sábado, marzo 02, 2013

Today in History: Cuba Restored Diplomatic Relations With Uruguay

March 2, 2005: The Cuban Embassy in Montevideo re-opened on after newly elected leftist president Tabare Vazquez directed the re-establishment of diplomatic relations. Diplomatic ties had been reduced to the consular level following outgoing President Batlle’s condemnation of Cuban human rights three years earlier. By late 2007, hidden among Havana’s modest six-member diplomatic staff was Cuban intelligence officer Alberto Silvio Cabrera Barrio, who served under the cover of Political Counselor. Given Carbera’s intelligence career, he may well be the senior officer at the Embassy. By default, this would make him the Centro Chief and a DI officer. Additionally, Cuba avoids assigning a lone intelligence officer to a diplomatic facility, so the presence of a second intelligence officer is highly likely (although a DI code clerk could suffice). Cabrera remained in Uruguay through early 2013.

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