domingo, julio 03, 2011

Kim Jong-il’s half-brother under house arrest because of resemblance to Kim Il-sung

A photo of Kim Pyong-il, the half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il and the country's ambassador to Poland accompanied by his daughter and son, Eun-Song and In-kang 

Julian Ryall
The Telegraph
July 1, 2011
South Korean media claimed that Kim Pyong-il, the North’s ambassador to Poland, has been under house arrest since returning to Pyongyang in May to see his ailing mother, Kim Song-Ae.
Sources quoted by the Chosun Ilbo newspaper said Kim Jong-il and his son, Kim Jong-Un, are manoeuvring to isolate him and prevent him attracting the support of factions within the regime that have not been entirely won over by the youthful and inexperienced Kim Jong-Un.
Another advantage that Kim Pyong-Il has, they say, is his similarity to his father, a man who died in July 1994 but is still revered in North Korea.

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