viernes, abril 08, 2011

#Cuba Symposium: Where the academy meets conspires

Havana Times  who proclaimed itself as an open-minded writting from Cuba published a brief about The Cuban Symposy.

Opening night plenary featured Robert Pastor, U.S. national security advisor on Latin America and the Caribbean during the Carter administration, who led the first secret negotiations with the Cuban government after diplomatic ties were severed in the early 60′s.

Last week hundreds of scholars gathered at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center  to share their Cuba related research and projects;  to discuss the island’s current affairs, history and future; and to enjoy each other’s anecdotes about their travels to the country where most US citizens are still forbidden to go.
The more than 50 panels covered a wide range of topics such as literature, biotechnology, race and gender, the colonial period, José Martí, social theory, religion, the diaspora, and tourism. To browse through or read the more than 200 papers presented at the Cuba Futures event, check the Bildner Center website from time to time where they will all be published eventually. The following is just a peek at some of the event highlights which addressed US-Cuba relations, the Cuban economy, humanitarian assistance, and digital media and included intimate discussions with legends of Cuban literature and Latin Jazz.

[Photo: Camila Pineiro, Barbarroja & Martha Hanecker's daughter]

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