viernes, mayo 11, 2012

Cuba, Oil & Embargo, Pt. Lost Count

With Hugo Chavez's health (and oil subsidies) fading quickly, Argentina's untimely confiscation of Repsol-YPF (supported by Castro) and no news on the exploration front, the Castro regime's allies at the Center for International Policy (CIP) quickly put together a conference yesterday to regurgitate the same story-line about Cuba, oil and the embargo.

Thus, it gathered William Reilly (along with his conflict of interests), the Environmental Defense Fund (along with its hypocrisy) and the usual cast of characters to prod the news cycle.

And the media, of course, ran the same stories it has been running for a decade -- one of them even described the Center for International Policy (CIP) as a group "that advocates for foreign policy based on human rights."

(A prize to anyone who can find one human rights criticism of Castro by CIP and the head of its Cuba program, Wayne Smith).

So instead of posting one of today's stories on Cuba, oil and the embargo -- here's one from 2004.

After all, it's the same thing.   More >>

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