domingo, julio 28, 2013

Cuba participa en los Juegos Deportivos Judios [Maccabiah Games-Jewish Olympics]

According to the website of the Jewish community in Cuba [Comunidad Hebrea de Cuba] only nearly a thousand Jews living in the island.
Cuban athletes to join the Maccabiah Games for the first time
The Maccabiah Games, known as the Jewish Olympics, are taking place in Israel.
The contest, which takes place every four years, brings together Jewish athletes from around the world to take part in events from rugby to gymnastics, to cycling and rowing.
This year around 9,000 competitors from more than 70 countries are taking part in a competition that is as much about Jewish identity as sport.
This year, for the first time, a Cuban delegation is taking part - even though Cuba doesn't have diplomatic relations with Israel. Sponsored by Jewish American donors, the players were helped by an easing on travel restrictions on groups leaving Havana. Rafael Gonzales, 24, who's competing in archery, says he is proud to be in Israel.
"It is the first time Cuba is participating - it is very exciting," he says. "It's the best for us as athletes, as Jewish athletes."

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