domingo, febrero 27, 2011

On the Money: Make Moscow global financial center?

Developing Russia's financial sector. With the global financial crisis of 2008--2010 underlining the need to develop the Russian financial sector, the call by President Medvedev to place Moscow on the map of global financial centers has met a range of replies -- from disparagement to support for what is seen as a legitimate need for corporate Russia. On the Money spoke with industry players to look at the issues involved. Peter Lavelle's guests are:
Alexey Moiseev, VTB Capital, head of macroeconomic analysis. Before joining VTB Capital's Research team Alexey Moiseev has worked as an analyst at both Russian and international financial institutions, after starting his career at the Central Bank of Russia. Prior to VTB, Moiseev was head of Head of Fixed Income Research at Renaissance Capital for six years.
Hawk Sunshine, IFC METROPOL, managing director; Portfolio Investments. Hawk Sunshine has worked in Russian capital markets since 1997 (for Sovlink, DeutscheBank, Rosinter).

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