domingo, septiembre 18, 2011

CARITAS IN VERITATE: The Papacy has declared itself the “World’s Robin Hood”

The Papacy has declared itself the "World's Robin Hood" and he has instructed our government to forceably take (steal) your wealth and your property and redistribute it to somebody else and you get to call it "Charity".

What a GREAT guy!, don't you think?

Papal Encyclical, "Caritas in Veritate" (Charity in Truth). Here it is:

And here is a common sense explanation of "Caritas in Veritate".

Failure to read and understand the Papal Encyclicals, "Rerum Novarum" and "Charitas in Veritate" leaves one clueless about what is really happening in this world and why and who is the real cause of it and for what purpose.

Those who do understand have a moral obligation to educate others.

The New World Order is a Global Government, a Global Economic System, and a Global Religion fashioned by the Papacy, implemented by the governments of the world, and imposed upon you by force! No option is available except that which Christ alone offers.

Tom Friess
Inquisition Update

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