jueves, diciembre 08, 2011

Iran claims to have downed US drone; experts question authenticity



From an AP story:
John Pike, an expert on military and intelligence technology for GlobalSecurity.org, said in an email that the drone shown on Iranian TV looked like "a parade float model of a Sentinel" rather than the high-tech robotic surveillance aircraft itself.
He said that the shape of the aircraft differed from that shown in most other photographs of the Sentinel, and that it was in better shape than would be expected after a crash. "I'm guessing this is a mock-up they have prepared for a parade," he said.
Keep in mind, this is also the country that manipulated a misslie launch image to hide
the fact that one missile had failed to fire and that is suspected of
welding 55-gallon drums together to look like S-300 launchers.
Read the full story here.

AFP - Getty Images

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