jueves, febrero 24, 2011

FBI: Muslim Brotherhood deeply rooted inside U.S.

Al Gore, top Muslim Brotherhood leader Abdurahman Alamoudi and Bill Clinton
By Paul Sperry
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Staff investigators with the House and Senate intelligence committees say they are probing the domestic security threat posed by the radical Muslim Brotherhood and, specifically, whether Brotherhood operatives have penetrated the U.S. government.
The true nature, ambitions and global reach of the Cairo-based Muslim Brotherhood suddenly have become the focus of debate in Washington, following unrest in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East.
As the Muslim Brotherhood threatens to effectively replace Egypt's secular, pro-Western regime, the tentacles of its worldwide jihadist movement have reached deep into the Muslim community in America. Shockingly, federal court documents reveal that virtually every major Muslim organization in America is a front group for the Brotherhood. They also show that its U.S. network has raised millions of dollars for Hamas, al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.
"The most prominent Islamic organizations in the United States are all controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood," said FBI veteran John Guandolo, who worked several Brotherhood-related terror cases out of the bureau's Washington field office as a special agent after 9/11.
Read the inside story about plans to put America under Shariah, in "Muslim Mafia."

Read more: FBI: Muslim Brotherhood deeply rooted inside U.S. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=266725#ixzz1Etqmcfp8

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