martes, marzo 27, 2012

Obama Just Can’t Resist Injecting Race into Any Situation

CFP/ Doug Patton
“If I had son, he’d look like Trayvon.” —  Barack Obama
When members of the New Black Panther Party stood menacingly with night sticks, intimidating white voters at polling places in Philadelphia, Barack Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, turned a blind eye. Nothing to see; nothing to investigate.
But when a mouthy Harvard professor was stopped and questioned by police as he attempted to break into a home that later turned out to be his own, the President of the United States thought it was somehow appropriate for him to opine to the media that the police had “acted stupidly.” Why? Because the professor was black, of course, and the police were white. It even called for a “beer summit,” remember?
White legislators in Arizona or Alabama must be conspiring to commit racism if they pass state laws enforcing our federal immigration regulations. But a Muslim Army Major who executes innocent people in cold blood while shouting “god is great” in Arabic is just a confused loner.
Brave rebels are slaughtered in the streets of Tehran and Obama tells the world that “both sides” should remain calm. Muslim Brotherhood terrorists lead revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya and Obama is all too eager to back their efforts — regardless of the consequences to the United States or our allies.
Far from being a post-racial president, Barack Obama has been the most divisive leader we have had in the last half-century. All he seems to know is that no matter the circumstances, it’s America’s fault — and furthermore, it’s white America’s fault.
Now comes the Trayvon Martin case. No one yet knows what actually happened on the night of February 26, when George Zimmerman shot 17-year-old Martin to death in a gated community in Sanford, Florida — but Barack Obama knows that if he had a son, he would look just like Trayvon. So what? How does that advance the case? How does it do anything but stir up racial animosity? Is the image in our national consciousness supposed to be that the president’s son (if he had one) would have been killed? Why would he say such a thing? Initially, he was willing to let local authorities investigate, but when a reporter shouted a question about the case, he was all too ready to answer.  More >>

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