jueves, febrero 24, 2011

Standoff! Nation of Islam confronts Secret Service

Stewart Stogel
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Louis Farrakhan
NEW YORK – Secret Service agents and security officers of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam engaged in what the White House called a "standoff" near President Barack Obama's Chicago home last night.
Obama, who is spending the holiday weekend in Chicago, decided to pay a visit to a friend, Marty Nesbitt, for an old-fashioned barbeque.
Nesbitt, however, is a neighbor to the controversial Farrakhan, and that is when problems began.
According to White House press pool reports obtained by WND, a group of reporters were staking out the Obama family and were holding on a city street in front of the Farrakhan mansion.
At one point, the Secret Service allowed reporters off the van they were traveling in to get some fresh air.
About a dozen journalists congregated on the sidewalk in front of the Farrakhan home, which quickly prompted a visit by a so-called "polite man," who asked the group "to stay off the grass," though the White House pooler insisted they were on city property.
The Farrakhan agent eventually asked the accompanying Secret Service officer to "move the van and its occupants," an interaction that soon escalated to a contest of machismo between Nation of Islam officers and the Secret Service.

Read more: Standoff! Nation of Islam confronts Secret Service http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=160417#ixzz1Eto4ZGQB

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