martes, noviembre 13, 2012

Special evening in Vancouver for the Cuban Spies



Vancouver, November 2, 2012. As a prelude to the 5th International Annual Che Guevara Conference, convened by the organization "Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba", a special evening was held in this city for the release of the five Cuban heroes imprisoned in U.S. jails. The event was attended by Aleida Guevara, daughter of legendary heroic guerrilla fighter and Antonio Guerrero Cabrera, son of one of the five antiterrorists
Verses of Nicolas Guillen, Bob Marley’s songs and poems of Antonio Guerrero, among other cultural performances, graced the message of peace and justice sent to the US government by those present, with the demand of immediate freedom for our Five Heroes.
Prominent Canadian lawyer, social activist and former City Counsellor, Tom Louis gave those present a comprehensive and emotional overview of the case of the Five and unmasked its true political essence to expose an important group of violations occurred during the legal process.
During the evening were projected greeting video messages sent from the U.S. by the leaders of the National and International Committees to Free the Five in that country, Gloria la Riva and Alicia Jartko, respectively.
Alberto Prieto, CCPCC’s official, Javier Domokos Ruiz, Consul General of Cuba in Toronto and Manuel Yepe, journalist and university professor were present as part of the Cuban delegation.

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