viernes, mayo 24, 2013

Castro Needs U.S. Tourists to Survive

From The Economist's "Why is playing golf a revolutionary pursuit in Cuba?":

[T]he main reason for the sudden enthusiasm for pitching and putting is a need to attract more tourists. The island pulled in 2.8m visitors last year, far fewer than the 4.6m who flocked to the Dominican Republic, its smaller neighbour. Cuba faces the disadvantage that America, which lies only 100 miles away, makes it very difficult for its own citizens to holiday on the island (try searching for flights to Havana on an American website and you will have no luck, wherever you are from). Now, unstable regional politics make it more crucial than ever for Cuba to pep up income from tourism. Venezuela, whose petrodollars have propped up the Cuban economy for years, is ploughing into an economic crisis. Its new president, Nicolás Maduro, has pledged loyalty to the Castros but is far less popular at home than his predecessor, Hugo Chávez. Meanwhile, recent attempts to find oil in Cuban waters have drawn a blank.

The revolution therefore needs golfers.

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