martes, abril 24, 2012

To litle to late - Cuba plans massive shift to “non-state” sector

After over 50 years of raping and pillaging Cuba for all it was worth, not to mention stealing the homes, businesses and bank accounts of over one million Cubans now living in the United States, the Castro scum-brothers are trying to change their image by moving to a more open economic system. The hypocrisy of it all is beyond astonishing; it is reprehensible!
Even if this plan is “for real,” which is doubtful given the track record of the communist slime running the country, it is three things if nothing at all:
1) An admission that a communist system of government (economy) is an absolute and total failure!
2) An admission that a capitalistic system is the one and only truly successful system of government devised thus far.
3) Too little too late.
It really is a shame that there isn’t a hell. If there was, surely Fidel and Raul Castro would be there with the likes of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Kim Il-sung, Mao Tse-tung, Adolph Hitler, Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and others…  More >>

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