miércoles, agosto 28, 2013

Canada: Brampton Muslim cleric preaches adulterers, gays can benefit from being stoned to death

Death to all sinners! Homosexuals and adulterers, you better start start running, because this means you!
Oyez, oyez, let’s all watch as Sheikh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak of Brampton takes his death by stoning show on the road and brings it to a neighborhood near you.
Oh, yes!
Oh, no.
Have a look at the YouTube video and you will have some insight into a man who truly believes that `sinners’, as defined by his own interpretation of Islamic law, can truly benefit from a jolly good stoning.
Listen as he explains that a Muslim who is sentenced to death by stoning actually benefits from this gruesome capital punishment as his or her soul is being purified even as the stones rain down on their head.
It would almost be funny if it were in a Monty Python movie. Almost, but not quite, because there is no joke to make about a medieval form of punishment like stoning.
More importantly, why is it that in the 21st century people can free to spew such hateful material all in the name of religion?
Alas, it might be more widely spread than Canadians would believe.
In 2010, the Pew Research Centre in Washington published the results of an extensive poll of Middle East countries and tapped into their views of modern life.
According to the Pew results, at least three-quarters of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan say they would favour making each of the following the law in their countries: stoning people who commit adultery, whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery and the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion.
Majorities of Muslims in Jordan and Nigeria also favour these harsh punishments.
Thankfully that will never happen in Canada because we are a free, open and tolerant society that will never become a theocracy where common law is subjugated to religious dogma.
Being free, open and tolerant also means that people Sheikh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak can take advantage of free speech and spew hatred against people who live a life he doesn’t approve of.
It doesn’t mean we have to applaud, though.
Video Here >>

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