viernes, mayo 24, 2013

Regime Official Pitches Golf Resorts as People-to-People Travel

It is abundantly clear that the Castro regime is desperate for U.S. tourists to salvage its dictatorship.

This week, in pitching the Castro regime's new golf project, Jose Tova-Pineda, director-general of the Varadero golf course, stated:

"American may have a problem with us, but we have no problem with Americans, the more who visit us, the better."

Of course, U.S. tourism to Cuba is illegal (was codified into law as such in 2000) and the U.S. Congress is unlikely to unilaterally change that policy.

So Tova-Pineda aimed his pitch at the Obama Administration instead, hoping to package its new resorts as "cultural tours" for so-called "people-to-people" travelers:

"Our resorts will be at historic cross-centers across the country.  That way people get their suntan, enjoy our country and learn about the culture."

Any bets that a "golf itinerary" will soon find its way to OFAC for "people-to-people" approval

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