lunes, mayo 18, 2015

Obama the Magnificent

You have to give President Obama credit: he is a transformational figure, and the American media are loath to give him the credit he deserves. Of course, the transformation he has had in mind and has partially accomplished had to be covert, for the American voters would never have chosen this course knowingly. For the scope of the change he has wrought, as well as the cleverness of his strategy, sooner or later the Islamic world is bound to proclaim him, “Obama the Magnificent.”
The domestic aspect of the makeover is the lesser achievement.
When the Mohammed cartoon contest in Garland, Texas was attacked by two jihadists with assault weapons and possibly bombs, a single Texas off-duty cop took out both attackers with his service pistol. Apparently Texas is the only place in the world that can cope with jihadist assaults. In one fierce action that unknown cop made a solid case for the Second Amendment.
But our Islamophile media mob instantly blamed the victim. Pamela Geller was verbally smeared for standing up against Islamo-fascism. Apparently religious fanatics from the 7th century desert have no need to control their own behavior. They have just become as inevitable as death and taxes.
 Muslims around the world got that message: Don’t mess with Texas, but the US media are eager to surrender. It’s just a matter of cranking up the threat.
Our media mob is all for the First Amendment except when it’s dangerous to do so.
But partial control of the media is not enough for Obama the Magnificent. President Obama recently  hinted at forcing Fox News to stop disagreeing with him (“we're going to have to change how the media reports on these issues”).  Our fearless leader is so deeply fixated that he can’t imagine being wrong. Obama has a Napoleonic mindset, with no real precedent in American history. But Napoleonic delusions are common enough in one-party dictatorships.
The president must have been told a thousand times that Iranian nukes would trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East -- by our military, by the Saudis, the Israelis, the French, the Russians. He never listened, and just made more and more concessions to Iran’s nukes -- while lying about it to the world.
Today the nuclear arms race is heating up in the most unstable region in the world, and no serious person believes Obama anymore.

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