lunes, febrero 28, 2011

Gadhafi’s Son on Video: “We Need High Spirits”/ Video

Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, the second-oldest child of Libya’s leader Moammar Gadhafi and one of his advisers, is shown trying to rally supporters of his father’s regime in a recent video. Though it’s not clear when the video was shot, Saif echoes statements made by his father in the last few days.  In the video, parts of which were shown by pan-Arab broadcaster Arabiya, Saif  plays down reports of defections of police and military officials, and blames the unrest on foreign agents.  At several points the group clamors for more weapons, which Saif, standing on a vehicle and wielding an assault rifle, promises to bring along with more supporters.

Saif: Wait my brothers, we are busy, but I came here specifically. Everyone, morale needs to be up high!
**Crowd chants**
Saif: My brothers, my brothers, I want to tell you something I want to tell you something. Wait my brothers. Please, listen. The people, they're saying rumours, they're saying that the police have ran away, that the police have joined the hooligans. Today we show them that the police are with Libya.
Crowd: God is greater!
Guys calm down!
Saif: Alright, let me tell you something
Crowd: We want weapons, we need weapons!
Saif: Listen, just listen. Reinforcements are coming to you. We'll be bringing you means, weapons, our situation is good, we are victorious...
Crowd chant: God, Mu'ammar (Gaddafi) and Libya!
More chanting: Despicable Al Jazeera! Our leader, we want no one else!
Saif: Guys! My brothers. Today, we are NOT inviting you to rice and meat (not fooling around)...
Crowd: This is our country! God is greater!
Saif: Listen, this is your country today!
Crowd: We'll teach them! We'll get it back! We'll reclaim it back!
Crowd chant: Despicable Al Jazeera! Our leader, we want no one else!
Crowd chant: The people, want, Mu'ammar the Colonel!
Saif: I am now going to go, but I will send you all the means you require. But your country, don't leave it to those reckless guys. Those who you will meet and face you, we've seen them, they're nothing..
Crowd: Reckless guys, the ones who take the pills...
Saif: Listen my brothers, today, today, you are Tripoli.
Crowd chant: With our souls, with our blood, we sacrifice ourselves to you our leader!
Saif: Listen, I'm going now, but today, I will send you the support. And tonight, I want...........[unclear]
Crowd go insane: God, Mu'ammar and Libya!
Crowd: Keep on challening! Our only leader!

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