lunes, marzo 04, 2013

Castro Lopez-Callejas Clan makes $Multi-Millions on Hotel sale

(Scroll down here for entire story in Spanish.)
The Colonel's cousin, Arturo "Artie-Levy to you!" Lopez-Callejas, as well known hereabouts, has been tasked with keeping that hotel packed with tourists, "people to people" and otherwise.
So let's see:
A hotel owned by free Cuban laborers (many of them Black) was stolen by the sons of a Spanish colonial soldier who fought under the command of Valeriano Weyler. This wealthy, lily-white family then sold (part-ownership) of their criminally-acquired property for a huge profit to one of the biggest commercial enterprises of Cuba's former colonial overlords, which does its best to restrict entry to their property by Cuban Blacks, except as maids and dishwashers and shoeshine-boys.
On this side of Alice's Looking Glass this heist and criminal collusion would outrage "enlightened" opinion worldwide. Instead "enlightened" opinion worldwide displays outrage only towards the victims of the heist.
Absolutely Un-Freakin Real.
"Propaganda is vital--propaganda is the heart of our struggle." (Fidel Castro 1955)

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