obviously not the real thing.
Director Alfonso Cuarón does come remarkably close with “Gravity.” I’ve spent a total of 55 days in space so I know what to look for, and Cuarón really was able to capture what it looks like inside and outside of a spacecraft. It’s extremely difficult to film a movie that is almost entirely without gravity. In “Apollo 13,” Ron Howard achieved the effect of zero-gravity flight by filming in NASA’s zero-gravity airplane, the “Vomit Comet.”
Keep reading on The Washington Post >>

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