miércoles, julio 13, 2011

Joseph Stalin, Terror of the Tundra, Honored on D-Day Anniversary

Men With Foil Hats | We're not crazy... Just informed!

Statue of Mass Murderer Stalin unveiled in Virginia. The individual responsible for more deaths than Adolf Hitler celebrated on American soil during the anniversary of Operation Overlord, during which thousands died in the fight against tyranny that Stalin himself represented so well.
Portrait of a Killer
By Kevin Whiteman|Wilmington Conservative
Today is the 66th anniversary  of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
Over 71,700 American, British, Canadian, Belgian, New Zealander, Free-French, Czech, Greek, Dutch, Polish, Australian, and Norwegian  troops died less than two and a half months of slugging it out in the French bocage country.
Not a single Soviet soldier, sailor or airman participated in Operation Overlord.
Yet today in the sleepy Virginia town of Bedford, a memorial to the beginning of the liberation of Western Europe will unveil statues of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Harry Truman.
And Soviet dictator and mass murderer Joseph Stalin.

Uncle Joe, Friend To The Common Man
It’s conservatively estimated that during Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror, tens of million of Russians as well as other ethnic groups were slaughtered at the hand of Stalin.
Also, at Stalin’s order, millions of the following peoples were deported completely or partially: Ukrainians, Poles, Koreans, Volga Germans, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Kulaks, Karachays, Meskhetian Turks, Finns, Bulgarians, Greeks, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, and Jews.
It is conservatively estimated that most died during Stalin’s bloody forced relocations.
And The Others At Normandy?
Although sons of their respective nations fought and died on the beaches of Normandy, the Bedford Memorial has no statues of Canadian Prime Minister William King, King Leopold III of Belgium, Prime Minister of New Zealand Peter Fraser, Gen. Charles DeGaulle of France, Czech President Dr. Emil Hacha, King George II of Greece, Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, Polish leader Edward Smigly-Rydz, Australian Prime Minister John Curtin, or King Haakon VII of Norway.
But Joseph Stalin is there.
It is interesting to note that there is no statue of Allied leader Chiang Kai-Shek at the Bedford Memorial, who, like Stalin, had no connection whatsoever to Operation Overlord.
Yet the powers-to-be in Bedford saw fit to include Comrade Stalin.
Truthin’ It Down South
Dr. Lee Edwards, a Distinguished Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and chairman of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation has released the following statement:
“Since the fall of the Soviet Union, statues of Joseph Stalin have been torn down all over Europe and even in the former Soviet Union itself. The world is closer than ever before to a consensus on the evils of communism and Stalin’s primary role in the worst crimes of the last century. And yet a statue of Stalin is included in the National D-Day Memorial, to be dedicated in Bedford, Virginia, this Sunday, June 6.
Near the statue of Stalin, a plaque catalogues Stalin’s crimes against millions of people both in Russia and throughout Europe. But no mere plaque can justify the inclusion of the statue which dishonors the heroic individuals who sacrificed so much on D-Day and in the Cold War.
A bust of Joseph Stalin has no place in a memorial whose purpose is to salute the brave soldiers who made D-Day a vital victory in the crusade for freedom.”

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