martes, septiembre 18, 2012

Estudiantes de la Universidad de Iowa no quieren estudiar en Cuba

these guys are smart. who wants to get brainwash and support a 54 years old dictatorship.  well done. kubiche, do you heard it?
UI The Daily Iowan/ RISHABH R. JAIN
No students have registered for the University of Iowa’s Overseas writing program in Cuba 10 days before the deadline, despite program managers opening its gates to graduate and non-degree seeking students.
Leslie McNelius, a study-abroad adviser and one of the pioneers of the UI’s program in Cuba, said she was not too concerned because she expects a lot of last-minute applications.
“We’ve had quite a few email and phone inquiries from potential participants in the last weeks," she said. "There’s an info session coming up … so some may turn in apps after that."
The Sept. 28 deadline is also a flexible one, and it will be extended if need be, said John Rogers, assistant director of the UI Study Abroad Office.
UI started the study-abroad program in Cuba last January, after President Obama lessened travel restrictions on university-sponsored trips to Cuba in January 2011. Thirteen students participated in the two-week excursion.
While the courses offered in Cuba remain the same as last year–travel and ethnographic writing–students will experience an added two-night excursion to the city of Trinidad, a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization World Heritage Site.
“How can someone not be interested in Cuba,” said Robin Hemley, the director of the Nonfiction Writing Program. “It is so close to the U.S. geographically, yet so distant in terms of its politics and accessibility.”  More >>

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