jueves, julio 07, 2011

Iran Approaching Fission? I’m Talking Politics, not Nukes…

The mullahs have stepped up their tempo of killing, both at home and abroad.  The main difference is that the Iranian citizens who are tortured and executed are slaughtered by fellow-Iranians.  Our guys and our friends and allies are gunned down, or, more often, blown up, by proxies.  As I have said before, the Iranians dread direct confrontation with other countries, both because they have no confidence in the loyalty of their armed forces (including the thoroughly corrupted Revolutionary Guards Corps), and because it’s not their way.  They prefer to kill stealthily, not openly.  You may have noticed that when the Saudis sent troops to help their neighbors in Bahrain put down an Iranian-inspired insurrection, the Tehran regime first thumped its chest  and promised to send the Guards to fight it out.  Then… nothing happened.  They just slinked away, back into their caves.
Call it the mullahs’ way of war.  Let someone else die for you, avoid exposure, and never ever risk your own skin. And  they pay heavily for it. As some Israeli analysts have written,
It can be assumed that the Sunni camp, headed by Saudi Arabia, is fully aware of the political and military significance of Iran’s weakness and its unwillingness to initiate face-to-face conflict. This will have ramifications on both the regional and the global levels.
by Michael Ledeen

The proxy killings are on the front pages: Iraq and Afghanistan, with American forces on the way out, are prime targets for Iran’s clients, as our military commanders—including Robert Gates, now departed from the Pentagon—and yesterday, Ambassador Jeffries in Iraq, have been telling anyone who cares to listen.  If my information is right, we will see lots more of this, as well as similar havoc in Africa, where the Iranians have considerable appetite for terror bases, commercial agreements, and basing rights.
The direct slaughter at home is not so well covered in the popular press, but Iranians see it every day.  Over the weekend, more than fifty executions were publicly announced, and poor souls are rounded up for outrageous prison terms.  Crackdowns on “immoral” behavior (the wrong sort of haircut, the wrong sort of head scarf) are intensifying, and women are now forbidden to enter coffee and tea bars where hookahs are in use.


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