martes, marzo 27, 2012

Partial List of Detainees During Papal Visit to Cuba

But where is Benedict XVI?

Partial List of Detainees During Papal Visit to Cuba
MARCH 26, 2012
Miami, March 26, 2012. Assembly of the Cuban Resistance. The Information and Support Center will monitor the situation in Cuba from 9 AM to 10 PM during the 26th, 27th and 28th of March, 2012.
With great efforts, the Center has been able to communicate with the different regions in the island in order to compile a partial list of those detained and receive information about the repressive situation within the country,'`"To the press, to all those who are able to hear me, really the Cuba that His Holiness will encounter is a Cuba with repression, a Cuba with harassment, and a Cuba where the human rights and civil rights of each citizen are violated on a daily basis. Those who will be able to participate in the Holy Father's Masses –in Havana and in Santiago- are individuals who belong to the Communist Party of Cuba, the members of the Union of Communist Youth and the Federation of Cuban Women, as well as students selected by the Cuban government. Pro-democracy activists are being prevented from participating in these Masses. The Cuban government is gathering beggars; is gathering alcoholics, and others, so that the Holy Father sees another image of Cuba upon his arrival, stated from Havana Berta Soler Fernández, leader of The Ladies in White.
Other leaders of the Resistance in the Eastern part of Cuba reported heavy security measures, all roads blocked by State security agents and an implacable persecution. Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, leader of the Oriental Democratic Alliance, was arrested in Havana on Friday, March 23, liberated in Guantánamo on the 24th of March, detained again on Sunday, March 25th, and liberated in Baracoa just a few hours ago.
"Just in the Eastern region more than 140 arbitrary arrests have taken place and several dozens of activists are under house arrest.(…) Many Cubans that believe in Christ crucified and follow His teachings will feel very close to the successor of St. Peter even from within infrahuman cells, expressed José Daniel Ferrer of the Patriotic Union of Cuba from Palma Soriano.
Up to the moment, March 26, 2012 at 7:30 PM, we have been able to confirm that the following members of the Resistance have been detained:
Pinar del Rio:
  1. Yaser Reinoso Ramos

La Habana:
  1. Sara Marta Fonseca Quevedo,
  2. Julio León Fonseca
  3. Julio Aleaga Pesant (detenido en Santiago de Cuba)
  1. Leticia Ramos Herrería,
  2. Emilio Bringas Evora
  3. Mercedes de la Caridad De la Guardia

  1. Juan de Dios Medina Vazquez.

Santa Clara:
  1. Rolando Ferrer Espinosa,
  2. Maria del Carmen Martinez Lopez,
  3. Yanisbel Valido Perez
  4. Natividad Blanco Carrero,
  5. Alcides Rivera Rodríguez.

  1. Virgilio Mantilla Arango,
  2. Elicardo Freire,
  3. Osmani Fernández González.

Las Tunas
17.  Ramón Velázquez Toranzo
18.  Ismelis Quiñones Ortega

  1. Luis Felipe Rojas Rosabal,
  2. Delmides Fidalgo López,
  3. Mariblanca Ávila Esposito,
  4. Anni Sarrión Romero,
  5. Juan Carlos Vázquez Osorio,
  6. Jorge Luis Freeman Palermo,
  7. Jorge Luis Claro Velazquez,
  8. Juan Oriol Verdecia,
  9. Rafael Meneses Pupo, Alexander Cruz,
  10. Maritza Cardoso,
  11. Caridad Caballero Batista,
  12. Marta Díaz Rondón,
  13. Milagros Leiva Ramírez.
  14. Anyer Antonio Blanco Rodríguez
  15. Eliécey Aranda Matos
  16. Yeri Curbelo Aguilera
  17. Eliécer Palma Pupo
  18. Antonio Caballero Pupo
  19. Bernardo Torres Roldán
  20. Maira Guerrero Silva
  21. Bertha Guerrero Segura
  22. Marco Antonio Lima Dalmao
  23. Adis Nidia Cruz Sebré
  24. Isabel Peña Torres

43.  Emiliano González Olivera
44.  Yaquelin García Hans

Santiago de Cuba:
  1. Misael Valdés Díaz,
  2. Jorge Cervantes García, detenido violentamente y tiene una mano herida de 8 puntos de sutura.
  3. Guillermo Cobas Reyes
  4. Liudmila Rodriguez Palomo,
  5. Angel Verdecia Díaz
  6. Andry Verdecia Osorio
  7. Ramón Bolaños Martínez
  8. Sergio Lescay Despaigne
  9. Maikel Osorio Martínez
  10. Rulisán Ramírez Rodríguez
  11. Rolando Humberto González Rodríguez
  12. Yelena Garcés Nápoles
  13. Eduardo Pérez Martínez
  14. Armando Sánchez La O
  15. Angel Lino Isaac Luna
  16. Karina Quintana Hernández
  17. Yannai Ferrer Santos
  18. Ana Celia Rodriguez Torres
  19. José Batista Falcón
  20. Miguel Rafael Cabrera Montoya
  21. José Enrique Martínez Ferrer
  22. Bismark Mustelier Galan
  23. Dani López de Moya
  24. Luis Ernrique Losada Igarza
  25. Mercedes Fernández Fonseca
  26. Adriana Figueredo Fernández
  27. Yaima Bejerano Díaz
  28. Doraisa Correoso Pozo
  29. Adriana Núñez Pascual
  30. Madelaine Santos Grillo
  31. Agustín Ferrer
  32. Ovidia Martín Catellanos
  33. Yoselin Ferrera Espinosa
  34. Jesús Priman Salermo
  35. Annia Alegre Pécora, fue detenida el viernes le liberaron y el sábado la detuvieron y la liberaron y el domingo la volvieron a detener y aun permanece detenida.
  36. Yarisel Figueredo Valdés
  37. Omaidis González Leiva
  38. Tania Montoya Vázquez
  39. Yanelis Elégica Despaine
  40. Vivian Peña Hernández
  41. Yunieski Domínguez González
  42. Roberto González Feria
  43. Ángel Mir Espinosa,  católico activo en la ciudad de San Luis, fue designado por su Parroquia para estar en primera fila durante la Misa, tenía un asiento y ya listo  para ir, fue secuestrado el 25 de marzo de 2012 por la policía política, su esposa Dama de Blanco decidió que se iba a plantar frente a la policía en huelga de hambre para que liberen a su esposo, al mediodía del 26 de marzo de 2012
  44. Aleixis Yanchoi Kuán Jerez
  1. Francisco Luis Manzanet,
  2. Roberto González Pelegrin,
  3. Rodolfo Bartelemy Cobas,
  4. Isael Poveda Silva,
  5. Reinier Cubas,
  6. Randy Caballero Suárez,
  7. Roneidi Salas,
  8. Yordis Sofía Rodríguez
  9. Raúl Durán Montero
  10. Roberto Quiñones Lores
Excarcelados y en arresto domiciliario con casas sitiadas para impedir que lleguen a Santiago de Cuba o La Habana

Pinar del Río:
  1.            Yoel Reinoso,
  2. Víctor Rodríguez Morejón,
  3. Raquel Rodríguez Riverón,
  4. Dianelis Rodríguez Suárez,
  5. Yoangel Palacios Hernández,
  6. Luis Enrique Milián,
  7. Jose Rolando Caceres Soto,
  8. Adalberto Abascal Quintana,
  9. Roberto Blanco Gil,
  10. Raquel Rodriguez Suarez
  11. Eduardo Diaz Fleitas.

La Habana
110.       Jorge Castor Veliz Díaz,  detenido el 23 de marzo y liberado el 26 de marzo.
111.      Belkis Felicia Jorrín Morfa
112.      René Rouco Machín
113.      Eriberto Liranza Romero

Villa Clara
114.         Yris Pérez Aguilera115.         Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez"116.         Idania Yánez Contreras

Santiago de Cuba:
  1. José Daniel Ferrer García
  2. Yoandri Fuertes Hernández
  3. Wildo Izaguirre Fuentes
  4. Belkis Cantillo Ramírez
  5. Aymeé Garcés Leiva
  6. Marta Beatriz Ferrer Cantillo (menor de edad)
  7. Daniela Valcárcel Garcés (menor de edad)
  8. Yusmel Acosta Aguilera, Caimanera, familiar de un opositor y puesto en libertad en la noche del viernes después de ser golpeado.

  1. Jorge Corrales Ceballos
  2. Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina, detenido el 25 de marzo y excarcelado el 26 de marzo con detención domiciliaria. Había sido arrestado en La Habana el viernes 23 de marzo de 2012.

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