miércoles, mayo 02, 2012

Farrakhan Unleashed: Obama Will Be Assassinated by ‘Hardcore Racists, Tea Party Zealots’ in His Second Term

FireWire from The Blaze/
I] According to the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan:
  • President Obama has had to endure hardships that no other white president has 
  • Obama has been called a “racist, an anti-Semite, a socialist, a communist, a foreigner, an alien and they’ve even called him a terrorist”
  • The president might as well “join” Islam, given the ridicule 
  • If the President became a Muslim he “really would get something done”
  • No one care’s about the experience of Republican presidential hopefuls because “they’re white”
  • “To Hell with you” if you are a Republican — “If we want to vote for a brother because he is black, that’s our business”
  • It is an honor to vote for “one of our own kind”

According to Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan:
  • America is a part of a “Synagogue of Satan”
  • Obama is the spokesperson for this “Synagogue of Satan” and does its bidding
  • Obama was “really not in favor of the attack on Gaddafi”
  • Colin Powell was “a black man in front of a policy to kill black people”
  • Obama & Powell want a “pat on the back” from their “former slave-masters and their children”
  • There are “bombs coming” America’s way that are self-inflicted, given the country’s foreign policy
  • Serving in America’s military is “fighting for the enemy”
  • America’s wars are “engineered by Zionists who love Israel more than America”
  • Speech was given at the United Center in Chicago on February 23, 2012
  • Part of ongoing Blaze/ GBTV Investigation into Farrakhan’s rhetoric & influence

III] According to the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan:
  • The southern ‘Red States’ are the same as the Confederate States in the Civil War;
  • If you did not vote for Obama, “you didn‘t want a black man’ as president;
  • “Climate for his assassination” is the same in the South now as it was when Lincoln was president;
  • “Hardcore racists, the Tea Party zealots and the Republicans” are planning Obama’s assassination;
  • Republicans “want a Muslim to kill President Obama” … and they “already have somebody in mind that they working on.”

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