miércoles, febrero 06, 2013

Democrats Move to Make Voter Fraud Easier

RUSH: This next story, I just marvel.  I literally marvel at the alliance that there is between the Democrat Party and the Drive-By Media.  This is a story in the New York Times.  The headline really says it all, but I’ll give you some details.  “Waiting Times at Ballot Boxes Draw Scrutiny — With studies suggesting that long lines at the polls cost Democrats hundreds of thousands of votes in November, party leaders are beginning a push to make voting and voter registration easier, setting up a likely new conflict with Republicans over a deeply polarizing issue.”
So long lines at your polling place, that’s just not fair to Democrats.  That is making it harder for Democrats to get votes.  Those long lines cost the Democrats hundreds of thousands of votes.  Why, if there hadn’t been long lines, why, the Democrats mighta won this by an additional two percentage points.  Oh, yeah, the long lines, they’re all Democrat voters.  There aren’t any Republicans in there.  The people really, really desirous to vote, the people that show up and wait in line a long time, obviously they’re voting for Democrats.  Nobody would do that to vote for a Republican.  If there were long lines for Republicans to vote, the New York Times would have a story on how we can make the lines longer.
Now, this article is motivated by three things.  First — and this is the key — and, remember, it’s the New York Times, so there’s always an agenda behind this stuff.  This is not news.  The biggest thing anybody could learn is that stories in the New York Times today are not news.  They are related to the achievement of the next phase of the Obama agenda.  Every story for the most part, particularly domestic political stories, are nothing more than telltale indicators of what it is Obama wants next.  In other words, here we are on February 5th and we get a story in the New York Times about long lines at the polling place.  Why don’t we get this story two days after the election?  If long lines at polling places was a problem, why now?  Why February 5th?  There isn’t an election any time soon.
Post Continues on www.rushlimbaugh.com >>

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