martes, junio 05, 2012

Rush: Obama is 'Barack Hussein Kardashian'

WND/  Joe Kovacs
Radio host Rush Limbaugh is lampooning an upcoming dinner with entertainers and Barack Obama, saying the president has become “Barack Hussein Kardashian,” a reference to celebrity Kim Kardashian.
“He’s becoming Barack Kardashian,” Limbaugh said this afternoon. “He is becoming the male Kim Kardashian with this stuff, and it’s been building. He is celebrity of the United States. He is not the president, and his whole team is out there pushing this. So it’s Barack Hussein Kardashian is what he has become.”
The Obama campaign has a series of commercials running, encouraging people to donate to Obama’s re-election effort as well as enter for a free chance to win dinner with the president and first lady June 14 at the New York City home of actress Sarah Jessica Parker.
The winner of the lottery-style event will also be joined by fashion mogul Anna Wintour, editor of Vogue, and singer Mariah Carey who will perform a concert.
Parker herself has made a video to promote the dinner, saying, “OK, the guy who ended the war in Iraq, the guy who says you should be able to marry anyone you want, and the guy who created 4 million new jobs – that guy – President Obama and Michelle are coming to my house for dinner on June 14th. And I want you to be there, too. Because we need him and he needs us.”
This [is] celebrity-of-the-United-States kind of stuff. This is not president-of-the-United-States kind of stuff,” said Limbaugh. “Everybody’s now laughing at this and mocking it … It’s an indication once again of how out-of-touch they are, how distanced they have become from the people who make this country work. It’s an indication of what they think the strong drawing power of the presidency is.”
Limbaugh said the promotion is “all a sham,” designed to create a mailing list for fundraising this summer.  More >>

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