miércoles, julio 13, 2011

Redistribution of Wealth | Fed, La Raza Urges Latino Radicals to Use Taxpayer Dollars to Pay Their Way

Jim Kouri|Examiner
One of President Barack Obama’s favorite organizations, La Raza (The Race), has teamed up with a federal agency to promote one of the administration’s many government cash giveaways with Spanish ads encouraging Latinos –including legal and illegal immigrants — to apply for U.S. taxpayer dollars to pay for housing.
The new campaign warns Hispanics that time is running out to get up to $50,000.00 from Uncle Sam to pay their mortgage, past due charges, taxes, insurance and even legal fees associated with their home. The money is being disbursed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as part of a billion-dollar Emergency Homeowner Loan Program (EHLP), according to a public-interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption.
In 2008 the agency revealed that some 5 million fraudulent or defaulted home mortgages were in the hands of illegal immigrants, who obtained the loans from banks that were pressured by the government to offer them, according to a Judicial Watch report.
In fact, the agency in charge of preserving and promoting public confidence in the nation’s financial system, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), began pushing banks to offer services to illegal aliens years earlier and many still do today.

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