jueves, septiembre 22, 2011

Interview with Cuba Actress Claudia Alvariño

Havana Times.org
By Helson Hernandez 
Claudia Alvariño en "Habanastation"

HAVANA TIMES, Sept. 21 — The young Cuban actress Claudia Alvariño, who plays an important supporting role in the recently released Cuban film “Habanastation” was interviewed recently by HT.  Commenting on the film, she noted that, “It reflects today’s Cuba, how human qualities get lost when money appears.”
Havana Times:  ENA, the National School of Art.  When hearing that name, what does it make you want to tell us?  
Claudia Alvariño:  I remember ENA with much affection.  I was admitted when I was 15.  It was a very nice stage in my life, where I had teachers who today are my friends, where I learned how to be a little bit more independent, where I met incredible friends.
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