viernes, febrero 22, 2013

The Media branding of Yoani Sanchez kicks into high gear–So keep your eye on The Ball, folks

In brief: The Ball is the "embargo." The Terrorism listing is linked. Both constrict the Stalinist regime's jugular. With Hugo Chavez fading, the future of the financial flow through its jugular is getting the Stalinist regime antsy. So a regime/media offensive is underway to start procuring this vital flow from the north.
"For Cuba, being able to influence U.S. policy and elite opinion-makers is equally important--possibly even more important-- than recruiting spies with access to U.S. intelligence information." (Norman Bailey Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2007.)
To most people anywhere over .0000009 millimeters outside Miami-Dade borders the "Cuba Embargo" is a triviality they occasionally glimpse while sifting through much more important news. "Archaic," "Counterproductive" "Hurts U.S. businesses," "Hurts hardworking U.S. farmers," "Hurts Cuban people," etc., is what they probably retain from their skimming of the headlines and the highlighted quotes from Cuba "Experts."
Now Middle America will be bombarded with the fact that--whaddaya know!--even a gen-you-wine Cuban Dissident concurs with the "expert" views they always read and hear in the news!
And when I say "Middle America" it applies almost literally. This headline appeared today in The Kansas City Star (and in many of the other 30 syndicated McClatchy papers:)
"Yoani Sanchez may be a dissident in Cuba, but she agrees U.S. embargo must go."
Obviously if he was introduced as somebody who slips in and out of Cuba at will and takes under the table payments from Castro's biggest partners in crime the impact of Phil Peters' "expertise" would diminish. If Arturo Lopez-Callejas were introduced as a former Castro Intelligence official, and nephew in-law of the Stalinist dictator, same thing. So we hear from the MSM that the first is "a former Bush administration State Dept. official" and the later a "scholar in Denver."
"Well Hot Damn!" reacts the typical distracted reader or viewer. "Deze guys sure don't sound like Commie-lovers to me!"
Same with Yoani Sanchez. First the "swing voters" on the embargo must be convinced that she's a gen-you-wine and visceral opponent of Castroism. Only then does her anti-embargoism make a serious mark.
Please note: The woman's personal motivation is not the issue here--it may well be as pure as the driven snow. Our concern is with the motivation of her facilitators--and especially with the results of her Good-Will (against the embargo) tour.
(I apologize for appearing to insult the intelligence of regular Babalu readers with these digressions, but we have many new friends from outside Miami-Dade coming aboard who need some basic background on Cuba news, and we're delighted and honored to welcome them.)
She's only been out of Cuba for two days, and we've seen some of the headlines. By the time she hits New York and Washington D.C.--can you imagine the media barrage?! And be assured no media mention will omit the "embargo." Just watch....and keep your eye on The Ball, folks.

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