martes, noviembre 13, 2012

Who gives money to Castro Brothers: Canada among Cuba’s Main Investment Partners

Ian Delaney, ex presidente de Sherritt International [2007]
HAVANA, Cuba.- Canada is among the main countries with the largest amount of investments in strategic sectors in Cuba, informed on Tuesday in this capital Ileana Nuñez, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment.

With more than 15 investment projects in the areas of mining, risk oil prospecting and electricity generation, the northern nation is among Cuba’s first five trade partners, announced the official during the third day of Havana’s International Trade Fair.

In the first semester of 2012, commercial exchanges between the two countries grew by 24 percent with respect to the same period of 2011, she pointed out.

Likewise, Canada is first on the list of nations sending tourists to the island, with over one million travelers in 2011, which represented 37 percent of the total.

In terms of cooperation, Nuñez pointed out that Canada has supported over the last 17 years several prioritized programs in the national territory, like food security, modernization and sustainable development of the Cuban economy.

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