miércoles, febrero 06, 2013

Obama Blows Legally-Required Budget Deadline — Again!

On Monday, President Barack Obama missed the legally-required February 4th deadline to submit his annual budget. Four out of five of Obama’s budgets have been submitted late.
Republicans pounced. “President Obama missed a great opportunity today to help our economy,” said Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) on the House floor. “This was supposed to be the day he submitted his budget to the Congress. But it’s not coming. It’s going to be late. Some reports say it could be a month late.”
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) also sounded off on Obama’s failure to turn in his budget on time. “I’m disappointed the president has missed his deadline. But I’m not surprised. In four of the last five years, he’s failed to submit his budget on time.” Ryan’s office previously noted that Obama has missed more budget deadlines than any president since the 1920s.
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